This Week in Doctor Who
Week 45: 12-18 Nov 1988 - USA
Data last updated 13 January 2025
Saturday 12 November
Sunday 13 November
| 11:00pm CST Timelash: Movie Format | Intro: Tonight we meet Tekker of Karfel and Herbert of Earth. One is less than he seems to be, the other, more. And someone wants to turn Peri into something other than what she is. The Byzantine plot unwinds next in "Timelash." Outro: Next week, the secret of Tranquil Repose is exposed when The Doctor and Peri arrive in Necros. Join us next Sunday night at 11 and be apprised with the "Revelation of the Daleks." [source: ChicagoEpguides] |
Monday 14 November
Tuesday 15 November
| 7:00pm PST Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 1 | Broadcast in black and white. |
Wednesday 16 November
| 7:00pm PST Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 2 | Broadcast in black and white. |
Thursday 17 November
| 7:00pm PST Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 3 | Broadcast in black and white. |