This Week in USA

City of Death: Part One
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:30pm-12:00am EST (04:30 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, Tom Chadbon, Julian Glover, Catherine Schell
While on holiday in Paris, the Doctor and Romana experience a time distortion. At the Louvre, someone is taking an unusual amount of interest in the Mona Lisa.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 26th February 2003:
WYBE Philadelphia, PA
analog 35
digital (34) - coming 2003
Philadelphia DirecTV Local 35,909
Philadelphia Dish Local 8162,35
Sat 11PM EST Destiny of the Daleks pt 4 of 4
The Movellans plan to use Davros' knowledge and non-robotic instinct to conquer the universe. Dunno how they planned to use an evil genius to help them against his will. Dunno how they thought they could conquer the universe in hippy hair and platform shoes either. They come across as completely safe and harmless. Wait a minute - that's their secret.
Sat 11:30PM EST City of Death pt 1 of 4
The 4th Doctor and Romana vacation in Paris, France in 1979 in the first Doctor Who story with extensive overseas filming. Julian Glover plays the evil Count Scarlioni, a man of mystery. Douglas Adams' most famous story (well, the most famous Douglas Adams story made under a psydonym, anyway).
WYBE Philadelphia, PA
analog 35
digital (34) - coming 2003
Philadelphia DirecTV Local 35,909
Philadelphia Dish Local 8162,35
Sat 11PM EST Destiny of the Daleks pt 4 of 4
The Movellans plan to use Davros' knowledge and non-robotic instinct to conquer the universe. Dunno how they planned to use an evil genius to help them against his will. Dunno how they thought they could conquer the universe in hippy hair and platform shoes either. They come across as completely safe and harmless. Wait a minute - that's their secret.
Sat 11:30PM EST City of Death pt 1 of 4
The 4th Doctor and Romana vacation in Paris, France in 1979 in the first Doctor Who story with extensive overseas filming. Julian Glover plays the evil Count Scarlioni, a man of mystery. Douglas Adams' most famous story (well, the most famous Douglas Adams story made under a psydonym, anyway).