This Week in USA

The Time of the Doctor (Episode #203)
Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Thursday 21st January 2016
9:57pm-11:02pm CST (03:57 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: And introducing Peter Capaldi, Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman, With Karen Gillan, Orla Brady, Jack Hollington, Rob Jarvis, Tessa Peake-Jones
Synopsis Source: KLRU website listing
9:57pm-11:02pm CST (03:57 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: And introducing Peter Capaldi, Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman, With Karen Gillan, Orla Brady, Jack Hollington, Rob Jarvis, Tessa Peake-Jones
"The Time of the Doctor" features the final appearance of Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor and the first regular appearance of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor. Janna Coleman is featured as the Doctor's companion Clara Oswald. This episode includes several enemies of the Doctor from the Cybermen, Silence, Daleks and Weeping Angels. Oh my!
Synopsis Source: KLRU website listing
Broadcast Source: KLRU