This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Monday 6th December 2010
This Week In Doctor Who - December 6, 2010 Section A (posted 6th Dec 2010, 9:52pm - TWIDW post #1100) |
This Week In Doctor Who December 6, 2010 Section A By Benjamin F Elliott |
New computer and no template to use. That's weird. So where was I? Ah yes, Doctor Who schedules. |
Due to production issues on this edition, it is going out on a Monday evening US time. Also, I am releasing the main Doctor Who listings before finishing the Torchwood listings or Section B (Sarah Jane, K9, and the PBS Doctor Who broadcasts). If you are reading this through the "Doctor Who News Page" or via the "Gallifreyan Embassy", the extra sections will appear at the end of the page as they're completed. I hope to publish a few more times in December as I put the column back together again. Hope to be truly "weekly" again by January. Still, we are not here to discuss my technical problems. We're here to find out when our favourite show is on TV all around the world. |
Yes, I'm aware of the international iPlayer coming next year. I'll try to include it in the listings if relevant. Let's see what the result is. |
Doctor Who press information is often released by . |
Corrections and updates are always welcome at and @bfelliott on twitter. And now, the listings: |
UK: |
BBC One/BBC One HD Christmas Day 6 GMT 600 A Christmas Carol 2010 Christmas Special, World Premiere! |
BBC Two 17 December 10PM GMT "Buzzcocks: Doctor Who Special" UK quiz show does a Doctor Who episode, with David Tennant as guest host and Bernard Cribbins (Wilfred Mott, 2007-2010) as the actual guest |
USA: |
BBC America Firstrun rights to new episodes, repeat rights from Rose onwards 6 December 10AM EST 206 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 6 December 5PM, Late 7 December 4AM, Late Christmas Eve Midnight EST 207 "The Idiot's Lantern" Late 8 December 4AM, 9 December 10AM and 3AM EST 208 "The Impossible Planet" pt 1 of 2 9 December 5PM and 4AM, 10 December 10AM and 2AM, 13 December 10AM EST 209 "The Satan Pit" pt 2 of 2 10 December 5PM and 3AM, 13 December 11AM, 14 December 10AM EST 210 "Love And Monsters" 11 December 7AM EST 510 Vincent and the Doctor 11 December 8AM, 18 December 7AM EST 511 The Lodger 13 December 5PM, 14 December 11AM, 15 December 10AM EST 211 Fear Her 14 December Noon, 20 December Noon, Christmas Day 5AM and 3PM EST 200 "The Christmas Invasion" 46 minute edited version 14 December 1PM, 16 December 5PM and 4AM, 17 December 11AM and 2AM, 20 December 10AM, Christmas Day 6AM and 4PM EST 300 The Runaway Bride 46 minute edited version 14 December 2PM, Christmas Eve Noon, Christmas Day 8AM and 6PM EST 414 "The Next Doctor" 46 minute edited version 14 December 5PM and 4AM, 15 December 11AM, 16 December 10AM EST 212 "Army Of Ghosts" pt 1 of 2 15 December 5PM and 4AM, 16 December 11AM and 3AM, 17 December 10AM EST 213 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 17 December 5PM and 3AM, 20 December 11AM, 21 December 10AM EST 301 "Smith And Jones" 18 December 8AM, Christmas Day 7PM EST 512 "The Pandorica Opens" pt 1 of 2 20 December 5PM, 21 December 11AM, 22 December 10AM, Late Christmas Eve 4AM, Christmas Day Noon EST 302 The Shakespeare Code 21 December 5PM and 4AM, 22 December 11AM, 23 December 10AM EST 303 Gridlock 22 December 5PM and 4AM, 23 December 11AM and 3AM, Christmas Eve 10AM EST 304 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 23 December 5PM and 4AM, Christmas Eve 11AM EST 305 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 Christmas Eve 5PM, 27 December 10AM EST 306 The Lazarus Experiment Late Christmas Eve 1AM, Christmas Day 9AM EST 103 The Unquiet Dead Late Christmas Eve 2AM, Christmas Day 10AM EST 202 Tooth and Claw Late Christmas Eve 3AM, Christmas Day 11AM EST 204 The Girl in the Fireplace Christmas Day 7AM and 5PM EST 400 Voyage of the Damned frankly incoherent 46 minute version of the original 72 minute episode *Christmas Day 1PM EST "Doctor Who At The Proms 2010" 2 hour slot, US Premiere of the concert! Christmas Day 8PM and 11AM and 2AM EST 513 "The Big Bang" pt 2 of 2, 46 minute edited version *Christmas Day 9PM and Midnight and 3AM EST 600 A Christmas Carol 2010 Christmas Special, US Premiere same day as the UK Premiere!, 75 minute slot for unedited premiere Christmas Day 10:15PM and 1:15AM and 4:15AM EST "Graham Norton Show Christmas 2010" 11th Doctor Matt Smith is one of the guests, US premiere, 45 minutes so might be edited 27 December 5PM, 28 December 10AM EST 307 42 28 December 5PM and 4AM EST 308 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 New Years Eve Doctor Who marathon |
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Syfy 4 January 8AM EST 401 Partners in Crime 4 January 9AM EST 402 The Fires of Pompeii 4 January 10AM EST 403 Planet of the Ood 4 January 11AM EST 404 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 4 January Noon EST 405 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2 4 January 1PM EST 406 The Doctor's Daughter 4 January 2PM EST 407 The Unicorn and the Wasp 4 January 3PM EST 408 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2 |
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SPACE First run rights to new episodes, repeat rights from Rose onwards 6 December 8PM EST/5PM PST, 7 December 11AM EST/8AM PST 102 The End Of The World 6 December 10PM and 1AM EST/7PM and 10PM PST 513 The Big Bang pt 2 of 2, 75 minute time slot, end of Monday night Series 5 run 7 December 8PM EST/5PM PST, 8 December 11AM EST/8AM PST 103 The Unquiet Dead 8 December 8PM EST/5PM PST, 9 December 11AM EST/8AM PST 104 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 9 December 8PM EST/5PM PST, 10 December 11AM EST/8AM PST 105 World War Three pt 2 of 2 13 December 8PM EST/5PM PST, 14 December 11AM EST/8AM PST 106 Dalek 14 December 8PM EST/5PM PST, 15 December 11AM EST/8AM PST 107 The Long Game 15 December 8PM EST/5PM PST, 16 December 11AM EST/8AM PST 108 Father's Day 16 December 8PM EST/5PM PST, 17 December 11AM EST/8AM PST 109 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 Late Christmas Eve 3AM EST to sometime Monday 27 December Doctor Who Christmas Specials marathon 26 December 9PM EST/6PM PST 600 A Christmas Carol 2010 Christmas Special, Canadian Premiere! |
BBC Entertainment Poland 5 December 8:55PM, 6 December 2:45PM and 4AM CET 509 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 7 December 2:45PM and 4AM, 12 December 5AM CET 510 Vincent and the Doctor 8 December 2:45PM CET 508 "The Hungry Earth" pt 1 of 2 9 December 12PM and 2:45PM CET 507 Amy's Choice 9 December 4:55PM and 3AM CET 506 The Vampires of Venice 9 December 7:50PM CET 401 Partners in Crime 10 December 2:45PM and 4:55PM and 3:55AM, 15 December 2:50PM and 4AM CET 505 "Flesh And Stone" pt 2 of 2 12 December 8:55PM, 13 December 2:45PM and 4AM CET 511 The Lodger 14 December 2:45PM and 4AM, 19 December 5AM, 20 December 2:40PM CET 512 "The Pandorica Opens" pt 1 of 2 16 December 2:45PM and 4:55PM and 3:50AM CET 502 The Beast Below 17 December 2:45PM and 4:55PM and 3:55AM CET 503 Victory of the Daleks 21 December 9:45AM CET 501 The Eleventh Hour 26 December 5:40AM CET 513 "The Big Bang" pt 2 of 2 |
BBC Entertainment South Africa Series 5 premiere run Late 5 December 4:10AM CAT 503 Victory of the Daleks Late 5 December 4:55AM CAT DWC 503 "" 15 minutes 6 December 8:30PM and 12:50AM, Late 12 December 4:10AM CAT 504 "The Time Of Angels" pt 1 of 2 Late 12 December 4:55AM CAT DWC 504 "" 15 minutes 13 December 8:30PM and 1:35AM, Late 19 December 4:10AM CAT 505 "Flesh And Stone" pt 2 of 2 Late 19 December 4:55AM CAT DWC 505 "" 15 minutes 20 December pre-empted 27 December 8:30PM and 12:30AM, Late 2 January 4:20AM CAT 506 "The Vampires Of Venice" 3 January 8:30PM and 12:05AM, 4 January 9:45AM and 1:30PM, Late 9 January 4:25AM CAT 507 Amy's Choice 10 January 8:30PM and Midnight, 11 January 9:45AM and 1:30PM, Late 16 January 4:15AM CAT 508 "The Hungry Earth" pt 1 of 2 17 January 5AM CAT DWC 508 "" 15 minutes 17 January 8:30PM and Midnight, 18 January 9:40AM and 1:35PM, Late 23 January 4:10AM CAT 509 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 24 January 5AM CAT DWC 509 "" 15 minutes 24 January 8:30PM and Midnight, 25 January 9:15AM and 1:25PM, Late 30 January 4:05AM CAT 510 Vincent and the Doctor 31 January 5AM CAT DWC 510 "" 15 minutes 31 January 8:30PM and Midnight CAT 511 The Lodger |
BBC Entertainment Asia All airtimes Korea. The 2008-2010 specials seem to be premiering as "Time Lord Chronicles" 24 December 8:30AM DWC 213 Finale 24 December 8:50PM, 25 December 5:10AM and 10:15AM and 3:55PM 200 "The Christmas Invasion" 24 December 9:50PM, 25 December 11:15AM and 4:55PM, 27 December 10AM and 1:50PM 300 The Runaway Bride 27 December 8:30AM DWC 401 A Noble Return 28 December 8:30AM DWC 402 The Italian Job 29 December 8:30AM, 30 December 6AM DWC 406 "Sins Of The Father" 30 December 8:30AM DWC 407 Nemesis 31 December 8:30AM and 12:40AM DWC 409 River Runs Deep 31 December 10PM and 1:40AM, 2 January 8:05PM, 3 January 10AM, 8 January 6PM, 9 January 3:45PM, 14 January 10PM and 3:40AM, 16 January 9PM and 1:55AM 414 "The Next Doctor" premiere?, 61 minutes 31 December 11PM and 2:40AM, 1 January 1:45AM, 3 January 1:50PM, 8 January 7PM, 9 January 9:30AM and 4:45PM, 14 January 11PM and 4:40AM DWC 414 Christmas 2008 60 minutes 1 January 6:15PM, 2 January 9:30AM and 3:25PM, 7 January 10PM and 2:55AM, 9 January 8:45PM and 2AM, 10 January 1:40PM 400 Voyage of the Damned 1 January 10PM and 1:40AM, 2 January 9:05PM, 15 January 6:10PM, 16 January 3:35PM, 21 January 10PM and 3:40AM, 23 January 9PM and 2AM 415 "Planet Of The Dead" premiere?, 60 minutes 1 January 11PM and 2:35AM, 15 January 7:05PM, 16 January 4:35PM, 21 January 11PM and 4:40AM DWC 415 Desert Storm 60 minutes 2 January 10PM and 1:40AM, 22 January 6PM, 23 January 3:30PM, 28 January 10PM and 3:40AM, 30 January 9PM and 2AM 416 The Waters of Mars premiere?, 62 minutes 2 January 11PM and 2:40AM, 22 January 7PM, 23 January 4:30PM, 28 January 11PM and 4:40AM DWC 416 "Is There Life On Mars" 60 minutes 3 January 8:30AM DWC 411 Here Come the Girls |
BBC Entertainment Europe Series 2 repeats, Channel premiere of 2006 Christmas special The Runaway Bride 7 December 10:25AM and 2:40PM and 6:10PM, 25 December 10AM CET 210 "Love And Monsters" 11 December 9:40AM and 2:45PM CET 204 The Girl in the Fireplace 11 December 10:30AM and 3:30PM CET 205 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 11 December 11:15AM and 4:20PM CET 206 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 14 December 10:20AM and 2:40PM and 6:10PM, 25 December 10:45AM CET 211 "Fear Her" 18 December 9:35AM and 2:40PM CET 207 The Idiot's Lantern 18 December 10:20AM and 3:20PM CET 208 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 18 December 11:05AM and 4:10PM CET 209 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 21 December 10:25AM and 2:40PM and 6:10PM, 25 December 3:05PM CET 212 "Army Of Ghosts" pt 1 of 2 25 December 3:50PM, 28 December 10:25AM and 2:10PM and 6PM CET 213 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 25 December 7:15PM and 11:30PM, 26 December 1:45PM CET 300 The Runaway Bride channel premiere 28 December 2:55PM CET DWC 213 Finale |
Second Run: |
UK: |
BBC Three 6 December 7:45PM GMT 409 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2 6 December 8:30PM GMT "Doctor Who's Greatest Moments: Enemies" 30 minutes 10 December 7PM GMT 410 Midnight 10 December 7:45PM GMT DWC 410 Look Who's Talking 15 minutes 10 December 8PM GMT 411 Turn Left 10 December 8:50PM GMT DWC 411 Here Come the Girls 13 December 7:05PM GMT 412 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2 13 December 7:55PM GMT 413 Journey's End pt 2 of 2 17 December 7PM GMT 414 The Next Doctor Christmas Day 7PM, 26 December 8PM, Late 27 December 1:55AM GMT DWC 600 "Doctor Who Confidential Christmas 2010" premiere, first showing simulcast on BBC HD 26 December 7PM GMT 600 A Christmas Carol 2010 Christmas special |
CBBC 18 December 3:05PM BST "Dreamland" 2009 David Tennant Doctor Who animated drama 18 December 3:50PM BST "The Infinite Quest" 2007 David Tennant/Freema Agyeman Doctor Who animated drama |
BBC HD 21 December 4:25PM GMT "Dreamland" 2009 Doctor Who animated drama Christmas Day 7PM and 1:25AM, 26 December 5PM GMT DWC 600 "Confidential Christmas Special 2010" 60 minutes, premiere showing simulcast on BBC Three 27 December 8PM GMT 600 A Christmas Carol 2010 Christmas special, 60 minutes |
Watch 27 November 8PM, Late 21 December 2AM GMT 208 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 29 November 4:40PM GMT 108 Father's Day 30 November 4:40PM GMT 109 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 1 December 4:40PM GMT 110 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 2 December 4:40PM GMT 111 Boom Town 3 December 4:40PM and 1:10AM GMT 112 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 4 December 8PM GMT 209 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 6 December 4:40PM, Christmas Eve 8AM, Christmas Day 7AM GMT 113 "The Parting Of The Ways" pt 2 of 2 7 December 4:40PM and 2AM, Christmas Day 7:55AM, 26 December 6:45AM GMT 201 "New Earth" 8 December 4:40PM GMT 203 School Reunion 9 December 4:40PM GMT 204 The Girl in the Fireplace 10 December 4:40PM, 26 December 7:45AM, 27 December 7AM GMT 205 "Rise Of The Cybermen" pt 1 of 2 11 December 8PM, 15 December 4:40PM GMT 211 Fear Her 13 December 4:40PM GMT 207 The Idiot's Lantern 14 December 4:40PM GMT 210 Love & Monsters 16 December 4:40PM GMT 212 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 17 December 4:40PM GMT 213 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 18 December 4:25PM GMT 400 Voyage of the Damned 95 minute slot 20 December 8AM, 21 December 7:05AM GMT 102 The End Of The World 20 December 3PM and 8PM, 26 December 12:20PM GMT 401 Partners in Crime Late 20 December 2AM GMT 202 Tooth and Claw 21 December 8AM, 22 December 7AM GMT 104 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 21 December 3PM and 8PM and 1AM, 26 December 1:25PM GMT 402 "The Fires Of Pompeii" 22 December 8AM, 23 December 7AM GMT 105 World War Three pt 2 of 2 22 December 3PM and 8PM, 26 December 2:25PM GMT 403 Planet of the Ood 23 December 7:55AM, Christmas Eve 7AM GMT 107 The Long Game 23 December 3PM and 8PM, 26 December 3:25PM, 27 December 12:30PM GMT 404 "The Sontaran Stratagem" pt 1 of 2 Christmas Eve 8PM, 26 December 4:25PM, 27 December 1:30PM GMT 405 "The Poison Sky" pt 2 of 2 Christmas Day 8PM, 26 December 5:25PM GMT 406 The Doctor's Daughter 27 December 8AM GMT 206 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 27 December 2:30PM GMT 407 The Unicorn and the Wasp |
BBC HD 23 December 4:25PM GMT "Episode TBA" |
BBC Radio 7 6 December 6:30PM and 12:30AM GMT "Doctor Who and the Giant Robot" pt 6 of 8 7 December 6:30PM and 12:30AM GMT "Doctor Who and the Giant Robot" pt 7 of 8 8 December 6:30PM and 12:30AM GMT "Doctor Who and the Giant Robot" pt 8 of 8 12 December 6PM and Midnight GMT "Orbis" pt 1 of 2 (encore of the 8th Doctor radio play) 19 December 6PM and Midnight GMT "Orbis" pt 2 of 2 (encore of the 8th Doctor radio play) |
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Syfy Spain Late 5 December 2:38AM CET 412 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2 6 December 9:30PM, 7 December 4:40PM, 11 December 7:51PM CET 501 The Eleventh Hour 6 December 10:45PM, 7 December 5:49PM, 13 December 5:22AM CET 413 Journey's End pt 2 of 2 13 December 9:30PM, 14 December 5:08PM, 18 December 8:15PM CET 502 The Beast Below 13 December 10:20PM, 14 December 5:55PM, 20 December 5:20AM CET 414 The Next Doctor 20 December 9:30PM, 21 December 5:04PM, 25 December 1:19PM CET 503 Victory of the Daleks 20 December 10:22PM, 21 December 5:52PM, 27 December 5:47AM CET 415 Planet of the Dead 27 December 9:30PM, 28 December 5:08PM CET 504 The Time of Angels pt 1 of 2 27 December 10:20PM, 28 December 5:55PM CET 416 The Waters of Mars |
BBC Entertainment Scandinavia 1 January 4PM CET 401 Partners in Crime 1 January 4:50PM CET 402 The Fires of Pompeii 1 January 5:40PM CET 403 Planet of the Ood 1 January 6:25PM CET 404 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 1 January 7:10PM CET 405 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2 1 January 7:55PM and 1:30AM CET 406 The Doctor's Daughter 1 January 8:40PM and 2:15AM CET 407 The Unicorn and the Wasp 2 January 4PM CET 408 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2 2 January 4:45PM CET 409 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2 2 January 5:30PM CET 410 Midnight 2 January 6:15PM CET 411 "Turn left" 2 January 7:05PM CET 412 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2 2 January 7:55PM CET 413 Journey's End pt 2 of 2 (64 minutes) 2 January 9PM and 2:05AM, 3 January 9:40AM and 3:30PM CET 414 The Next Doctor 2 January 9:55PM and 3AM, 3 January 10:40AM and 4:30PM CET DWC 414 "Confidential Christmas 2008" 10 January 7:45AM and 12:45PM and 4:40PM, 11 January 5:05AM CET 201 New Earth 11 January 7:50AM and 12:45PM and 4:40PM, 12 January 5:10AM CET 202 "Tooth And Claw" 12 January 8:05AM and 12:40PM and 4:40PM, 13 January 5:15AM CET 203 "School Reunion" 13 January 8:05AM and 12:35PM and 4:35PM and 4:50AM CET 204 "The Girl In The Fireplace" 14 January 7:50AM and 12:45PM and 4:40PM, 15 January 5:15AM CET 205 "Rise Of The Cybermen" pt 1 of 2 17 January 8:10AM and 12:40PM and 4:35PM, 18 January 5:20AM CET 206 "The Age Of Steel" pt 2 of 2 18 January 8:10AM and 12:40PM and 4:40PM, 19 January 5:20AM CET 207 "The Idiot's Lantern" 19 January 8:10AM and 12:40PM and 4:35PM, 20 January 5:15AM CET 208 "The Impossible Planet" pt 1 of 2 20 January 8:05AM and 12:35PM and 4:30PM, 21 January 5:05AM CET 209 "The Satan Pit" pt 2 of 2 21 January 8:05AM and 12:45PM and 4:35PM, 22 January 5AM CET 210 "Love And Monsters" 24 January 8AM and 12:55PM and 4:45PM, 25 January 5:15AM CET 211 Fear Her 25 January 8:05AM and 12:55PM and 4:45PM, 26 January 5AM CET 212 "Army Of Ghosts" pt 1 of 2 26 January 7:55AM and 12:50PM and 4:40PM, 27 January 5:05AM CET 213 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 27 January 8:05AM and 12:50PM and 4:40PM, 28 January 5:05AM CET 301 "Smith And Jones" 28 January 8AM and 12:50PM and 4:40PM, 29 January 5:10AM CET 302 "The Shakespeare Code" 31 January 8:05AM and 12:20PM and 4PM, 1 February 5:15AM CET 303 Gridlock 31 January 4:45PM CET 304 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 |
TV4 Guld Classic Who airs daily, but no episode descriptions 5 December 6:25PM 2 episodes Late 5 December 4:20AM 1 episode 6 December 1:30PM 2 episodes Late 6 December 1:45AM 4 episodes Late 7 December 1:50AM 3 episodes Late 8 December 1:45AM 4 episodes Late 9 December 1:45AM 4 episodes Late 10 December 2:35AM 2 episodes Late 11 December 4:05AM 1 episode 12 December 5:20AM 1 episode Late 12 December 1:45AM 6 episodes 13 December 1:10PM 3 episodes Late 13 December 1:45AM 4 episodes Late 14 December 1:45AM 4 episodes Late 15 December 1:45AM 4 episodes Late 16 December 1:45AM 3 episodes Late 17 December 2:25AM 2 episodes 18 December 1:30PM 1 episode Late 18 December 3:55AM 2 episodes 19 December 1:30PM 1 episode Late 19 December 2:25AM 8 episodes |
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UKTV All times Australian Eastern 6 December 4:30PM, Christmas Day 10:30AM 200 The Christmas Invasion 7 December 4:30PM 201 New Earth 7 December 7:30PM 408 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2 8 December 4:30PM 202 Tooth and Claw 9 December 4:30PM 203 School Reunion 10 December 4:30PM 204 The Girl in the Fireplace 13 December 4:30PM 205 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 14 December 4:30PM 206 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 14 December 7:30PM 409 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2 15 December 4:30PM 207 The Idiot's Lantern 16 December 7:30PM 208 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 17 December 7:30PM 209 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 20 December 4:30PM 210 Love & Monsters 21 December 4:30PM 211 Fear Her 21 December 7:30PM 410 Midnight 22 December 4:30PM 212 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 23 December 4:30PM 213 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 Christmas Eve 5PM 414 The Next Doctor Christmas Day 4:45PM 415 Planet of the Dead 26 December 10:45AM, 27 December 4:30PM 300 The Runaway Bride 26 December 5PM, 29 December 11AM 416 The Waters of Mars 28 December 4:30PM 301 Smith and Jones 28 December 7:30PM 411 Turn Left 29 December 4:30PM 302 The Shakespeare Code 30 December 4:30PM 303 Gridlock |
UKTV 11 December 7:30PM and 1:55AM, 12 December 6:30AM and 3:30PM 404 "The Sontaran Stratagem" pt 1 of 2 18 December 7:30PM and 1:50AM, 19 December 6:30AM and 3:30PM 405 "The Poison Sky" pt 2 of 2 Christmas Day 7:10PM, 26 December 8:10AM 400 Voyage of the Damned 26 December 7:25AM "Dreamland" 2009 animated story starring David Tennant |
Thanks for reading. Until next time, take care. |
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2010. |