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See broadcasts for BBC KidsRobot: Part One

Last updated 13 January 2025
Robot: Part One
Broadcast: Tuesday 30th July 2002
4:00am-4:30am EDT (08:00 GMT) < > « »
BBC Kids
Featuring: Tom Baker, Nicholas Courtney, Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Patricia Maynard

UNIT are called in when top secret plans and valuable equipment is stolen from high security establishments. The newly regenerated Doctor suggests that the thief may not be human.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 24th July 2002:
BBC Kids
Weeknights 7:30PM, 10:30PM, 2AM, 4AM EDT (4:30PM, 7:30PM, 11PM, 1AM PDT)
*Weeknight episodes are NEW to BBC Kids through 26 July. Weekends are reruns.*
Saturdays 3:30PM, 10:30PM EDT (12:30PM, 7:30PM PDT) - complete stories
Sundays 3:30PM, 10:30PM EDT (12:30PM, 7:30PM PDT) - complete stories
Wed-Fri The Power of Kroll pts 2 - 4 of 4
The 5th segment of the Key To Time will have to wait - the 4th Doctor and Romana have to escape the clutches of Swamp people who want them dead, and avoid methane miners who want them dead. And it seems that someone has awakened Kroll, a sea creature of incredible size, who doesn't care if you're dead or alive, as long as he can eat you. BBC Kids ends the current batch of new episodes with a bit of a cliffhanger - they aren't airing The Armageddon Factor, which concludes the Key To Time season. Maybe next time.
Sat The Invasion of Time all 6 pts
The 4th Doctor becomes President of Gallifrey just in time for an alien invasion. Leela discovers love. K9 discovers a love for blowing things up. And Borusa develops a brain. Take the telephone off the hook, turn off any instant messenger programs on your computer, and sit back for Doctor Who.
Sun The Ribos Operation all 4 pts
After some strong-arming by the White Guardian, the 4th Doctor and new companion Romana begin a quest for the segments of the Key To Time. The first segment is hidden on the planet Ribos, where two rogues are engaged in a daring plot to make money selling a planet they don't own to an insane military commander.
Mon-Tue Robot pts 1 - 2 of 4
Newly regenerated, the 4th Doctor (Tom Baker) is a man whose identity is still in flux. But mysterious robberies and murders will not wait - UNIT needs the Doctor, whether he likes it or not.