This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

Fox SciFi

Broadcast DatesFox SciFi

Last updated 25 February 2024

Listing entries including Saturday 19th February 2022

EpisodeBroadcast  Viewers Share Pos
The Power Of Three Sun 13 Feb 2022 3:05am  AEDT    
The Angels Take Manhattan Sun 13 Feb 2022 4:00am  AEDT    
The Bells of Saint John Sun 13 Feb 2022 4:50am  AEDT    
Cold War Sun 13 Feb 2022 5:30pm  AEDT    
Hide Sun 13 Feb 2022 6:30pm  AEDT    
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Sun 13 Feb 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
The Crimson Horror Sun 13 Feb 2022 8:30pm  AEDT    
Nightmare in Silver Sun 13 Feb 2022 9:30pm  AEDT    
The Name of the Doctor Sun 13 Feb 2022 10:30pm  AEDT    
50th Anniversary Sun 13 Feb 2022 11:30pm  AEDT    
Cold War Mon 14 Feb 2022 12:55am  AEDT    
Hide Mon 14 Feb 2022 1:40am  AEDT    
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Mon 14 Feb 2022 2:30am  AEDT    
The Crimson Horror Mon 14 Feb 2022 3:20am  AEDT    
Nightmare in Silver Mon 14 Feb 2022 4:10am  AEDT    
The Name of the Doctor Mon 14 Feb 2022 4:55am  AEDT    
Deep Breath Sat 19 Feb 2022 6:30pm  AEDT    
Into the Dalek Sat 19 Feb 2022 7:55pm  AEDT    
Robot Of Sherwood Sat 19 Feb 2022 8:50pm  AEDT    
Listen Sat 19 Feb 2022 9:45pm  AEDT    
Time Heist Sat 19 Feb 2022 10:40pm  AEDT    
The Caretaker Sat 19 Feb 2022 11:35pm  AEDT    
Deep Breath Sun 20 Feb 2022 12:30am  AEDT    
Into the Dalek Sun 20 Feb 2022 1:50am  AEDT    
Robot Of Sherwood Sun 20 Feb 2022 2:35am  AEDT    
Listen Sun 20 Feb 2022 3:25am  AEDT    
Time Heist Sun 20 Feb 2022 4:10am  AEDT    
The Caretaker Sun 20 Feb 2022 5:00am  AEDT    
Kill The Moon Sun 20 Feb 2022 6:30pm  AEDT    
Mummy On The Orient Express Sun 20 Feb 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
Flatline Sun 20 Feb 2022 8:30pm  AEDT    
In The Forest Of The Night Sun 20 Feb 2022 9:25pm  AEDT    
Dark Water Sun 20 Feb 2022 10:20pm  AEDT    
Death in Heaven Sun 20 Feb 2022 11:15pm  AEDT    
Kill The Moon Mon 21 Feb 2022 12:30am  AEDT    
Mummy On The Orient Express Mon 21 Feb 2022 1:25am  AEDT    
Flatline Mon 21 Feb 2022 2:15am  AEDT    
In The Forest Of The Night Mon 21 Feb 2022 3:00am  AEDT    
Dark Water Mon 21 Feb 2022 3:50am  AEDT    
Death in Heaven Mon 21 Feb 2022 4:40am  AEDT    
Rose Thu 24 Feb 2022 11:05am  AEDT    
Rose Thu 24 Feb 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
The End Of The World Fri 25 Feb 2022 11:05am  AEDT    
The End Of The World Fri 25 Feb 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
The Unquiet Dead Sat 26 Feb 2022 11:05am  AEDT    
The Magician's Apprentice Sat 26 Feb 2022 6:30pm  AEDT    
The Witch's Familiar Sat 26 Feb 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
Under the Lake Sat 26 Feb 2022 8:30pm  AEDT    
Before The Flood Sat 26 Feb 2022 9:30pm  AEDT    
The Girl Who Died Sat 26 Feb 2022 10:30pm  AEDT    
The Woman Who Lived Sat 26 Feb 2022 11:30pm  AEDT    
The Magician's Apprentice Sun 27 Feb 2022 12:30am  AEDT    
The Witch's Familiar Sun 27 Feb 2022 1:25am  AEDT    
Under the Lake Sun 27 Feb 2022 2:20am  AEDT    
Before The Flood Sun 27 Feb 2022 3:15am  AEDT    
The Girl Who Died Sun 27 Feb 2022 4:05am  AEDT    
The Woman Who Lived Sun 27 Feb 2022 4:55am  AEDT    
The Zygon Invasion Sun 27 Feb 2022 6:25pm  AEDT    
The Zygon Inversion Sun 27 Feb 2022 7:20pm  AEDT    
Sleep No More Sun 27 Feb 2022 8:15pm  AEDT    
Face The Raven Sun 27 Feb 2022 9:10pm  AEDT    
Heaven Sent Sun 27 Feb 2022 10:05pm  AEDT    
Hell Bent Sun 27 Feb 2022 11:15pm  AEDT    
The Zygon Invasion Mon 28 Feb 2022 12:30am  AEDT    
The Zygon Inversion Mon 28 Feb 2022 1:25am  AEDT    
Sleep No More Mon 28 Feb 2022 2:20am  AEDT    
Face The Raven Mon 28 Feb 2022 3:10am  AEDT    
Heaven Sent Mon 28 Feb 2022 4:00am  AEDT    
Hell Bent Mon 28 Feb 2022 5:00am  AEDT    
The Unquiet Dead Mon 28 Feb 2022 11:10am  AEDT    
The Unquiet Dead Mon 28 Feb 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
Aliens of London Tue 1 Mar 2022 11:05am  AEDT    
Aliens of London Tue 1 Mar 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
World War Three Wed 2 Mar 2022 11:05am  AEDT    
World War Three Wed 2 Mar 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
Dalek Thu 3 Mar 2022 11:05am  AEDT    
Dalek Thu 3 Mar 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
The Long Game Fri 4 Mar 2022 11:05am  AEDT    
The Long Game Fri 4 Mar 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
The Pilot Sat 5 Mar 2022 6:30pm  AEDT    
Smile Sat 5 Mar 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
Thin Ice Sat 5 Mar 2022 8:30pm  AEDT    
Knock Knock Sat 5 Mar 2022 9:30pm  AEDT    
Oxygen Sat 5 Mar 2022 10:30pm  AEDT    
Extremis Sat 5 Mar 2022 11:30pm  AEDT    
The Pilot Sun 6 Mar 2022 12:30am  AEDT    
Smile Sun 6 Mar 2022 1:25am  AEDT    
Thin Ice Sun 6 Mar 2022 2:20am  AEDT    
Knock Knock Sun 6 Mar 2022 3:15am  AEDT    
Oxygen Sun 6 Mar 2022 4:05am  AEDT    
Extremis Sun 6 Mar 2022 4:55am  AEDT    
The Pyramid At The End Of The World Sun 6 Mar 2022 6:30pm  AEDT    
The Lie Of The Land Sun 6 Mar 2022 7:30pm  AEDT    
Empress Of Mars Sun 6 Mar 2022 8:30pm  AEDT    
The Eaters of Light Sun 6 Mar 2022 9:30pm  AEDT    
World Enough And Time Sun 6 Mar 2022 10:30pm  AEDT    
The Doctor Falls Sun 6 Mar 2022 11:30pm  AEDT    
The Pyramid At The End Of The World Mon 7 Mar 2022 12:30am  AEDT    
The Lie Of The Land Mon 7 Mar 2022 1:25am  AEDT    
Empress Of Mars Mon 7 Mar 2022 2:20am  AEDT