This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 42: 21-27 Oct 2017 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 21 October

Show broadcasts for WYCC
5:30am CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Talons of Weng-Chiang - Part 1 of 2

In Victorian London, Dr. Who investigates a murder. First of two parts. Louise Jameson. Weng-Chiang: Michael Spice. Li H'sen Chang: John Bennett.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
6:50am CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Talons of Weng-Chiang - Part 2 of 2

Conclusion. Tom Baker. Leela: Louise Jameson. Weng-Chiang: Michael Spice. Li H'sen Chang: John Bennett. Jago: {p[Christopher Benjamin}}. Litefoot: Trevor Baxter. Sin: Deep Roy.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
8:00am CDT
Peter Davison Movies: Enlightenment

The Doctor encounters highly advanced reptiles. Monarch: Stratford Johns. Nyssa: Sarah Sutton. Persuasion: Paul Shelley. Enlightenment: Annie Lambert. Adric: Matthew Waterhouse.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
9:30am CDT
Colin Baker Movies: Trial of a Time Lord - The Ultimate Foe

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
The Monster of Peladon: Part Six

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
Planet of the Spiders: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Planet of the Spiders: Part Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Planet of the Spiders: Part Three

Show broadcasts for WFWA
10:00pm EDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Invisible Enemy

The nucleus of the virus settles in the Doctor's brain. Tom Baker, Louise Jameson. Marius: Frederick Jaeger. Lowe: Michael Sheard. Parsons: Roy Herrick.

Originally in schedules as The Hand Of Fear at 9:30pm.

Show broadcasts for WSRE
10:00pm CDT
Colin Baker Movies: Trial of a Time Lord - Mindwarp

Show broadcasts for WILL
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Face Of Evil

The TARDIS arrives on a planet where a savage tribe called the Sevateem worship a god called Xoanon. The Doctor discovers that Xoanon is in fact a spaceship computer that he tried to repair at some point in his past and inadvertently drove mad by giving it a multiple personality.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: Full Circle

Dr. Who and Romana are diverted to Alzarius on a voyage home. Dr. Who: Tom Baker. Romana: Lalla Ward. Varsh: Richard Willis. Login: George Baker. Adric: Matthew Waterhouse.

Show broadcasts for KPTS
10:00pm CDT
The Power of Kroll: Part Three

The Swampies offer the Doctor, Romana and Rohm-Dutt as sacrifices to Kroll.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
10:29pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Face Of Evil

The TARDIS arrives on a planet where a savage tribe called the Sevateem worship a god called Xoanon. The Doctor discovers that Xoanon is in fact a spaceship computer that he tried to repair at some point in his past and inadvertently drove mad by giving it a multiple personality.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Sontaran Experiment

The Doctor, Sarah and Harry come across a crew of shipwrecked astronauts after being lured by their fake distress call. The Doctor soon discovers the astronauts are being experimented on by the Sontarans in preparation of a full-scale invasion of Earth.

Show broadcasts for PBS North
11:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Armageddon Factor - Part 2 of 2

The Doctor and Romana's search for the Key to Time leads them to warring planets Atrios and Zeos. Tom Baker, Mary Tamm. Shadow: William Squire. Marshal: {p[John Woodvine}}. Princess Astra: Lalla Ward.

The Doctor and Romana's search for the Key to Time leads to the warring planets of Atrios and Zeos. Tom Baker, Mary Tamm. Shadow: William Squire. Marshal: John Woodvine.

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
Tom Baker Movies: Meglos

The Doctor is invited to visit the planet Tigella by its leader, Zastor, who has become concerned about disputes between his people's two opposing factions, the religious Deons and the scientist Savants. The TARDIS is intercepted by the megalomaniacal xerophyte Meglos, last survivor of the planet Zolfa-Thura, and trapped in a chronic hysteresis - a time loop - but the Doctor and Romana manage to free it.

Sunday 22 October

Saturday 21 October

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:01pm PDT
Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 1
(Repeated: Sun 4:00am PDT)

Part 1 of two. The energy from an atomic-research center awakens a hibernating race of intelligent reptiles. The Doctor: Jon Pertwee. Liz: Caroline John. Spencer: John Newman.

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:30pm PDT
Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 2
(Repeated: Sun 4:30am PDT)

Sunday 22 October

Show broadcasts for EBRU
11:00am EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)
(Repeated: Sun 12:00pm EDT)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
4:00pm EDT
Robot: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
4:30pm EDT
Robot: Part Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
5:00pm EDT
Robot: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
5:30pm EDT
Robot: Part Four

Show broadcasts for WETA-UK
11:00pm EDT
Peter Davison Movies: Snakedance
(Repeated: Tue 3:00am EDT)

The Doctor works against time to save the Manussians from the power of the Mara. Peter Davison. Tegan: Janet Fielding. Lon: Martin Clunes. Tanha: Colette O'Neil. Dojjen: Preston Lockwood.

Monday 23 October

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Voyage of the Damned

Kylie Minogue joins Doctor Who to play Astrid, a waitress on a doomed spaceship that eerily resembles the Titanic. When a meteor hits, Astrid and The Doctor must protect the survivors from and prevent the whole ship from crashing to Earth.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:30am EDT
The Return Of Doctor Mysterio

The Doctor join forces with a masked Superhero for an epic New York adventure. With brain-swapping aliens poised to attack, the Doctor and Nardole link up with an investigative reporter and a mysterious figure known only as The Ghost.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:50am EDT
The Pilot

Two worlds collide when the Doctor meets Bill. A chance encounter with a girl with a star in her eye leads to a chase across time and space. Bill's mind is opened to a Universe that is bigger and more exciting than she could possibly have imagined.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
1:00pm EDT

The language of the future is emoji! The Doctor takes Bill to a spectacular city on a distant planet, but where are the colonists? A band of "cute" droids hold the deadly answer.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Two

Tuesday 24 October

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Thin Ice

London, 1814. The entire city has turned out for the biggest Frost Fair in decades! But beneath the Thames, revelers are disappearing, snatched through the ice. Will the Doctor and Bill stop the slaughter before they too are dragged into the icy waters?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
Knock Knock

Why do floorboards creak? When a sinister landlord shows Bill and her friends the perfect house-share, they have no idea what lies ahead. Knock knock, who's there?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT

Space, the final frontier. Final because it wants to kill us. Trapped on a space station with no oxygen, the Doctor, Bill and Nardole are horrified to discover the automated spacesuits keeping them alive are also trying to kill them!

Show broadcasts for BBC America
12:00pm EDT

The Veritas. The truth. Truth so true you can't live with it. Is that looking into hell or seeing the light? Everyone who has ever read the Veritas has been found dead.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
1:00pm EDT
The Pyramid At The End Of The World
(Repeated: Wed 9:00am EDT)

An 'ancient' pyramid appears overnight. Every clock in the world begins counting down to the Earth's destruction. Three opposing armies lie ready to annihilate each other. It's a terrifying race against time to save the world!

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Four

Wednesday 25 October

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
The Lie Of The Land

Earth has been invaded and Bill is living alone, an isolated figure surviving in occupied Britain. The Doctor is imprisoned, and appears to be on the side of the enemy, flooding the airwaves with fake news.


Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Empress Of Mars

'God save the Queen' has been scrawled on the surface of Mars. What are Victorians doing on the home of the Ice Warriors? And what will they find beneath the Martian soil?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
12:00pm EDT
The Eaters of Light

A hunt for the lost Ninth Roman Legion leads the Doctor,Bill and Nardole into the middle of an ancient battle that could cast humanity into the dark forever. What is inside the cairn? And how far will they have to go defeat the terrifying Eaters of Light?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
1:00pm EDT
World Enough And Time

A huge spaceship trapped in the gravity well of a black hole, teeming with impossible lifeforms, harbors one of the Doctor's most feared enemies, Mondasian Cybermen!

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Five

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Six

Thursday 26 October

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Christmas Invasion

Can Rose trust a man with a new face? As the newly regenerated Doctor drifts in and out of consciousness, Christmas becomes a time of terror on planet Earth when the whole of mankind falls under the shadow of the sinister alien Sycorax.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
New Earth
(Repeated: Fri 10:00am EDT)

The Doctor and Rose board the Tardis and visit mankind's new home but they find gruesome secrets in a luxury hospital.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Tooth and Claw
(Repeated: Fri 11:00am EDT)

The Doctor and Rose travel back to 1879, but an encounter in the Scottish Highlands with Queen Victoria and a band of warrior monks reveals a deadly trap.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
12:00pm EDT
School Reunion

The Doctor investigates a haunted London school and runs into an old friend.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
1:00pm EDT
The Girl in the Fireplace

Madame de Pompadour finds the court at Versailles under attack by sinister clockwork killers and her only hope of salvation lies with the Doctor.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Horror of Fang Rock: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Horror of Fang Rock: Part Two

Show broadcasts for EBRU
8:00pm EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Friday 27 October

Show broadcasts for EBRU
12:00am EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Runaway Bride

No sooner has the Doctor said a tear-stained farewell to Rose Tyler than he finds himself face-to-face with a woman dressed in a fluffy white wedding frock. Who is she? Who is she supposed to be marrying? And how did she get on board the TARDIS?

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Horror of Fang Rock: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Horror of Fang Rock: Part Four