This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 07: 14-20 Feb 2015 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 14 February

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
5:00pm EST
The Mind of Evil: Episode Four

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
5:00pm EST
Bad Wolf

The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack have to fight for their lives on board the Game Station, but a far more dangerous threat is lurking just out of sight. The Doctor realizes that the entire human race has been blinded to the threat on its doorstep, and Armageddon is fast approaching.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
5:30pm EST
The Mind of Evil: Episode Five

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
5:45pm EST
The World of Who (Factual)

Many years in the future, Rose and Captain Jack find themselves participating in classic BBC shows like The Weakest Link and What Not to Wear, only now the hosts are Androids and the terms are far more deadly. The crew shares how design decisions were made in this remarkable episode.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EST
The Mind of Evil: Episode Four

Colour broadcast

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
6:00pm EST
The Mind of Evil: Episode Six

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EST
The Mind of Evil: Episode Five

Colour broadcast

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
6:30pm EST
The Claws of Axos: Episode One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EST
The Mind of Evil: Episode Six

Colour broadcast

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EST
The Claws of Axos: Episode One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
10:00pm EST
The Space Museum

Show broadcasts for KNCT
9:00pm CST
The Girl in the Fireplace

The palace of Versailles is under attack by evil droids in 18th-century France. Madame de Pompadour's (Sophia Myles) only hope is the Doctor, a stranger she's never met, except in mysterious dreams she's had since childhood.

Show broadcasts for OETA DT2
9:00pm CST
Cold War

The Doctor and Clara land on a Russian nuclear submarine in 1983 as it spirals into the ocean depths with an alien creature creating havoc on board.

Show broadcasts for KPTS
9:00pm CST
Planet of Evil: Part Four

Show broadcasts for Wisconsin Public Television
9:30pm CST
A Good Man Goes to War
(Repeated: Sun 3:15am CST)

A public television favorite, Doctor Who follows the Doctor and his companion as they side-step danger while exploring time and space.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
10:30pm EST
The Space Museum: The Dimensions of Time

Show broadcasts for West Virginia Public Broadcasting
11:00pm EST
A Town Called Mercy

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
11:00pm EST
The Space Museum: The Search

Show broadcasts for UNC-TV
11:00pm EST
The Parting of the Ways
(Repeated: Mon 3:00am EST)

Rose Tyler has faced danger and seen wonders alongside the Doctor, but now their friendship is put to the test as Earth plunges into an epic war. With the human race being slaughtered, the Doctor is forced into terrible action. Will the time-travellers ever be reunited?

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
11:30pm EST
The Space Museum: The Final Phase

Show broadcasts for WILL
10:30pm CST
The Impossible Planet

Part 1 of two. The TARDIS experiences trouble near a black hole, and Rose and the Doctor encounter the mysterious Ood.

Show broadcasts for UNC-TV
11:45pm EST
The Last Battle (Factual)
(Repeated: Mon 3:45am EST)

In this final episode, it is apparent yet again why Rose is much more than the typical companion to the Doctor. Her bravery saves the world and forces the Doctor to show her his true feelings.

Show broadcasts for KLRU
11:00pm CST
A Town Called Mercy
The Doctor gets a Stetson (and a gun!), and finds himself the reluctant Sheriff of a Western town under siege by a relentless cyborg, who goes by the name of, the Gunslinger. But who is he and what does he want? The answer seems to lie with the mysterious, Kahler-Jex, an alien doctor (yes another one!) whose initial appearance is hiding a dark secret.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CST
A Town Called Mercy

The Doctor (Matt Smith) gets a Stetson (and a gun!) and finds himself a reluctant marshal.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
11:00pm CST

As two armies wage war on Earth, the Doctor realizes that saving the world may mean Rose will die.

Show broadcasts for KCPT (Kansas City)
11:00pm CST
The Eleventh Hour
Matt Smith and Karen Gillan star as the Doctor and his companion as Doctor Who returns for a new series. After his explosive regeneration, the Eleventh Doctor awakes to discover his TARDIS is about to crash! After falling from the sky, he pulls himself out of the wreckage to come face-to-face with young Amy Pond. Still wearing the remains of the Tenth Doctor's suit, ripped and raggedy from the damage after the TARDIS control room exploded, the Doctor promises to take Amy to the stars. But before they can begin their journey, they become embroiled in an alien plot that could destroy the Earth!

Sunday 15 February

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
12:00am CST
The Empty Child
The Doctor and Rose travel back to London in 1941, at the height of the Blitz. A mysterious cylinder is being guarded by the Army, while homeless children (living on the bombsites) are being terrorized by an unearthly child. Rose meets the dashing Captain Jack Harkness - has she found a hero even better than the Doctor?

Show broadcasts for Mississippi Public Broadcasting
12:00am CST
The Bells of Saint John

The Doctor battles the Spoonheads after discovering something sinister is lurking in the Wi-Fi.

Saturday 14 February

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:15pm MST
Let's Kill Hitler

In the desperate search for Melody Pond, the TARDIS crash lands in 1930s Berlin, bringing the Doctor face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe - and Hitler. The Doctor must teach his adversaries that time travel has responsibilities, and in so doing, learns a harsh lesson in the cruelest warfare of all.

Sunday 15 February

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
1:00am CST
The Doctor Dances
The Child's plague is spreading throughout wartime London, and its zombie army is on the march. The Doctor and Rose form an alliance with intergalactic con-man Captain Jack, but find themselves trapped in the abandoned hospital. The answer lies at the bombsite, but time is running out...

Saturday 14 February

Sunday 15 February

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
2:00am CST
Boom Town
When the Tardiscrew takes a holiday, The Doctor encounters an enemy he thought long since dead. It soon transpires that plans to build a nuclear power station in Cardiff city are disguising an alien plot to rip the world apart. And when the Doctor dines with monsters, he discovers traps within traps.

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
3:00am CST
Bad Wolf
The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack have to fight for their lives on board the Game Station, but a far more dangerous threat is lurking just out of sight. The Doctor realizes that the entire human race has been blinded to the threat on its doorstep, and Armageddon is fast approaching.

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
4:00am CST
The Parting of the Ways
Rose Tyler has faced danger and seen wonders alongside the Doctor, but now their friendship is put to the test as Earth plunges into an epic war. With the human race being slaughtered, the Doctor is forced into terrible action. Will the time-travellers ever be reunited?

Show broadcasts for EBRU
8:00pm EST
The Christmas Invasion

The newly regenerated Doctor takes Rose home for the festive season, but the regeneration process has tired him out and he ends up falling unconscious - just as the planet comes under threat from evil alien race the Sycorax, who have employed sinister Santas and murderous trees to do their bidding. Christmas special from 2005, featuring David Tennant's first outing as the Time Lord, with Billie Piper and Penelope Wilton

Show broadcasts for EBRU
9:00pm EST
New Earth

The Doctor and Rose travel to an alien world in the far future, where mankind has settled after the destruction of Earth. On arrival, they discover a luxury hospital conceals sinister secrets, and an old enemy they thought dead is plotting revenge. With Billie Piper and Zoë Wanamaker, reprising her role as paper-thin villain Cassandra

Show broadcasts for WPT - The Wisconsin Channel
10:00pm CST
A Good Man Goes to War

As the Doctor searches for an army, his enemies use his closest friends to trap him.

Monday 16 February

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EST
The Invasion of Time: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:00pm EST
The Invasion of Time: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EST
The Invasion of Time: Part Four

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:30pm EST
The Invasion of Time: Part Four

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
11:00pm CST
New Earth
The Doctor and Rose board the Tardis for new adventures in time and space. But when they visit mankind's new home, far in the future, they find gruesome secrets hidden inside a luxury hospital. And an enemy thought long since dead, the paper-thin Cassandra, is out for revenge...

Tuesday 17 February

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
A Christmas Carol

Amy and Rory are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way The Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EST
The Impossible Astronaut

Part 1. The Doctor, Amy and Rory receive a secret summons that leads them to the Oval Office in 1969. Enlisting the help of a former FBI agent and the irrepressible River Song, the Doctor promises to assist the President.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EST
The Invasion of Time: Part Five

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:00pm EST
The Invasion of Time: Part Five

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EST
The Invasion of Time: Part Six

The broadcast suffered from a truncated ending, as reported on Facebook. The episode was rescheduled for Saturday afternoon.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:30pm EST
The Invasion of Time: Part Six

Show broadcasts for KLRU Q
10:00pm CST
A Town Called Mercy
(Repeated: Wed 2:00am CST)
The Doctor gets a Stetson (and a gun!), and finds himself the reluctant Sheriff of a Western town under siege by a relentless cyborg, who goes by the name of, the Gunslinger. But who is he and what does he want? The answer seems to lie with the mysterious, Kahler-Jex, an alien doctor (yes another one!) whose initial appearance is hiding a dark secret.

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
11:00pm CST
Tooth and Claw
The Doctor and Rose have to protect Queen Victoria, but can anything stop the Empire of the Wolf?

Wednesday 18 February

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
Day of the Moon

Part 2. The Doctor is locked in the perfect prison. Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down by the FBI. But, with the help of President Nixon and Neil Armstrong, the Doctor is able to mount a rebellion against an alien invasion.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EST
The Curse of the Black Spot

The TARDIS is marooned onboard a 17th-century pirate ship whose crew is being attacked by a mysterious and beautiful sea creature. Becalmed and beset by cabin fever, the pirates have numerous superstitious explanations for the Siren's appearance.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EST
The Ribos Operation: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:00pm EST
The Ribos Operation: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EST
The Ribos Operation: Part Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:30pm EST
The Ribos Operation: Part Two

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
11:00pm CST
School Reunion
The Doctor investigates a contemporary London school which is being haunted by strange, bat-like creatures at night. While at the school, the Doctor finds his old friend, Sarah Jane Smith, already working undercover. Both have old scores they must settle, and Rose discovers the true legacy of being a Time Lord's companion.

Thursday 19 February

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
The Doctor's Wife

By following a Time Lord distress signal, the Doctor puts Amy, Rory and his beloved TARDIS in grave danger.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EST
The Rebel Flesh
Part 1. A solar tsunami liberates doppelgangers from their human 'originals' in a futuristic factory. Can the Doctor prevent all out civil war?

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
12:00pm EST
The Parting of the Ways

Rose Tyler has faced danger and seen wonders alongside the Doctor, but now their friendship is put to the test as Earth plunges into an epic war. With the human race being slaughtered, the Doctor is forced into terrible action. Will the time-travellers ever be reunited?

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
12:45pm EST
The Last Battle (Factual)

In this final episode, it is apparent yet again why Rose is much more than the typical companion to the Doctor. Her bravery saves the world and forces the Doctor to show her his true feelings.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EST
The Ribos Operation: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:00pm EST
The Ribos Operation: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EST
The Ribos Operation: Part Four

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:30pm EST
The Ribos Operation: Part Four

Show broadcasts for KLRU
10:00pm CST
The Power Of Three
The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle an unlikely invasion of Earth, as millions of sinister black cubes arrive overnight, almost like presents falling from the sky. But what are they, what’s inside them and most importantly, who sent them? With the international community at a loss, it’s left to the Doctor to unearth who is behind the mystery.

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
11:00pm CST
The Girl in the Fireplace
The Doctor finds love - and evil droids - in 18th-century France. Madame de Pompadour is being haunted by a stranger called the Doctor. Can he save her from the clockwork killers?

Friday 20 February

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
The Almost People

Part 2. The Doctor must convince terrified factory-workers to work with their doppelgangers to overcome a monster of their own making.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EST
A Good Man Goes to War

The Doctor assembles an army to face the Battle of Demons Run - and River Song has something to tell him.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EST
The Pirate Planet: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:00pm EST
The Pirate Planet: Part One
(Repeated: Fri 8:00pm EST)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EST
The Pirate Planet: Part Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV (RTVN)
8:30pm EST
The Pirate Planet: Part Two
(Repeated: Fri 8:30pm EST)

Show broadcasts for OETA
10:30pm CST

The Doctor and Clara visit an isolated mansion located on a moor that is allegedly haunted. There, they meet a ghost hunter and a psychic who are searching for the Witch of the Well.

Show broadcasts for KCPT2 (Kansas City)
11:00pm CST
Rise of the Cybermen
Part 1 of 2. The Tardis is trapped on a parallel Earth and Rose discovers that her father is still alive. But sinister forces are at work, and British society is being prepared for the Ultimate Upgrade. Meanwhile, an old enemy of the Doctor's is about to be reborn...