This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Russia

See broadcasts for SyFy UniversalDoomsday

Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Monday 19th July 2010
6:30pm MSD (14:30 GMT) < > « »
SyFy Universal
Featuring: David Tennant, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Camille Coduri, Shaun Dingwall, Andrew Hayden-Smith, Peter McKinstry, Tracy-Ann Oberman

As the human race is caught in a war between Daleks and Cybermen, the Doctor faces losing Rose.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Saturday 17th July 2010:
SyFy Universal Russia
All times Moscow.
19 July 6:30PM, 20 July 12:40PM 2006-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2
20 July 6:30PM, 21 July 12:40PM 2005-01 Rose
21 July 6:30PM, 22 July 12:40PM 2005-02 The End Of The World
22 July 6:30PM, 23 July 12:40PM 2005-03 The Unquiet Dead
23 July 6:30PM 2005-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2

26 July 6:30PM, 27 July 12:40PM 2005-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
27 July 6:30PM, 28 July 12:40PM 2005-06 Dalek
28 July 6:30PM, 29 July 12:40PM 2005-07 The Long Game
29 July 6:30PM, 30 July 12:40PM 2005-08 Father's Day
30 July 6:30PM 2005-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2