This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 12: 21-27 Mar 2020 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 21 March

Show broadcasts for Miscellaneous PBS Channels
12:30am EDT
WETA: Antiques Roadshow: Entertainment Special (Related)

On the set of "EastEnders", a celebration of the history of film, music, theatre and television; the team appraise rare and unusual items of entertainment memorabilia, including a script for the first episode of "Doctor Who."

Show broadcasts for Miscellaneous PBS Channels
11:30am CDT
KOOD: Make It Artsy: Fresh Colors (Related)

A pop-up card inspired by Dr. Who and metallic colors; unique bangles with colored gemstones; unconventional color palettes.

Show broadcasts for Twitter
7:00pm GMT
#DoctorWhoLockdown: The Day Of The Doctor

What this country really needs, right now, is a Doctor! So I’ve had an idea... This Saturday 21 March let’s simulcast The Day of the Doctor from our homes starting at 7pm. Use #SaveTheDay to join a live chat! Who’s up for it? #DoctorWho

A planned shared viewing of The Day of The Doctor worldwide, with people watching via local media (DVD/BluRay, streaming service, etc.)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Five

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Six

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Horror of Fang Rock: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Horror of Fang Rock: Part Two

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Robots of Death

The Doctor lands aboard a sandminer, whose crew are being murdered one by one.

Pre-empted by Lionel Richie at Glastonbury on 1st March, Mumford & Sons - Live from South Africa: Dust And Thunder on 8th March, and The Highwaymen Live at Nassau Coliseum on 15th March.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
11:00pm CDT
S McCoy Movies: Delta and the Bannermen

Pre-empted on 29 Feb by Story Songs (My Music), 7 Mar by Chuck Berry: Brown-Eyed Handsome Man, and 14 Mar by Change Your Brain, Heal Your Mind with Daniel Amen, MD.

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:00pm PDT
Warriors' Gate: Part Four
(Repeated: Sun 4:00am PDT)

Romana surprises the Doctor.

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:30pm PDT
The Keeper of Traken: Part One
(Repeated: Sun 4:30am PDT)

The Doctor is called to a planet that is approaching a period of trial as its Keeper nears the end of his control.

Sunday 22 March

Monday 23 March

Tuesday 24 March

Wednesday 25 March

Thursday 26 March

Show broadcasts for Twitter
7:00pm GMT
#DoctorWhoLockdown: Rose

Seeing as some of us are going to be isolated at home for the foreseeable, fancy watching some more Doctor Who together?! I propose a communal rewatch of:


Rose on 26 March (on its 15th anniversary)


Join in with #TripOfALifetime.

A planned shared viewing of Rose worldwide, with people watching via local media (DVD/BluRay, streaming service, etc.)

Show broadcasts for EBRU
8:00pm EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EDT
The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 5

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EDT
The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 6

Friday 27 March