This Week in USA
The Poison Sky
Last updated 02 January 2017
5:00pm-6:00pm EDT (21:00 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: David Tennant, Freema Agyeman, Bernard Cribbins, Catherine Tate, Jacqueline King, Christopher Ryan, Ryan Sampson
Continuing from the end of "The Sontaran Stratagem", the Sontarans launch the attack with their poison gas slowly encircling the Earth. The Doctor—impeded by a Sontaran-controlled clone of Martha—aids UNIT in repelling the Sontarans in the ATMOS factory while Donna infiltrates the Sontarans' warship. He decides to try and burn the poison gas that now encircles the Earth and with the help of th...
Synopsis Source: EBRU
Broadcast Source: EBRU