This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Saturday 2nd January 2010
This Week In Doctor Who - January 2, 2010 (posted 2nd Jan 2010, 12:00pm - TWIDW post #0993) |
This Week In Doctor Who January 2, 2010 - Vol 13, No 1 The weekly guide to Doctor Who broadcasts worldwide since 1998. by Benjamin F. Elliott |
Written January 2, 6:30AM EST - 10.4 million overnight viewers on BBC One for The End Of Time, Part Two. Congratulations! And Matt Smith, welcome to the show! |
Written January 1, 3PM EST: "Happy New Year! In the UK and regions that can see BBC One and/or the UK BBC HD, the Russell T Davies era of Doctor Who has come to an end, as well as David Tennant's TV tenure as The Doctor. US audiences get the premiere of The End Of Time, Part Two on BBC America tonight, and Canadian audiences get both The End Of Time, Part One and The End Of Time, Part Two on SPACE tonight. I am writing this before I see The End Of Time, Part Two, even before I get online where I might come across a reaction by accident. |
"In 2005, I was guardedly optimistic about new Who. This Week In Doctor Who had been keeping track of listings and broadcast events since July 1998 (scarily, the column still has spent more time without new Who than with new Who). While individual episodes strike me as better or worse, the show has come through. The magic was still there and is stronger than ever. Now the baton is passed to Steven Moffat. We've seen his writing in The Curse Of Fatal Death (1999 spoof with Rowan Atkinson as the 9th Doctor) and new series stories The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, The Girl In The Fireplace, Blink, and Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead. I think Steven will win most of us over the way Russell won most of us over, and Doctor Who's TV story is far from over. |
"Before we fully settle in, I think the BBC America incident of last week should be addressed. |
"Saturday, December 26, 2009 - BBC America got The End Of Time, Part One to the US just one day after the UK airing. Finally, new Who was close enough to the UK broadcast for most people who "acquire" it clandestinely to just watch it on TV instead. The excitement was there. BBC America's chance to show how to air Doctor Who and BBC programming in general ... |
"... and they ran the UK post closing credits trailer two-thirds of the way through part one, spoiling the two biggest cliffhangers of the episode!!! They also had more graffiti on the right side of the screen than ever before, going half-way up the page. The supposedly uncut showing excised the To ... Be ... Continued ... ending, which was part of the episode. You had the normal BBC America on the top left and a mix of the text "Doctor Who" or moving videos of other shows in the bottom left of the screen wrecking the visual experience. Didn't even bother running the closing credits, and I was too stunned to see if they ended on time. But running that particular trailer when they did, blowing the shock of the end of the episode for everyone who dutifully waited for the BBC America showing (some of them for the first time in modern Who history - this is not how to convince people that waiting is the right thing to do). |
"You have to actually try to fail at something. Congratulations, BBC America. You didn't pay attention to what was in that trailer (well, I'm going to hope you weren't paying attention - because otherwise it was deliberate), and you managed to fail. It's hard for me to write that - I've done this column for 11 and a half years and I always advocate watching shows when they air on TV. I still want all of us in the US who have BBC America to watch The End Of Time, Part Two on one of BBC America's broadcasts. But I can't blame anyone who doesn't (at least tonight) after what happened last week. I hope BBC America learned something from the reaction they got to that trailer and they will be a little wiser next time. Note - on other shows you have, the coming next bit at the start of the commercial break that gives away the biggest plot point of the next section of the episode - it's the same thing. Those shows just have smaller fanbases and those fans have a harder time reaching you. Those shows deserve better treatment, too. |
"There is only one appropriate response to BBC America's handling of The End Of Time, Part One. I'm going to ignore this column's TV role for a moment and point out every single LEGAL way I am aware of for Americans to see part two, if you aren't willing to give BBC America another shot just yet. I'll give them the shot tonight, but if you're not ready ... |
"1) BBC America On Demand - Early Sunday morning, part two of The End Of Time will go up on digital cable systems that have On Demand (plus DirecTV On Demand). The episode will be truly uncut, including the real closing credits and any trailers that might be at the end of the episode (with the trailers at the right place). BBC America On Demand typically has 3 30 second commercial breaks in a broadcast, the first one about half an hour into the show. You will have a BBC America On Demand Logo in the top left of the screen and the occasional note at the bottom left of the screen, but it will look so much better than the BBC America TV version. Better picture and sound quality than the SD TV version of BBC America. |
"2) iTunes (and possibly other pay video services). Both parts of The End Of Time (and the corresponding Confidential episodes) should be available uncut on iTunes by the end of the weekend. $1.99 per episode SD version, $2.99 per episode HD version. |
"3) The End Of Time will be out on DVD and Blu-Ray in early February in the USA. |
"Rant over. I'm hoping BBC America learns from the reaction to last week. Tonight will be better - they don't have any shock spoiler trailers available to play with, for a start. Hopefully the new Series in the Spring will be handled more carefully. And if you're reading, please treat your TV broadcasts like the On Demand broadcasts. Yes, you'll have actual commercial breaks on TV, but seriously - the On Demand versions would make your station look so much better if they were the TV versions." |
On to normal matters: |
Saturday 2 January: USA - 8PM EST/5PM PST - David Tennant Special (BBC America) Canada - 8PM EST/5PM PST - The End Of Time, Part One (SPACE) USA - 8:30PM EST/5:30PM PST - The End Of Time, Part Two (BBC America) Canada - 9:20PM EST/6:20PM PST - The End Of Time, Part Two (SPACE) |
Australia and New Zealand - ABC1 and Prime have not said when The End Of Time, Part One or The End Of Time, Part Two will air. |
The official cast list for the 2010 Doctor Who series: |
The Doctor: Matt Smith Amy Pond: Karen Gillan |
For press releases on Doctor Who, keep an eye on the BBC Press Office and C21 Media . |
Listings for PBS and Podcasts are in This Week In Doctor Who PBS and Podcasts. Sarah Jane Adventures and K9 are in This Week In Doctor Who Spinoffs. Torchwood info is in Torchwood This Week. |
Corrections and updates are welcome at , , TWIDW on AOL IM , and thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. The listings: |
New Series General Information: |
UK: |
BBC Radio 4 Material should be available for one week online after the broadcast. A few more hours - "Archive On 4: Doctor Who - The Lost Episodes" (60 minutes) Shaun Ley (host of the Shelved documentary) examines the 108 missing episodes of Doctor Who. The story of Doctor Who episodes that may never air on TV again. Until Monday - "Archive On 4: Doctor Who - The Lost Episodes (45 minute edit) |
BBC Radio 7 available via UK digital radio, UK digital TV, live streaming worldwide via Windows Media Player and RealPlayer, archived one week via iPlayer (inside the UK) and RealPlayer (all over the world) Late Saturday 2:30AM GMT "Doctor Who The Commentaries - The End Of Time, Part Two" (90 minute slot, so the commentary should be uncut) |
BBC One 16:9 Widescreen Digital,14:9 Cropped Letterbox Analogue Sunday 3:40PM GMT 4-18 "The End Of Time, Part Two" (75 minutes) (final David Tennant episode) Spring 2010 - "The 2010 Series" 13 episodes, starring Matt Smith |
BBC Three Doctor Who Confidential First broadcaster of Doctor Who Confidential. Saturday 7PM and 4:55AM, 11 January 8PM GMT "Doctor Who's Greatest Moments - Enemies" (30 minutes) Sunday 7PM, 13 January 8PM GMT 4-18 "The End Of Time, Part Two" (75 minutes) Sunday 8:15PM GMT Doctor Who Confidential 4-18 (45 minute edit) Late Sunday 4:10AM GMT Doctor Who Confidential 4-18 (60 minutes, premiere, title may be a spoiler) Monday 7PM GMT 4-14 The Next Doctor (60 minutes) Late Monday 4:10AM GMT Doctor Who Confidential 4-17 (60 minutes) Tuesday 7PM GMT "Dreamland" 2009 animated story, 45 minutes Wednesday 7PM and 3:35AM GMT "Doctor Who's Greatest Moments - The Doctor" (40 minutes) 11 January 7PM GMT 4-15 Planet of the Dead (60 minutes) 12 January 8PM GMT 4-16 The Waters of Mars (62 minutes) 13 January 7PM GMT 4-17 "The End Of Time, Part One" (60 minutes) 15 January 8PM GMT 2-00 The Christmas Invasion (60 minutes) 18 January 7PM GMT 2-01 New Earth 18 January 7:45PM GMT DWC 2-01 New New Doctor (15 minutes) 20 January 7PM GMT 2-02 Tooth and Claw 20 January 7:45PM GMT DWC 2-02 Fear Factor (15 minutes) 21 January 7PM GMT 2-03 School Reunion 21 January 7:45PM GMT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited (15 minutes) |
BBC HD The BBC's UK station for HD programming Sunday 3:40PM GMT 4-18 "The End Of Time, Part Two" (75 minutes) Sunday 4:55PM GMT Doctor Who Confidential 4-17 (60 minutes) Late Sunday 4:10AM GMT Doctor Who Confidential 4-18 (60 minutes, episode title could be a spoiler) |
BBC Radio Two Available until Tuesday - "Who On Who" 1 hour special - David Tennant interviews Russell T Davies about his career |
BFBS BFBS 2: Sunday 7PM and 1AM, Monday 7AM and 1PM CET 4-18 "The End Of Time, Part Two" (75 minutes) Sunday 8:15PM and 2:15AM, Monday 8:15AM and 2:15AM CET Doctor Who Confidential 4-18 (60 minutes) BFBS Navy: Monday 7AM, 10 January 5:35PM CET 4-18 "The End Of Time, Part Two" (75 minutes) Monday 8:15AM CET Doctor Who Confidential 4-18 (60 minutes) 10 January 4:35PM CET 4-17 "The End Of Time, Part One" (60 minutes) BFBS 1 Day Later: Saturday 1:40PM CET 4-18 "The End Of Time, Part Two" (75 minutes) |
USA: |
BBC America DirecTV 264 Dish 135,879 See Torchwood This Week for BBC America's Torchwood schedule. Saturday 5AM EST/2AM PST 4-06 The Doctor's Daughter Saturday 6AM EST/3AM PST 4-00 Voyage of the Damned 90 minute slot Saturday 7:30AM EST/4:30AM PST 4-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp Saturday 8:30AM EST/5:30AM PST 4-08/4-09 "Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead" 2 hour movie version Saturday 10:30AM EST/7:30AM PST 4-10 Midnight Saturday 11:30AM EST/8:30AM PST 4-11 Turn Left Saturday 12:30PM EST/9:30AM PST 4-12/4-13 "The Stolen Earth/Journey's End" 2 1/2 hour movie version Saturday 3PM EST/Noon PST 4-14 The Next Doctor apparently unedited, 75 minute slot Saturday 4:15PM EST/1:15PM PST 4-15 Planet of the Dead apparently uncut, 75 minute slot Saturday 5:30PM/2:30PM PST 4-16 The Waters of Mars apparently uncut, 75 minute slot Saturday 6:45PM EST/3:45PM PST 4-17 "The End Of Time, Part One" apparently uncut, 75 minute slot -Saturday 8PM, 11PM, and 2AM EST/5PM, 8PM, and 11PM PST "The David Tennnant Special" 30 minutes, documentary on David Tennant, premiere -Saturday 8:30PM, 11:30PM, and 2:30AM EST/5:30PM, 8:30PM, and 11:30PM PST 4-18 "The End Of Time, Part Two" (US Premiere, 90 minute slot) 9 January 7PM EST/4PM PST 3-01 Smith and Jones 10 January 5PM EST/2PM PST 4-17/4-18 The End of Time (movie version, 3 hours) 16 January 7PM EST/4PM PST 3-02 The Shakespeare Code 23 January 7PM EST/4PM PST 3-03 Gridlock |
BBC America On Demand available on better digital cable systems and DirecTV Full length episodes (no cuts for time, even have the original next time credits and the real closing credits with graphics and music). Comes Offline January 4: 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern Online Now (end dates unknown): 4-16 The Waters of Mars 4-17 "The End Of Time, Part One" Comes Online January 3: 4-18 "The End Of Time, Part Two" |
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SPACE Saturday 4PM and 11PM EST/1PM and 8PM PST 4-14 The Next Doctor (80 minutes) Saturday 5:20PM and 12:20AM EST/2:20PM and 9:20PM PST 4-15 Planet of the Dead (80 minutes) Saturday 6:40PM and 1:40AM EST/3:40PM and 10:40PM PST 4-16 The Waters of Mars (80 minutes) Saturday 8PM and 3AM EST/5PM and Midnight PST, Sunday 6AM EST/3AM PST 4-17 The End of Time: Part One (Canadian premiere, 80 minutes) Saturday 9:20PM and 4:20AM EST/6:20PM and 1:20AM PST, Sunday 7:20AM EST/4:20AM PST 4-18 The End of Time: Part Two (Canadian premiere, 100 minutes) |
Showtime Arabia ShowSeries 1 (all airings 2 hours earlier on ShowSeries 1 Extra). Firstrun episodes. Sunday 8PM and 1AM, Monday 1PM KSA 4-11 Turn Left 10 January 8PM and 1AM, 11 January 1PM KSA 4-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2 17 January 8PM and 1AM, 18 January 1PM KSA 4-13 Journey's End pt 2 of 2 (45 minute hacked version) 24 January 8PM and 1AM, 25 January 1PM KSA 4-00a Voyage of the Damned pt 1 of 2 31 January 8PM and 1AM, 1 February 1PM KSA 4-00b Voyage of the Damned pt 2 of 2 |
SIC Radical Series 4 premieres. Sunday 1:30PM, Monday 5:04PM CET 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii |
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SciFi Spain Series 4 first run. Series 1, 2, and 3 weekday repeats. Saturday 1:45PM, Sunday 9:20AM CET 4-00 Voyage of the Damned Saturday 2:57PM, Sunday 10:32AM CET 4-01 Partners in Crime Saturday 8:40PM, 16 January 1:40PM, 17 January 9:15AM CET 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii Monday 7:10AM, 13 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 3-03 Gridlock Monday 11:35AM and 8PM CET 2-10 Love & Monsters -Monday 10:20PM, Tuesday 4:50PM, 9 January 8:40PM. 16 January 2:28PM, 17 January 10:03AM CET 4-03 Planet of the Ood (new episode) Monday 11:10PM, Tuesday 5:35PM, 11 January 7:10AM, 14 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 Tuesday 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 2-11 Fear Her Wednesday 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 Thursday 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 Friday 11:35AM and 7:50PM CET 3-00 The Runaway Bride 11 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 3-01 Smith and Jones 11 January 10:20PM, 12 January 4:50PM, 16 January 3:11PM and 8PM, 17 January 10:46AM CET 4-04 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 11 January 11:10PM, 12 January 5:35PM, 15 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM, 18 January 6:40AM CET 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 12 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 3-02 The Shakespeare Code 18 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM and 11:10PM, 19 january 5:35PM, 25 January 7:10AM CET 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment 18 January 10:20PM, 19 Janaury 4:50PM, 23 January 8:40PM, 30 January 1:05PM, 31 January 10:25AM CET 4-05 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2 19 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM, 25 January 11:10PM, 26 January 5:35AM, 31 January 8AM CET 3-07 42 20 January 11:35AM and 8PM CET 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 21 Janaury 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 22 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 3-10 Blink 25 January 10:20PM, 26 January 4:50PM, 30 Janaury 1:50PM and 8:40PM, 31 Janaury 11:10AM CET 4-06 The Doctor's Daughter 28 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 1-01 Rose 29 January 11:35AM and 7:55PM CET 1-02 The End Of The World 30 January 2:35PM, 31 January 11:55AM CET 4-07 "The Unicorn And the Wasp" |
BBC Entertainment Asia All times Korea - adjust for local time zone. Subtitles available in various local languages. Series 3 Repeats. Series 4 premieres 12 January. Late Saturday 12:05AM, Sunday 5:05AM, Monday 2:45PM, Tuesday 9:50PM and 1:15AM, Wednesday 5:55AM and 10:45AM and 2:45PM, Friday 5:55AM, 10 January 6:15PM DWC 3-13 The Valiant Quest Sunday 9:30AM and 5:45PM 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 Tuesday 9PM and 12:25AM, Wednesday 5:05AM and 9:55AM and 1:55PM, 10 January 9:30AM and 5:30PM 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 10 January 5AM DWC 3-12 The Saxon Mystery 12 January 7:45PM 4-00 Voyage of the Damned (full length version) -12 January 9PM and 12:30AM, 13 January 5:10AM and 9:50AM, 17 January 9:35AM and 6PM 4-01 Partners in Crime (new episodes) 12 January 9:50PM and 11:35PM and 1:20AM, 13 January 6AM and (late) 3:45AM, 15 January 10:50AM and 2:50PM, 16 January 6AM, 17 January 6:50PM, 19 January 6:50AM DWC 4-01 A Noble Return 19 January 9PM and 12:30AM, 20 January 5:05AM and 9:50AM and 1:35PM, 24 January 9:35AM and 6PM 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii 19 January 9:50PM and 11:35PM and 1:20AM, 20 January 5:55AM and (late) 3:45AM, 24 January 6:50PM, 26 January 6:50AM DWC 4-02 The Italian Job 26 January 9PM and 12:30PM, 27 January 5:05AM and 9:55AM and 1:35PM, 31 January 9:35AM and 6PM 4-03 Planet of the Ood 26 January 9:45PM and 1:15AM, 27 January 5:55AM, 31 January 6:45PM DWC 4-03 Oods and Ends |
BBC Entertainment Series 3 - first run Tuesdays. Sunday 9AM 3-01 Smith and Jones Sunday 10AM, 10 January 9AM 3-02 The Shakespeare Code Tuesday 9PM and 11PM, Wednesday 5AM, 31 January 10AM 3-06 "The Lazarus Experiment" (new) 10 January 10AM, 17 January 9AM 3-03 Gridlock 12 January 9PM and 11PM, 13 January 5AM 3-07 42 17 January 10AM, 24 January 9AM 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 19 January 9PM and 11PM, 20 January 5AM 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 24 January 10AM, 31 January 9AM 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 26 January 9PM and 11PM, 27 January 5AM 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 |
ABC1 Coming soon, The End Of Time, Part One and The End Of Time, Part Two - airdate to be announced |
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Prime TV 16:9 digital; 4:3 pan and scan analog. Airdates for The End Of Time, Part One and The End Of Time, Part Two not yet known |
UK: |
Watch All times 1 hour later on Watch plus 1. Saturday 6AM, 23 January 8PM GMT 2-01 New Earth Saturday 7AM, 6 February 8PM, 7 February Noon GMT 2-03 School Reunion Saturday 8AM GMT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace Saturday 9AM GMT 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 Saturday 10AM GMT 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 Saturday 11AM GMT 2-10 Love & Monsters Saturday Noon GMT 2-11 Fear Her Saturday 1PM, Sunday 6AM GMT 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 Saturday 2PM, Sunday 7AM GMT 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 Saturday 3PM, Sunday 8AM GMT 2-00 The Christmas Invasion (80 minute slot) Saturday 4:20PM, Sunday 9:20AM GMT 3-00 The Runaway Bride (80 minute slot) Saturday 5:40PM, Sunday 10:40AM GMT "Doctor Who Confidential - The Next Doctor" (Channel premiere!, 40 minutes) Saturday 6:20PM, Sunday 11:20AM GMT 4-00 Voyage of the Damned (Channel premiere!, 100 minutes) Late Saturday 12:30AM GMT 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 Late Saturday 1:30AM GMT 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 9 January 8PM, 10 January 2PM GMT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 16 January 2PM, 17 January 11AM GMT 3-01 Smith and Jones 16 January 3PM, 17 January Noon GMT 3-02 The Shakespeare Code 16 January 8PM GMT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 17 January 1PM GMT 3-03 Gridlock 17 January 2PM GMT 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 30 January 2PM GMT 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 30 January 3PM GMT 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment 30 January 4PM GMT 3-07 42 30 January 5PM GMT 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 30 January 8PM GMT 2-02 Tooth and Claw 31 January Noon GMT 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 31 January 1PM GMT 3-10 Blink 31 January 2PM GMT 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 31 January 3PM GMT 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 31 January 4PM GMT 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 Late 6 February 1:15AM GMT 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern 18 February 10:20PM GMT "Doctor Who" 1996 TV Movie (new to Watch) |
BBC Online Shada - starring Paul McGann and Lalla Ward. 6 episodes. A retired Time Lord in Cambridge needs the Doctor's help to recover a Time Lord book before the scientist Skagra can find it. "The Scream Of The Shalka" - starring Richard E. Grant. 6 episode story. The Shalka prepare to conquer the Earth from below. Can the Doctor be convinced to save the day one last time? "Real Time" - starring Colin Baker and the Cybermen. 6 episodes. The Doctor and Evelyn Smythe research a temple that has been yanking scientists out of time, bringing them face to face with the future of the Cybermen. (NOTE - While Real Time is listed on the website, only the audio version is working. The video versions are not working at this time. Please, someone at the BBC - fix this.) Doctor Who Confidential The 13 episodes from Series 1 of the BBC Three series all online via Real Player in the CutDown format used for repeats and the Series 1 DVDs. Also, numerous video diaries and trailers. |
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France 4 Episodes dubbed in French. Saturday 10:50PM, Wednesday 1:55PM CET 4-14 The Next Doctor (60 minutes) Late Saturday Midnight CET 4-00 Voyage of the Damned (75 minutes) |
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SciFi NL Repeat Run. Monday 8:30PM, 9 January 11:50PM, 10 January 6:50PM CET 4-01 Partners in Crime Monday 9:20PM, Late 9 January 12:40AM, 10 January 7:40PM CET 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii 11 January 8:30PM, 16 January 11:50PM, 17 January 6:50PM CET 4-03 Planet of the Ood 11 January 9:20PM, Late 16 January 12:40AM, 17 Janaury 7:40PM CET 4-04 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 18 January 8:30PM, 23 January 11:50PM, 24 January 6:50PM CET 4-05 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2 18 January 9:20PM, Late 23 January 12:40AM, 24 January 7:40PM CET 4-06 The Doctor's Daughter 25 January 8:30PM, 30 January 11:50PM, 31 January 6:50PM CET 4-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp 25 January 9:20PM, Late 30 January 12:40AM, 31 January 7:40PM CET 4-08 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2 1 February 8:30PM, 6 February 11:50PM, 7 February 6:50PM CET 4-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2 1 February 9:20PM, Late 6 February 12:40AM, 7 February 7:40PM CET 4-10 Midnight 8 February 8:30PM, Late 13 February Midnight, 14 February 6:50PM CET 4-11 Turn Left 8 February 9:20PM, Late 13 February 12:50AM, 14 February 7:40PM, 15 February 8:30PM, 20 February 11:50PM, 21 February 6:35PM CET 4-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2 15 February 9:20PM, Late 20 February 12:40AM, 21 February 7:25PM CET 4-13 Journey's End pt 2 of 2 (65 minutes) 22 February 8:30PM, 27 February 11:50PM CET 4-14 The Next Doctor (65 minutes) 22 February 9:35PM, Late 27 February 12:55AM CET 4-15 Planet of the Dead (60 minutes) |
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SciFi Germany Series 1 and 2 repeats. Dubbed in German. 18 January 3:30PM, 19 January 10AM CET 1-01 Rose 19 January 3:30PM, 20 January 9:40AM CET 1-02 Das Ende der Welt (The End Of The World) 20 January 3:30PM, 21 January 10AM CET 1-03 Die Rastlosen Toten (The Unquiet Dead) 21 January 3:30PM, 22 January 9:50AM CET 1-04 Aliens In London pt 1 of 2 (Aliens Of London) 22 January 3:30PM, 25 January 10AM CET 1-05 Der Dritte Weltkrieg pt 2 of 2 (World War Three) 25 January 3:30PM, 26 January 10AM CET 1-06 Dalek 26 January 3:30PM, 27 January 10AM CET 1-07 Langzeitstrategie (The Long Game) 27 January 3:30PM, 28 January 10AM CET 1-08 Vatertag (Father's Day) 28 January 3:30PM, 29 January 9:55AM CET 1-09 Das Leere Kind pt 1 of 2 (The Empty Child) 29 January 3:30PM, 1 February 11:30AM CET 1-10 Der Doktor Tanzt pt 2 of 2 (The Doctor Dances) 1 February 3:30PM, 2 February 10AM CET 1-11 Der Spalt (Boom Town) 2 February 3:30PM, 3 February 10AM CET 1-12 Boser Wolf pt 1 of 2 (Bad Wolf) 3 February 3:30PM, 4 February 9:40AM CET 1-13 Getrennte Wege pt 2 of 2 (The Parting Of The Ways) 4 February 3:15PM, 5 February 9:40AM CET 2-00 Die Weihnachtsinvasion (The Christmas Invasion, 60 minutes) 5 February 3:30PM CET 2-01 "Die neue Erde" (New Earth) |
BBC Entertainment Series 2 and 3 repeats. Saturday 6:50PM CET 2-00 The Christmas Invasion (45 minute edited version) Saturday 7:40PM, 18 January 11:10AM and 4:20PM, 19 January 10:15AM and 3:30PM, 23 January 11AM CET 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 Saturday 8:25PM, 19 January 11AM and 4:15PM, 23 January 11:45AM CET 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 Saturday 9:10PM CET 3-00 The Runaway Bride Saturday 10:10PM, Sunday 8PM, 19 February 11AM and 4PM, 21 February 12:30PM, 22 February 10:25AM and 3:35PM, 27 February 11AM CET 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 Saturday 10:55PM, Sunday 8:45PM, 22 February 11:10AM and 4:20PM, 23 February 10:25AM and 3:35PM, 27 February 11:45AM CET 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 Saturday 11:45PM, Sunday 9:30PM, 23 February 11:10AM and 4:20PM, 24 February 10:20AM and 3:30PM, 27 February 12:30PM CET 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 (Edited International Version) Late Saturday 12:30AM, Sunday 10:20PM CET 4-00 Voyage of the Damned (75 minutes, new to BBC Entertainment Scandinavia) Monday 10:20AM and 3:35PM, Saturday 9 January 11AM, Late 31 January 2:35AM CET 2-01 New Earth Monday 11:05AM and 4:20PM, Tuesday 10:20AM and 3:35PM, Saturday 9 January 11:45AM, Late 31 January 3:20AM CET 2-02 Tooth and Claw Tuesday 11:05AM and 4:20PM, Wednesday 10:20AM and 3:35PM, Saturday 9 January 12:30PM, 10 January 11:20AM CET 2-03 School Reunion Wednesday 11:05AM and 4:20PM, Thursday 10:20AM and 3:35PM, 10 January 12:05PM CET 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace Thursday 11:05AM and 4:20PM, Friday 10AM and 3:15PM, 10 January 12:50PM CET 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 Friday 10:45AM and 4PM, 11 January 10:25AM and 3:35PM, 16 January 10:55AM CET 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 11 January 11:10AM and 4:20PM, 12 January 10:25AM and 3:35PM, 16 January 11:45AM CET 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern 12 January 11:10AM and 4:20PM, 13 January 10:20AM and 3:30PM, 16 January 12:30PM CET 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 13 January 11:05AM and 4:15PM, 14 January 10:20AM and 3:30PM, 17 January 11:20AM CET 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 14 January 11:05AM and 4:20PM, 15 January 10:10AM and 3:20PM, 17 January 12:05PM CET 2-10 Love & Monsters 15 January 10:55AM and 4:05PM, 17 January 12:50PM, 18 January 10:25AM and 3:35PM CET 2-11 Fear Her 5 February 10:50AM and 4PM, 7 February 12:50AM, 8 February 10:25AM and 3:35PM, 13 February 11AM CET 3-01 Smith and Jones 8 February 11:10AM and 4:20PM, 9 February 10:15AM and 3:30PM, 13 February 11:45AM CET 3-02 The Shakespeare Code 9 February 11AM and 4:15PM, 10 February 10:15AM and 3:30PM, 13 February 12:30PM CET 3-03 Gridlock 10 February 11AM and 4:15PM, 11 February 10:15AM and 3:30PM, 14 February 11AM CET 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 11 February 11AM and 4:15PM, 12 February 9:55AM and 3:10PM, 14 February 11:45AM CET 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 12 February 10:40AM and 3:55PM, 14 February 12:30PM, 15 February 10:15AM and 3:30PM, 20 February 11AM CET 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment 15 February 11AM and 4:15PM, 16 February 10:15AM and 3:30PM, 20 February 11:45AM CET 3-07 42 16 February 11AM and 4:15PM. 17 February 10:15AM and 3:30PM, 20 February 12:30PM CET 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 17 February 11AM and 4:15PM, 18 February 10:20AM and 3:30PM, 21 February 11AM CET 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 18 February 11:05AM and 4:15PM, 19 February 10:15AM and 3:15PM, 21 February 11:45AM CET 3-10 Blink |
BBC Entertainment Poland Late Saturday 1:25AM CET 1-03 The Unquiet Dead Late Saturday 2:15AM CET 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 Late Friday 1:20AM CET 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 Late Friday 2:10AM CET 1-06 Dalek Late 9 January 1:25AM CET 1-07 The Long Game Late 9 January 2:15AM CET 1-08 Father's Day Late 15 January 1:25AM CET 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 Late 15 January 2:15AM CET 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 Late 16 January 12:40AM CET 1-11 Boom Town Late 16 January 1:30AM CET 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 Late 22 January 1:20AM CET 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 Late 22 January 2:10AM CET 2-00 The Christmas Invasion Late 23 January 12:40AM CET 2-01 New Earth Late 23 January 1:30AM CET 2-02 Tooth and Claw Late 29 January 1:20AM CET 2-03 School Reunion Late 29 January 2:10AM CET 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace Late 30 January 12:40AM CET 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 Late 30 January 1:30AM CET 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 |
TVR2 Series 3 repeats. still pre-empted - next episode should be Evolution Of The Daleks |
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SCI FI Russia All times Moscow. Repeat run. Saturday 10:50AM, 28 January 5:40PM, 29 January 11:50AM 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2? Late 10 January 12:35AM, 29 January 5:40PM 1-11 Boom Town Late 10 January 1:25AM 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 Late 10 January 2:10AM 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 15 January 5:40PM, 16 January 12:40PM and 4:30PM 1-01 Rose 18 January 5:40PM, 19 January 11:50AM 1-02 The End Of The World 19 January 5:40PM, 20 January 11:50AM 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 20 January 5:40PM, 21 January 11:50AM 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 21 January 5:40PM, 22 January 11:50AM 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 22 January 5:40PM 1-06 Dalek 25 January 5:40PM, 26 January 11:50AM 1-07 The Long Game 26 January 5:40PM, 27 January 11:50AM 1-08 Father's Day 27 January 5:40PM, 28 January 11:50AM 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 |
BBC Entertainment Adjust for local time, which could vary by several hours 7 February 3:20PM and 11:10PM, 13 February 7:15PM CET 1-01 Rose (start of repeat run) 14 February 3:20PM and 11:10PM, 20 February 7:15PM CET 1-02 "The End Of The World" 21 February 3:20PM and 11:10PM, 17 February 7:15PM CET 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 28 February 3:20PM and 11:10PM CET 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 |
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UKTV Australia All times 2 hours later on UKTV + 2. Times listed are Australian Eastern. Tuesday 7:30PM 1-01 Rose Tuesday 8:20PM DWC 1-01 Bringing Back the Doctor 12 January 7:30PM 1-02 The End Of The World 12 January 8:20PM DWC 1-02 Aliens 19 January 7:30PM 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 19 January 8:20PM DWC 1-03 TARDIS Tales 26 January 7:30PM 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 26 January 8:20PM DWC 1-04 I Get A Side-Kick Out Of You |
ABC2 Series 4 repeat run. Monday 9:30PM 4-06 The Doctor's Daughter Monday 10:15PM DWC 4-06 "Sins Of The Father" 11 January 9:30PM 4-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp 11 January 10:15PM DWC 4-07 Nemesis 18 January 9:30PM 4-08 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2 18 January 10:15PM DWC 4-08 Shadow Play |
UKTV New Zealand Series 4 - new to UKTV New Zealand. Saturday 8:30PM and 1:30AM, Saturday 9 January 4PM 4-11 Turn Left Saturday 9:20PM and 2:20AM, Saturday 9 January 4:50PM DWC 4-11 "Here Come The Girls" 9 January 8:30PM and 1:50AM, 16 January 4PM 4-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2 9 January 9:15PM and 2:35AM, 16 January 4:45PM DWC 4-12 Friends and Foe 16 January 8:30PM and 1:50AM, 23 January 4PM 4-13 Journey's End (65 minutes) 16 January 9:35PM and 2:55AM, 23 January 5:05PM DWC 4-13 "End Of An Era" (25 minutes) 23 January 8:30PM and 1:45AM, 30 January 4PM 1-01 Rose 23 January 9:15PM and 2:30AM, 30 January 4:45PM DWC 1-01 "Bringing Back The Doctor" 30 January 8:30PM and 1:50AM 1-02 The End Of The World 30 January 9:15PM and 2:35AM DWC 1-02 "Aliens" |
CBC Bold TV "The Planet Of The Doctor" exclusive CBC.CA documentary. 6 regular episodes and 1 special. Approximately 90 minutes. Late Wednesday Midnight and 3AM EST 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 Late 13 January Midnight and 3AM EST 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 (edited International Version) |
BBC Kids Classic Who: Late Saturday 3AM EST/Midnight PST, Late Sunday 2AM EST/11PM PST Terminus pt 1 of 4 Late Saturday 3:30AM EST/12:30AM PST, Late Sunday 2:30AM EST/11:30AM PST Terminus pt 2 of 4 Late Monday 1AM EST/10PM PST, Tuesday 5AM EST/2AM PST Castrovalva pt 1 of 4 Late Monday 1:30AM EST/10:30PM PST, Tuesday 5:30AM EST/2:30AM PST Castrovalva pt 2 of 4 Late Tuesday 1AM EST/10PM PST, Wednesday 5AM EST/2AM PST Castrovalva pt 3 of 4 Late Tuesday 1:30AM EST/10:30PM PST, Wednesday 5:30AM EST/2:30AM PST Castrovalva pt 4 of 4 Late Wednesday 1AM EST/10PM PST, Thursday 5AM EST/2AM PST Four To Doomsday pt 1 of 4 Late Wednesday 1:30AM EST/10:30PM PST, Thursday 5:30AM EST/2:30AM PST "Four To Doomsday" pt 2 of 4 Late Thursday 1AM EST/10PM PST, Friday 5AM EST/2AM PST Four To Doomsday pt 3 of 4 Late Thursday 1:30AM EST/10:30PM PST, Friday 5:30AM EST/2:30AM PST "Four To Doomsday" pt 4 of 4 Late Friday 1AM EST/10PM PST, Saturday 9 January 5AM EST/2AM PST "The Visitation" pt 1 of 4 Late Friday 1:30AM EST/10:30PM PST, Saturday 9 January 5:30AM EST/2:30AM PST The Visitation pt 2 of 4 Late 9 January 3AM EST/Midnight PST, Late 10 January 2AM EST/11PM PST Terminus pt 3 of 4 Late 9 January 3:30AM EST/12:30AM PST, Late 10 January 2:30AM EST/11:30PM PST Terminus pt 4 of 4 Late 11 January 1AM EST/10PM PST, 12 January 5AM EST/2AM PST The Visitation pt 3 of 4 Late 11 January 1:30AM EST/10:30PM PST, 12 January 5:30AM EST/2:30AM PST "The Visitation" pt 4 of 4 Late 12 January 1AM EST/10PM PST, 13 January 5AM EST/2AM PST Black Orchid pt 1 of 2 Late 12 January 1:30AM EST/10:30PM PST, 13 January 5:30AM EST/2:30AM PST "Black Orchid" pt 2 of 2 Late 13 January 1AM EST/10PM PST, 14 January 5AM EST/2AM PST Time-Flight pt 1 of 4 Late 13 January 1:30AM EST/10:30PM PST, 14 January 5:30AM EST/2:30AM PST Time-Flight pt 2 of 4 |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. |
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2010. |