This Week in USA

The Second Doctor
Last updated 02 January 2017
8:00pm-8:30pm EST (01:00 GMT) < > « »

BBC America

Featuring: John Barrowman, Neil Gaiman, Frazer Hines, Steven Moffat, Wendy Padbury, Caroline Skinner, David Tennant
Take an in-depth look at the second incarnation of the truly timeless Time Lord, who brought a new energy, impish charm & boundless enthusiasm to the role, and meet his fearless Scottish highlander companion, Jamie McCrimmon. Plus, get a close look at one of his most iconic foes, the Cybermen! With exclusive interviews with stars DAVID TENNANT & JOHN BARROWMAN, Lead Writer and Executive Producer STEVEN MOFFAT, Executive Producer CARO SKINNER, and more!
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: BBC America