This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 22: 3-9 Jun 2000 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 3 June

Sunday 4 June

Saturday 3 June

Show broadcasts for Colorado Public Television
10:00pm MDT
Image of the Fendahl: Part One

This broadcast entry is based on previous episode patterns - there was no TWiDW for this week, so it is uncertain whether episodes were on or if none were shown as with the following week.

Sunday 4 June

Saturday 3 June

Show broadcasts for Colorado Public Television
10:25pm MDT
Image of the Fendahl: Part Two

This broadcast entry is based on previous episode patterns - there was no TWiDW for this week, so it is uncertain whether episodes were on or if none were shown as with the following week.

Show broadcasts for New Mexico PBS
10:30pm MDT
The Ribos Operation: Movie Version

Show broadcasts for TPT
11:30pm CDT
The Face of Evil: Part Two
(Repeated: Sun 5:30am CDT)

Sunday 4 June

Saturday 3 June

Sunday 4 June

Friday 9 June