This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 37: 17-23 Sep 2022 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 17 September

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
Robot: Part One

While an exhausted Doctor falls asleep, a robot steals blueprints for a disintegrator gun.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
Robot: Part Two

The Doctor helps the Brigadier investigate the culprit behind a series of crimes.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Robot: Part Three

The Doctor and Sarah realize that Hilda Winters, a director for Think Tank, programmed the robot that stole a disintegrator gun. The organization planned to start a nuclear war, eventually win and rule the world.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Robot: Part Four

While Think Tank hides in a bunker waiting for the nuclear holocaust to begin, the Doctor is in a frantic effort to stop the organization from achieving their goal of world domination.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
11:00pm CDT
The Keeper of Traken

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:00pm PDT
The Seeds of Death: Episode Five
(Repeated: Sun 4:00am PDT)

The Doctor tries to outwit Ice Warriors.

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:30pm PDT
The Seeds of Death: Episode Six
(Repeated: Sun 4:30am PDT)

The Doctor races to save Earth.

Sunday 18 September

Monday 19 September

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EDT
The Ark In Space: Part One

When TARDIS explores an abandoned space station they find the last survivors of Earth.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EDT
The Ark In Space: Part Two

An insect life form has laid eggs that infect one of the re-animated human beings.

Tuesday 20 September

Show broadcasts for BBC America
4:10am EDT
War of The Sontarans: Flux: Chapter Two

In the Crimean War, the Doctor discovers the British army fighting a brutal alien army of Sontarans, as Yaz and Dan are thrown deeper into a battle for survival.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EDT
The Ark In Space: Part Three

The Doctor and friends attempt to lure the Wirrn hatchlings towards a shuttlecraft.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EDT
The Ark In Space: Part Four

Although fully changed into a Wirrn, the human in Noah tries desperately to break through.

Wednesday 21 September

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EDT
The Sontaran Experiment: Part One

Harry and Sarah walk into a trap while the Doctor solves a mystery.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EDT
The Sontaran Experiment: Part Two

Harry and Sarah walk into a trap while the Doctor solves a mystery.

Thursday 22 September

Show broadcasts for EBRU
8:00pm EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EDT
Revenge of the Cybermen: Part One

The Doctor and friends discover a plot to destroy the newest moon of Jupiter.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EDT
Revenge of the Cybermen: Part Two

The Cybermen want to destroy Voga because it's made of a substance that can kill them.

Friday 23 September

Show broadcasts for EBRU
12:00am EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Show broadcasts for BBC America
5:00am EDT
Knock Knock

A sinister landlord shows Bill and her friends a "perfect" house to share.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EDT
Revenge of the Cybermen: Part Three

The Doctor returns to the Ark to recover the Tardis, but things have changed.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EDT
Revenge of the Cybermen: Part Four