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See broadcasts for BBC KidsDestiny of the Daleks: Episode Three

Last updated 13 January 2025
Destiny of the Daleks: Episode Three
Broadcast: Wednesday 13th August 2003
12:00am-12:30am EDT (04:00 GMT) < > « »
BBC Kids
Featuring: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, Suzanne Danielle, David Gooderson

Davros has awoken from his centuries-long slumber and is taken prisoner by the Doctor before the Daleks can reach him. But the Daleks will stop at nothing to recover their creator.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 6th August 2003:
BBC Kids
Weeknights 2 episodes Midnight + 4AM EDT (9PM + 1AM PDT)
Saturday/Sunday complete stories Midnight + 3:30AM EDT (9PM + 12:30AM PDT)
Wed The Armageddon Factor pts 1+2 of 6
Thu The Armageddon Factor pts 3+4 of 6
Fri The Armageddon Factor pts 5+6 of 6

See UK Gold for details.
Sat The Keeper of Traken all 4 pts
A plea for help brings the 4th Doctor and Adric to Traken, where a calcified statue of evil is trying to bring about chaos and destruction. The statue seems to know the Doctor all too well.
Sun Logopolis all 4 pts
The Master stalks the 4th Doctor as he tries to repair the TARDIS. Alas, the Master's desire for power goes a little too far this time, and only the Doctor can save the Master's bacon.
Mon Destiny of the Daleks pts 1+2 of 4
Tue Destiny of the Daleks pts 3+4 of 4

Lalla Ward takes over as Romana in a story where the 4th Doctor discovers mystery and evil on the planet Skaro.