This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Saturday 11th July 2009
This Week In Doctor Who Spinoffs - July 11, 2009 (posted 11th Jul 2009, 2:39pm - TWIDW post #0911) |
This Week In Doctor Who Spinoffs July 11, 2009 - Volume 1, Number 28 The weekly guide to Sarah Jane Smith broadcasts, podcasts, and other matters. by Benjamin F. Elliott |
Australian network Nickelodeon reaches new to Australia episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures this Tuesday at 7:30PM. Episodes continues weekdays, with most of them repeating in late night and a Sunday evening weekly repeat at 7:30PM. |
Still waiting for an airdate for K9. Guess it's going to be a while. |
Sarah Jane Stations: |
Nickelodeon Australia All times Australian Eastern. Sunday 7:30PM 2a. Revenge of the Slitheen pt 1 of 2 Monday 7:30PM and 3:10AM 6b. The Lost Boy pt 2 of 2 Series 2 premieres with a weeknight run Tuesday 7:30PM and 3AM 7a. The Last Sontaran pt 1 of 2 Wednesday 7:30PM and 3AM 7b. The Last Sontaran pt 2 of 2 Thursday 7:30PM and 3AM 8a. "Day Of The Clown" pt 1 of 2 Friday 7:30PM 8b. "Day Of The Clown" pt 2 of 2 19 July 7:30PM 2b. Revenge of the Slitheen pt 2 of 2 20 July 7:30PM and 3AM 9a. Secrets of the Stars pt 1 of 2 21 July 7:30PM and 3AM 9b. Secrets of the Stars pt 2 of 2 22 July 7:30PM and 3AM 10a. The Mark of the Berserker pt 1 of 2 23 July 7:30PM and 3AM 10b. The Mark of the Berserker pt 2 of 2 24 July 7:30PM 11a. The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith pt 1 of 2 projected: 26 July 7:30PM 3a. Eye of the Gorgon pt 1 of 2 27 July 7:30PM 11b. The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith pt 2 of 2 28 July 7:30PM 12a. Enemy of the Bane pt 1 of 2 29 July 7:30PM 12b. Enemy of the Bane pt 2 of 2 |
K9 - Coming later 2009 (or early 2010, by some reports). Network Ten in Australia and Jetix/DisneyXD in the UK are expected to air it. Other broadcasters unknown. 26 episodes in this first batch. |
This section is always open to discovering new Doctor Who/Sarah Jane/K9/Torchwood material of note. If you think your webcast/podcast (or somebody else's) belongs in this section, e-mail me. |
Doctor Who: Podshock Live Talkshoe broadcasts - call in number (724) 444-7444 call id 23358 1) Home to the longest continuously running weekly-ish international Doctor Who chat show done in podcast format. Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, and James Naughton, with frequent contributions/co-hosting by Dave AC, Mike Doran, and a cast of many. There is a feed for studio shows and a feed for live shows. 2) Also home to the Sonic Newsdriver, Louis Trapani's periodic rundown of new Doctor Who news. 3) Also home to the Hitch-hiker's Guide To British Sci-Fi, a podcast covering a mix of shows, including Doctor Who. Current episode: -Podshock Episode 155 - Proper review of Power Of The Daleks. Mike Doran returns to discuss the aftermath of Who Party 14. Lots of feedback, incluing a mention from Samantha on what she's been up to, and why she has missed some CIA episodes and her own podcast. |
Radio Free Skaro The 3 Canadians (Warren, Steven, Chris) get together on the weekends for about an hour or more to discuss the latest in Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Sarah Jane in a fairly amusing manner. When one is away, the 4th Canadian (Katrina) will play. Slightly Back A Ways: There were actually *2* episode 147s for Radio Free Skaro. The one I heard (the one supplied by iTunes) had original hosts Warren and Steven and went as described last week. But some people heard a different 147 hosted by Chris Burgess, Katrina, and a Londoner named Chris (a Two Chris special event). It was slightly longer but also interesting. To the amusement and horror of team Radio Free Skaro, either nobody caught on to the stunt, or we were all too polite to say anything. They came clean with the double episode just minutes after This Week was published, so got no credit last time. So, round of applause for putting out two podcasts for the work and effort of one. If you missed one (or both) of episode 147, all the sites that carry the podcast should now have both versions. Current episode: #148 - "Boom Town Rats" - Warren, Steven, and Chris do not share my concept from the preview that episode 11s are always episode of meditation and reflection. Warren is attacked by a Skypeovore. Boom Town is reviewed. Coming Soon: #149 - "Dr. Strangewarren, Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Torchwood" - We know from twitter posts that the Radio Free Skaro team have been "surprised" by Torchwood Series 3. You know Katrina (big Torchwood fan) wants to be in on this episode and hear their reactions to Children Of Earth. Meanwhile, they are reviewing Bad Wolf, the Doctor Who episode where "Torchwood" is mentioned for the very first time. If you have seen the new Torchwood episodes, this is likely to be a must listen to episode. If you are waiting for the DVD or the BBC America/SPACE airings of the Torchwood episodes, this is likely to be a must keep unlistened to on the computer for a little while episode. #150 - "We Want Cake" - Around July 19, Radio Free Skaro records their official 150th episode. They want something special. Clearly they need all of us to send them audio feedback so they get to do some editing. ;) How about it? That will also be the episode where they look at The Parting Of The Ways and say goodbye to their review cycle for Christopher Eccleston. And on Sunday July 26: Commentary on Planet of the Dead, scheduled by coincidence just a few hours after SPACE's premiere of the episode in Canada and just a few hours before BBC America's premiere of the episode in the USA. |
DWO Whocast Trevor from Australia and Marty from the UK talk Doctor Who with themselves, others, and teddy bears dressed as doctors. Now with a rock version of the opening theme, the Whocast continues to ask the questions that pop in to their heads. Regular correspondent - James. Frequent guest - Michael of the Tin Dog podcast. Current episodes: #127 - Christopher Eccleston, part 3 of 3. September 2003 - Doctor Who's return is announced. March 2004 - Christopher Eccleston is announced as the new Doctor, breaking all expectations. March 2005 - Eccleston's episodes premiere, and the world is electrified. The Whocast team look at Eccleston's impact on Doctor Who. This time - episode by episode. Father's Day through The Parting Of The Ways concludes the Whocast's loving look back at the distant era of Christopher Eccleston. A scant four years ago. #128 - Big Finish reviews. Several new 7th Doctor audios get reviewed along with Series 2 of The Iris Wildthyme Adventures. Guess Steven Taylor is no longer the only person in the Doctor Who universe to travel around with a panda bear. Includes an interview with the writer of the Iris Wildthyme Series 2 finale, whose name I would have here if I wasn't really behind on writing this bit. Looks like there will be a Torchcast episode in the future put out on the Whocast feed looking at Children Of Earth. Coming Soon: #129 - What food will Trevor eat during the next recording special? And will he and James discuss the reviews they did for Two Minute Time Lord? |
Tin Dog Podcast UK based podcast looking at the latest in Doctor Who, Torchwood, or Sarah Jane Adventures. New episodes ever 2 weeks or so. Current episodes: #95a, b, c, d, e - Michael was doing mini-episodes on a daily basis reviewing the Torchwood: Children Of Earth episodes. Segments A to D (Days One through Four) were online as I wrote the column. Based on comments in A, these will probably be reissued as a full length single episode later. |
CIA - Cultdom In Audio Live Talkshoe broadcasts call in number (724) 444-7444 call id 30659 West, Dave AC, Ian, and other Doctor Who fans liked the live Doctor Who: Podshocks so much that they wanted to keep talking afterwards. The resulting show covers Doctor Who, anything else sci-fi related, and can go wildly off in all directions. Show founder West has alerted Dave AC and Colin that he will return full time to hosting duties with episode 101. Chats open 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. Current episode - 97. Primeval and Ashes To Ashes - slight change in topic from what I expected when I listed the episode last week. Much discussion of Primeval (Series 1 to 3) and Ashes To Ashes (largely Series 2). Upcoming episodes (titles and topics subject to change): Sunday 2PM EDT/11AM PDT/7PM BST - 98. Another Award Winning Topic and on Sunday 26 July - the real 100th episode. Dave AC and Colin retire as the regular guest hosts. Meanwhile, the show remembers its past and plans for the future. |
Cultdom (final title for show to be determined Live Talkshoe Broadcasts call in number (724) 444-7444 call id 54821 Dave AC and Ian (goes by The 6th Doctor, but he's not Colin, no siree) have guest hosted CIA so much that they developed a taste for doing it themselves. So they are launching their own show starting Sunday 2 August. Now the two shows will be side by side, one after the other for twice the chatting on twice the topics. Chats open 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. Upcoming episode: 2 August 3:30PM EDT/12:30PM PDT/8:30PM BST - 1. No title/topic yet. Based on the announced day and time, this is where the new show should be. |
Two Minute Time Lord A bite-sized commentary and revew show. Host Chip's interest was rekindled by the 2005 revival. He believes in balancing old fandom and new viewers, respect for the past and breaking the rules. He tries to keep his pontifications to 120 seconds, because we're ALL in a hurry these days. Current Episodes: #36 - Review - Torchwood Radio Play - The Dead Line. The third of 3 new Torchwood radio plays - same as the first two. #37 - Doctor Who vs. American Culture? - Why Doctor Who's format and show conceit may make it a tough sell to the US mainstream. #38 - (Spoiler Free) Guest Host Mark Goodacre reviews Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day One: Part One. #39 - James from The DWO Whocast reviews Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day One: Part One. #40 - Trevor from Fantragic/MMM Commentaries and the DWO Whocast reviews Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day One: Part One (Australian perspective) #41 - (Spoiler Filled) James from The DWO Whocast reviews Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Two: Part Two. #42 - James from The DWO Whocast reviews Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Three: Part Three with a critical eye. #43 - Mark Goodacre reviews Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Three: Part Three with a positive eye. #44 - (Spoiler Filled, Very Filled, Brim Filled) James from The DWO Whocast reacts to the plots twists in Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Four: Part Four. #45 - Mark Goodacre claims to have a spoiler free review of Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Four: Part Four. I haven't heard Mark's yet, but how did he do a spoiler free review that ran more than 15 seconds (most of that for the Two Minute Time Lord theme tune)? #46 - (Spoiler Filled - Listen At Own Risk) James from The DWO Whocast experiences Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Five: Part Five. #47 - Mark Goodacre looks at Torchwood: Children Of Earth: Day Five: Part Five. This is expected to be the end of this round of reviews. Coming Soon: Normalcy in Our Time! Chip is preparing an interview with Tony Lee, who works on IDW's range of Doctor Who comics. |
Staggering Stories A wild, wandering podcast with Doctor Who and the other flavours of the moment winding together roughly once every 2 weeks. The website's main focus is on stories collected through the years. Current: Episode 49 - "Daleks Are Special, Too" - Without Fake Keith - Andy, Adam, Keith, and Jean find that they like having Fake Keith around. The team look extensively at the Daleks, examine some escape pod discs, read out the review of a classic forgotten TV series "Legend", more news, actually read the feedback, and promise that they will not review Torchwood: Children Of Earth until after it airs in the USA and Canada. (New Zealand, South Africa, and all parts of the world not called the UK, Australia, USA, or Canada - you're on your own.) Probably recording this weekend but not coming out till the 19th or 20th - Episode 50. "Did Somebody Call For An Anniversary Special" - if you're giving feedback for their 50th episode party, you should probably send it in now before they record. I predict some voices from the past and future will pop up. Personally, I think they'd love audio feedback if you can do it - rest their voices. |
The Flashing Blade Podcast Tony Gallichan returns to podcast land with new podcaster Jo! to look at Doctor Who and matters of interest. Tony grew up with UK fandom and knows all the cliches. Jo! - didn't. Flashing Blade wants to be known as the podcast that would like a nice cup of tea. Current episode - 5. Jo! and the Tony discover the mystical Spacegoat. 1001 uses for a Nick Briggs competition is underway. Review of the Terrible Zodin fanzine. A Big Finish play and the TV story Genesis of the Daleks get reviewed. Coming soon - 6. Already recorded by now, this episode promises to look at the Big Finish "The Cannibalists" and some obscure Doctor Who story called "Black Orchid". |
The Minute Doctor Who Podcast\ html Video (sometimes just audio) podcast looking at Doctor Who projects. Episodes are usually under 5 minutes long. Current episode - 17 (audio episode). Doctor Who Mastermind, Series 1, Episode 1. Extended episode (nearly 12 minutes long). Luke starts a competition based on the popular UK quiz show Mastermind. First up - Tony Gallichan. Coming in late July (Luke's on vacation till then) - more of these installments. Try to guess which people were crazy enough to volunteer. |
Doctor Who Review Today call in number (724) 444-7444 talkshoe id 22756 Live editions Late Fridays 1AM EDT/10PM PDT/6AM BST every couple of weeks Robert Carrie King reviews Doctor Who topics (DVDs and news, mostly) on this Talkshoe program. Frequent cast member on CIA: Cultdom In Audio. Most recent episode - July 3/4. Episode 38. Full Circle and The Empty Child come under scrutiny in this DVD review episode. |
The Tennantcast Kelsey, Kari, and friends get together to dish on the latest David Tennant news. 8 - David Tennant's co-starring role in the film Einstein and Eddington dominates this episode. They are going through Tennant's non-Doctor Who roles one at a time, though his Doctor Who stuff continues to pop up in each show. I believe I have given them an idea for a TV role of Tennant's to review in the future, actually. It's one that longtime Doctor Who fans, especially in the UK, should remember, but probably don't. |
Keeping an eye out - still no sign of the next episode, but Samantha has at least hinted on Podshock and CIA that there may be new episodes soon. Hmm. The Wailing Fangirl Samantha (Romana 2) explores Doctor Who and fandom in Australia, sometimes with the aid of the ladies of the Gallifreyan Time Love Brigade. Frequent cast member on CIA: Cultdom In Audio. Current episode - 8. A look at the First Doctor's Era. Coming soon - they were planning to gush poetically when Planet Of The Dead arrived. Planet has aired in Australia, so you never know when the Gallifreyan Time Love Brigade will strike. |
A Podcast Of Impossible Things Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans get together to discuss the latest Doctor Who and do a full length commentary on new Doctor Who episodes. Current episode: Interview with Gareth David Lloyd (Ianto Jones). Spoiler free interview conducted in November and put on the podcast feed now. |
Bigger On The Inside Mike and Dan decide to do their own podcast exploring each Doctor Who story in broadcast order. It is a very different style from Jonathan's. Again - can they pull it off? Part of the Earth-2 family of podcasts. Warning - explicit language (swearing). If your headphones leak any sound at all - do not listen at work. Current episode - 16 - The Savages and The War Machines. Exit Steven Taylor, with fanfare. Exit Dodo Chaplet, without fanfare. A largely forgotten story and the first story that hints at the UNIT sagas to come. Fresh meat for our hosts to sink their teeth into. Coming this weekend: Episode 17 - The Smugglers and The Tenth Planet. Mike sees the first Doctor regenerate for the first time. |
****Alas, poor Whovian Quest A Whovian's Quest Jonathan Rainer is podcasting his experiences as he watches Doctor Who. In original broadcast order. From 1963. Without a gap. Can he pull it off? The Whovian Quest website is offline, and no new episodes have arrived in months. I have enjoyed the show, and really wanted to hear it get through the series. Does anybody know if Jonathan is continuing? I'm serious, guys. |
Hoo On Who Fan reviews of recent Doctor Who DVDs by David Hooie, frequently with a guest co-host. Current episode - #10. Pyramids Of Mars, reviewed with guest host James Naughton of Doctor Who: Podshock. Now all 3 official Podshock hosts have appeared. |
Tim's Take On ... Tim Drury's podcast on various issues. Still checking it out at press time. Available on iTunes. |
The Big Finish Podcast Big Finish podcasts at least once a month to discuss their Doctor Who and other projects (Sapphire and Steel, Stargate (!), Dark Shadows, Bernice Summerfield, etc). Current episode - June magazine episode. Nicholas Briggs updates us with the newest information from Big Finish about their present and future. |
Tachyon TV Irregular and irreverant podcast looking at the world of Doctor Who with a funhouse mirror and coming out the other side holding a plush toy that wasn't really the one you wanted but you'll keep it anyway because you can give it to your girlfriend to impress her. It's that kind of show. Current segment - a short appeal by "Rula Lenska". |
MMM Commentaries/Fantragic Roving Australian podcasting gang, including Trevor from the DWO Whocast. Commentaries on Doctor Who episodes, Star Wars films, some Stargate stuff, and others. The Frantragic episodes look at Doctor Who and other sci-fi news. Fantragic episodes are on a different iTunes feed from MMM Commentary episodes. Current episode - Journey's End. If the description in the iTunes tag is anything to go by, this running commentary on the Doctor Who Series 4 finale will not have a happy ending.. |
The Two Doctors call in number (718) 664-9807 Jim Iaccino and Kenn Gold look at the latest SciFi broadcasts in the US, with emphasis on fitting in Doctor Who, Dollhouse, Smallville, Supernatural, Fringe, Torchwood, and the other big scifi shows of the moment. Everything is based on US premiere dates rather than UK. Approximately 90 minutes per episode. Show airs live with a text chat and can be downloaded later. Current episode - Harper's Island, Virtuality, other new shows, and the US premiere of The Next Doctor were discussed. And sometimes you just figure you're too close to some issues, so I'll leave it at that. Next episode - Late Sunday Midnight EDT/9PM PDT/Monday 5AM BST |
TV Talk Radio Weeknights 6 to 8PM EDT (3 to 5PM PDT) [Friday 7PM EDT/4PM PDT] Shaun O'Mac Daily (of the Jericho "nuts" campaign) hosts a daily 2 hour show covering all things TV. Doctor Who is sometimes discussed in the 2nd hour of the Friday show with Two Doctors co-host Kenn Gold. Listen and chat live through the website with archives appearing right after the show finishes. |
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PBS Stations With Doctor Who Rights That Could Air Again: A - BOUGHT SERIES THREE: (rights expire at date unknown) B - BOUGHT SERIES TWO: (rights expire March 31, 2010) 1) UNC North Carolina 58.1,17.1,30.1,4.1,36.1,33.1 Some regions are now being carried in HD on DirecTV. Will update this - probably when the main channel schedules Doctor Who again. Charlotte DirecTV 58,892 Charlotte Dish 4,8662 Greenville, SC DirecTV 33,892 Greenville, SC Dish 4,8190 Norfolk, VA DirecTV 2 Norfolk, VA Dish 2,7271 Florence, SC DirecTV 31 Florence, SC Dish 31,7845 Greenville, NC DirecTV 25 Greenville, NC Dish 19,7737 UNC's third run of Series 2 is airing on its UNC-ED digital cable channel. UNC has the right to air Series 2 for one additional cycle beyond that. 2) KCPT 19.1 Kansas City, MO Kansas City DirecTV 19 DirecTVHD 19 Kansas City Dish 19,8436 KCPT has the right to air Series 2 two more times. 3) KVCR 24.1 San Bernadino, CA Los Angeles DirecTV 24 Los Angeles Dish 24,8014 KVCR has the right to air Series 2 two more times. While KVCR's main viewing area is east of the Los Angeles area, it is considered in the LA Designated Market Area and both satellite services carry it as a Los Angeles local station. 4) West Virginia Public TV 33.1, 24.1, 42.1, 9.1 Charleston DirecTV 33 Charleston Dish 33,7321 Clarksburg DirecTV 24 Clarksburg Dish 24,7915 West Virginia Public TV has the right to air Series 2 another 2 times. |
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Other stations that are not currently airing Who or Sarah Jane but may still have rights: 1) HUNGARY (airing as Ki Vagi, Doki?) - Cool TV Series 2 completed. RTL Klub Series 2 Repeat Run halted, it appears. 2) JAPAN - BS-2 Series 1 and 2 Completed. NHK 3 Series 1 and 2 Completed. 3) ISRAEL - Yes Stars 4) UKRAINE - ICTV 5) BELGIUM - LaDeux - all episodes dubbed into French - Series 3 completed. 6) NETHERLANDS - Nederland 2 - Series 2 completed. 7) DENMARK - DR 1 Series 1 Repeats Completed. 8) FINLAND - TV2 - No additional airdates at present 9) NORWAY - NRK3 Series 1 repeat run completed. 10) SOUTH AFRICA - SABC 2 The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1 - not on schedule. BBC Entertainment South Africa Doctor Who Series 3 completed. Next airdate unknown. 11) POLAND - TVP1 - Repeat run completed. 12) SWEDEN - SVT 24 and SVT HD 13) GREECE - Skai TV - Between seasons. 14) ICELAND - RUV - English with Icelandic subtitles - Series 1 and 2 completed. 15) TURKEY - Cine 5 16) THAILAND - Channel 7 17) ITALY - RAISAT Smash Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1 - dubbed into Italian. Pan & scan 4:3 image. completed run? 18) NEW ZEALAND - Prime TV 16:9 digital; 4:3 pan and scan analog. The Waters Of Mars - airdate unknown. 19) AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST - Showtime Arabia ShowSeries 1 (all airings 2 hours earlier on ShowSeries 1 Extra) - Series 3 Encore completed. 20) DUBAI - Dubai One More info needed. Doctor Who was seen airing on this station over Christmas. 21) ROMANIA - TVR2 - Series 3 completed. 22) SOUTH KOREA - KBS2 Primary language Korean, English language as secondary audio. 4th series completed. 23) SPAIN - SciFi Spain - Series 1 and 2 repeat run completed. 24) GERMANY - SciFi Germany Series 1 and 2 repeats. Dubbed in German. 25) CANADA - BBC Kids - Next airdate for Classic Who unknown. Next airdate for Sarah Jane Adventures unknown. Ztele - Doctor Who episodes dubbed in French. Series 4 completed. 26) UK - BBC Radio 7 - available via UK digital radio, UK digital TV, live streaming worldwide via Windows Media Player and RealPlayer, archived one week via iPlayer (inside the UK) and RealPlayer (all over the world) - next show airdate unknown CBBC - Sarah Jane Adventures repeats. 27) CROATIA - HRT2 - Series 3 completed. 28) SWEDEN - TV4 Science Fiction Digital SciFi station. Classic Who completed for now. 29) IRELAND - TV3 - Has previously aired Series 1, 2, and The Runaway Bride. 30) MEXICO/LATIN AMERICA/SOUTH AMERICA - People + Arts Series 3 Repeat Run completed. 31) RUSSIA - SCI FI Russia All times Moscow Next airdate unknown. |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. |
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2009. |