This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 39: 26 Sep - 2 Oct 2015 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 26 September

Show broadcasts for Disney XD
2:30am EDT
The Age of Steel

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
4:00pm EDT
The Family of Blood

Show broadcasts for WGVU Michigan
4:00pm EDT
Into the Dalek

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
4:45pm EDT
Bad Blood (Factual)

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
5:00pm EDT
Pertwee Movies: The Daemons - Part 1 Of 2
(Repeated: Fri 12:00pm EDT)

Scheduled for one hour, suggesting that this is the first two episodes plus half of the third episode.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
The Hand Of Fear: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
The Hand Of Fear: Part Four

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Deadly Assassin: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Deadly Assassin: Part Two

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00pm EDT
The Magician's Apprentice
(Repeated: Sun 4:00am EDT)

"Where is the Doctor?" When the skies of Earth are frozen by a mysterious alien force, Clara needs her friend. But where is the Doctor, and what is he hiding from? As past deeds come back to haunt him, old enemies will come face-to-face.

Show broadcasts for KRWG
7:00pm MDT
Genesis of the Daleks: Part Two
(Repeated: Sun 1:00am MDT)

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00pm EDT
The Witch's Familiar

Part 2. Trapped and alone in a terrifying Dalek city, the Doctor is at the heart of an evil Empire; no sonic, no TARDIS, nobody to help. With his greatest temptation before him, can the Doctor resist? And will there be mercy?

Show broadcasts for Wisconsin Public Television
9:00pm CDT
The Time of the Doctor
(Repeated: Sun 3:30am CDT)

A public television favorite, Doctor Who follows the Doctor and his companion as they side-step danger while exploring time and space.

Show broadcasts for OETA DT2
9:00pm CDT
Robot Of Sherwood

The Doctor joins forces with Robin Hood when robots threaten Sherwood Forest. Together, they work to end the evil reign of the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Show broadcasts for KPTS
9:00pm CDT
The Face of Evil: Part Two

The Doctor becomes a prisoner of the tribesmen. Leela: Louise Jameson. Neeva: David Garfield. Andor: Victor Lucas. Guard: Brett Forrest. Tomas: Brendan Price. Calib: Leslie Schofield. Xoanon: Rob Edwards.

Show broadcasts for Disney XD
10:30pm EDT
Human Nature
(Repeated: Sun 2:30am EDT)

Show broadcasts for WILL
10:00pm CDT
Robot Of Sherwood

Show broadcasts for UNC-TV
11:00pm EDT
(Repeated: Mon 4:00am EDT)

Show broadcasts for WXXI
11:00pm EDT
Robot Of Sherwood

The WXXI schedule didn't have this listed but Agatha Christie's Poirot instead.

Show broadcasts for KLRU
10:30pm CDT
Deep Breath

When the Doctor arrives in Victorian London, he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combusions. Who is the new Doctor and will Clara's friendship survive as they embark on a terrifying mission into the heart of an alien conspiracy? The Doctor has changed.

Show broadcasts for UNC-TV
11:45pm EDT
Do You Remember the First Time? (Factual)
(Repeated: Mon 4:45am EDT)

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CDT
The Crimson Horror

Something ghastly is afoot in Victorian Yorkshire, as bodies are found with red skin.

Show broadcasts for KCPT (Kansas City)
11:00pm CDT

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
11:05pm CDT
Deep Breath

Sunday 27 September

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
12:00am CDT
The Lazarus Experiment

Show broadcasts for KERA
12:00am CDT
The Time Warrior: Compilation

Scheduled in two parts, Midnight-1:00am, 1:00-2:00am.

Saturday 26 September

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
Robot Of Sherwood

In the sun dappled forest, the Doctor discovers an evil plan from beyond the stars and strikes up an unlikely alliance with Robin Hood. With Nottingham at stake, the Doctor must decide who is real and who is fake.

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:00pm PDT
Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One (4 part version)
(Repeated: Sun 4:00am PDT)

Part 1 of 4-part version

Sunday 27 September

Saturday 26 September

Sunday 27 September

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
2:00am CDT
Human Nature

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
3:00am CDT
The Family of Blood

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
City of Death: Movie Format

The Doctor and Romana visit Paris for a holiday. When the Mona Lisa is stolen, the Doctor comes upon evidence of sinister time experiments being carried out by a wealthy Count, Scarlioni.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
The Keeper of Traken: Movie Format

The Doctor is startled when a mysterious old man in a chair appears in the corner of the TARDIS while it is in flight. The man turns out to be the Keeper of the Source, a power that has given the Union of Traken centuries of peace and prosperity.

Show broadcasts for EBRU
11:00am EDT
Father's Day

Rose was just a baby in 1987 when her father, Pete Tyler, was killed by a car. So the Time Lord takes her back to the year in question, to the spot where the accident happened. Of course, Rose cannot stand idly by and just watch her dad die alone, so she pushes him out of the way of the on-coming car. But in doing so, she upsets the balance of Time and changes history. Suddenly, Earth is under thr...

Show broadcasts for EBRU
12:00pm EDT
The Empty Child

The Doctor and Rose travel back to London in 1941, at the height of the Blitz. A mysterious cylinder is being guarded by the Army, while homeless children (living on the bombsites) are being terrorised by an unearthly child. Rose meets the dashing Captain Jack Harkness – has she found a hero even better than the Doctor?

Show broadcasts for Disney XD
10:30pm EDT
The Idiot's Lantern
(Repeated: Mon 2:30am EDT)

Show broadcasts for Louisiana Public Broadcasting
11:02pm CDT

Monday 28 September

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
The Wedding of River Song

By the shores of Lake Silencio, in Utah, all of time and space hang in the balance - because this is the day the Doctor dies.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe

Evacuated to a house in Dorset from war-torn London, Madge Arwell and her two children, Lily and Cyril, are greeted by a madcap caretaker whose mysterious Christmas gift leads them into a magical wintry world.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
Logopolis: Movie Format

Having stolen the body of Tremas of Traken, the Master returns to his old ways and attempts to gain control of the universe by seizing the power of the planet Logopolis.

Show broadcasts for WGVU Life Michigan
8:00pm EDT
Into the Dalek

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:00pm EDT
The Mind of Evil: Episode Four

Colour Version

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:30pm EDT
The Mind of Evil: Episode Five

Colour version

Show broadcasts for Disney XD
11:00pm EDT
The Impossible Planet

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
11:00pm CDT

Tuesday 29 September

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
Asylum of the Daleks

Kidnapped by his oldest foe, the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission - to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter...

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain destruction - unless the Doctor can save it, and its impossible cargo... of dinosaurs!

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:00pm EDT
The Mind of Evil: Episode Six

Colour version

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:30pm EDT
The Claws of Axos: Episode One

Show broadcasts for KLRU Q
10:00pm CDT
Deep Breath
(Repeated: Wed 2:30am CDT)

When the Doctor arrives in Victorian London, he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combusions. Who is the new Doctor and will Clara's friendship survive as they embark on a terrifying mission into the heart of an alien conspiracy? The Doctor has changed.

Show broadcasts for WGVU Michigan
11:00pm EDT
Robot Of Sherwood

The Doctor joins forces with Robin Hood when robots threaten Sherwood Forest. Together, they work to end the evil reign of the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
11:00pm CDT

Wednesday 30 September

Show broadcasts for Disney XD
2:30am EDT
The Satan Pit

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
A Town Called Mercy

The Doctor gets a Stetson and a gun, and finds himself the reluctant Sheriff of a Western town under siege by a relentless cyborg.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Power Of Three

The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle an unlikely invasion of Earth, as millions of sinister black cubes fall from the sky overnight...

Show broadcasts for WTTW Prime Chicago
8:38pm CDT
Deep Breath

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:00pm EDT
The Claws of Axos: Episode Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:30pm EDT
The Claws of Axos: Episode Three

Show broadcasts for Disney XD
11:00pm EDT
Love & Monsters

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
11:00pm CDT
The Sound of Drums

Thursday 1 October

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
The Angels Take Manhattan

The Doctor's heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory - a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York's statues come to life around them....

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Genesis of the Daleks: Movie Format

The Time Lords foresee a time in which the Daleks will dominate all other life forms in the universe. So disturbing is this possibility, that they break their own Laws in an attempt to prevent it. And who better to send on this quest than the Doctor?

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
12:00pm EDT

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
12:45pm EDT
Do You Remember the First Time? (Factual)

Billed as "Do you Remeber the first time"

Show broadcasts for EBRU
8:00pm EDT
The Doctor Dances

The Child’s plague is spreading throughout the wartime London, and its zombie army is on the march. The Doctor and Rose form an alliance with intergalactic con-man Captain Jack, but find themselves trapped in the abandoned hospital. The answer lies at the bombsite, but time is running out…

Show broadcasts for EBRU
9:00pm EDT
Boom Town

When the Tardis crew take a holiday,The Doctor encounters an enemy he thought long since dead. It soon transpires that plans to build a nuclear power station in Cardiff city are disguising an alien plot to rip the world apart.And when the Doctor dines with monsters, he discovers traps within traps.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:00pm EDT
The Claws of Axos: Episode Four

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:30pm EDT
Colony In Space: Episode One

Show broadcasts for KLRU
10:00pm CDT
Into the Dalek

A Dalek fleet surrounds a lone rebel ship, and only the Doctor can help them. With the Doctor facing his greatest enemy, he needs Clara.

Billed as "Into The Dark".

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
11:00pm CDT
Last of the Time Lords

Friday 2 October

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
The Snowmen

Christmas Eve 1892 and a chilling menace threatens humankind - but with the Doctor in mourning, it takes old friends and an unorthodox young governess to get him fighting to save the world again.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Bells of Saint John

The Doctor's search for Clara brings him to London, where Wi-Fi is everywhere. Humanity lives in a Wi-Fi soup but something dangerous is lurking in the signals, picking off minds and imprisoning them...

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
Terror of the Zygons: Movie Format

The Brigadier summons the Doctor back to Earth using a time/space telegraph device the Doctor left with him for grave emergencies. There has been a spate of disappearances, sinkings and attacks on oil rigs in the North Sea under mysterious circumstances.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:00pm EDT
Colony In Space: Episode Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
10:30pm EDT
Colony In Space: Episode Three

Show broadcasts for OETA
10:30pm CDT

Ghosts of the past and future crowd into the lives of the Doctor and Clara, and send them on an adventure that takes them to the end of the universe.

Show broadcasts for KMOS Missouri
11:30pm CDT
An Unearthly Child