This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 09: 5-11 Mar 2016 - Horror Xtra

Data last updated 02 January 2017

Monday 7 March

Show broadcasts for Horror Xtra
1:00pm GMT
The Keeper of Traken: Omnibus

Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Tom Baker. When the Doctor and Adric enter n-space in the TARDIS, the two are surprised when the old Keeper of Traken asks for their help.

The ad break occurs as, after the Keeper has left the TARDIS, Adric confirms if the Doctor knows what he's doing ...

Tuesday 8 March

Show broadcasts for Horror Xtra
1:00pm GMT
Logopolis: Omnibus

Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Tom Baker. Preparing to repair the TARDIS, the Doctor travels to Earth to get the measurements of a police box. His presence is soon noted.

The advert break occurs as the Doctor tells Adric to take down the police box dimensions.

Wednesday 9 March

Show broadcasts for Horror Xtra
1:00pm GMT
Kinda: Omnibus

Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Peter Davison. The Doctor and his cohorts journey to the jungle world of Deva Loka, which is being surveyed for possible Earth colonisation.

Thursday 10 March

Show broadcasts for Horror Xtra
1:00pm GMT
Frontios: Omnibus

Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Peter Davison. When the Doctor crash-lands the TARDIS on the planet of Frontios, he encounters a group of humans afraid of meteorite impacts.

Friday 11 March

Show broadcasts for Horror Xtra
1:00pm GMT
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Omnibus

Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Sylvester McCoy. The Doctor and Ace visit the psychic circus on the planet Segonax and encounter the evil supernatural forces that run it.