This Week in USA

Remembrance of the Daleks: Part Three
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:00pm-11:30pm EDT (03:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Dursley McLinden, Pamela Salem, Simon Williams
The Doctor discovers the difference between the two Dalek factions and why they want a stellar manipulator. He hopes Captain Gilmore's people are up to the task ahead
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 20th October 2004:
WYBE Philadelphia, PA
analog 35
digital 35-1 (34-1)
Philadelphia DirecTV 35,909
Philadelphia Dish 35,8162
Saturday 11PM EDT Remembrance of the Daleks pts 3+4 of 4
Series 25, Episodes 3 through 4. Doctor: Sylvester McCoy.
Two Dalek armies are battling for the Hand Of Omega. The 7th Doctor wants one faction to get it for reasons unrevealed as yet. But some humans get in the way again.
WYBE Philadelphia, PA
analog 35
digital 35-1 (34-1)
Philadelphia DirecTV 35,909
Philadelphia Dish 35,8162
Saturday 11PM EDT Remembrance of the Daleks pts 3+4 of 4
Series 25, Episodes 3 through 4. Doctor: Sylvester McCoy.
Two Dalek armies are battling for the Hand Of Omega. The 7th Doctor wants one faction to get it for reasons unrevealed as yet. But some humans get in the way again.