This Week in Canada

Genesis of the Daleks: Part Three
Last updated 13 January 2025
2:00am-2:30am EST (07:00 GMT) < > « »
BBC Kids

Featuring: Tom Baker, Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Peter Miles, Michael Wisher
The Doctor informs the Kaled government of Davros's experiments and they move to shut down the bunker. But Davros is one step ahead and prepares to take drastic action.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 16th November 2001:
BBC Kids
Weekdays 7:30PM, 10:30PM, 2AM, 4AM EST (4:30PM, 7:30PM, 11PM, 1AM PST)
Fri The Sontaran Experiment ep 2 of 2
Mon-Fri Genesis of the Daleks eps 1 - 5 of 6
7. Son-tar-ans Want To Con-quer Earth
Po-ta-to Heads Of Doom
And Then Doc-Tor Goes To Ska-ro
World Of Bio-haz-zard Gloom
Time Lords Want Da-lek His-to-ry
Changed Be-yond Re-pair
If Ne-ces-sa-ry Da-leks Must Dis-ap-pear In Thin Air.
BBC Kids
Weekdays 7:30PM, 10:30PM, 2AM, 4AM EST (4:30PM, 7:30PM, 11PM, 1AM PST)
Fri The Sontaran Experiment ep 2 of 2
Mon-Fri Genesis of the Daleks eps 1 - 5 of 6
7. Son-tar-ans Want To Con-quer Earth
Po-ta-to Heads Of Doom
And Then Doc-Tor Goes To Ska-ro
World Of Bio-haz-zard Gloom
Time Lords Want Da-lek His-to-ry
Changed Be-yond Re-pair
If Ne-ces-sa-ry Da-leks Must Dis-ap-pear In Thin Air.