This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Saturday 30th May 2009
This Week In Doctor Who - May 30, 2009 (posted 30th May 2009, 4:33pm - TWIDW post #0884) |
This Week In Doctor Who May 30, 2009 - Vol 12, No 22 The weekly guide to Doctor Who broadcasts worldwide since 1998. by Benjamin F. Elliott |
Upcoming Premiere Broadcasts: |
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Sunday 31 May: ABC1 Australia 7:30PM - Planet Of The Dead BBC Entertainment Poland 7PM and 11:30PM - Smith And Jones Monday 1 June: Prime New Zealand 8:30PM - Planet Of The Dead Tuesday 2 June: Ztele Canada 9PM EDT - Silence in the Library, pt 1 (French version) Wednesday 3 June: SciFi Netherlands 7:30PM - Voyage Of The Damned Saturday 27 June: BBC America USA 9PM EDT/6PM PDT - The Next Doctor (see This Week In Doctor Who Western Hemisphere) Saturday 25 July: SPACE Canada time TBA - Planet Of The Dead (see This Week In Doctor Who Western Hemisphere) |
The Doctor Who team announced the actress playing the companion for Series 5 in 2010. I do not consider it a spoiler, but just this time, in case anybody is trying to stay away from the info for a few days - the news is one of the top stories at the Doctor Who News Page . |
TWIDW has had some major technical problems this time, so forgive any lack of detail on the Doctor Who animated story on CBBC this fall, the Doctor guest starring on Sarah Jane Adventures, and the ever present rumors of a Doctor Who feature film. Since any of them are months away from airing, I can give them less priority than other matters. |
CANADA - SPACE made announcements recently. USA - BBC America grabbed the Doctor Who specials from SciFi/Syfy. But these are matters for This Week In Doctor Who Western Hemisphere. If you get this from e-mail or the Yahoo Group, you should find it the next message over. If you are reading on the Outpost Gallifrey website, scroll down the column a bit. Just past UKTV Australia's schedules. |
My recent manifest on Doctor Who and international broadcasting is at . It is getting increasingly out of date, so this is probably the last time I'll include a link before redrafting from scratch. |
For press releases on Doctor Who, keep an eye on the BBC Press Office and C21 Media . |
Listings for North and South America are in This Week In Doctor Who Western Hemisphere. Sarah Jane Adventures, K9 and Podcasts are in This Week In Doctor Who Spinoffs. Torchwood info is in Torchwood This Week. |
Corrections and updates are welcome at , , TWIDW on AOL IM , and thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. The listings: |
ABC1 16:9 widescreen digital, 14:9 cropped letterbox analog. Sunday 7:30PM 4-15 Planet of the Dead (Australian premiere) |
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Prime TV 16:9 digital; 4:3 pan and scan analog. Monday 8:30PM 4-15 Planet of the Dead (75 minute slot) |
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SciFi NL Repeat run - May. Series 4 premiere - June. Sunday 8:30AM CET 3-01 Smith and Jones (start of marathon) Sunday 9:20AM CET 3-02 The Shakespeare Code Sunday 10:10AM CET 3-03 Gridlock Sunday 11AM CET 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 Sunday 11:50AM CET 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 Sunday 12:40PM CET 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment Sunday 1:30PM CET 3-07 42 Sunday 2:20PM CET 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 Sunday 3:10PM CET 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 Sunday 4PM CET 3-10 Blink Sunday 4:50PM CET 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 Sunday 5:40PM CET 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 Sunday 6:40PM CET 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 Wednesday 7:30PM, Friday 9:10PM, 7 June 6PM CET 4-00 Voyage of the Damned start of new episodes, 80 minute slot Wednesday 8:50PM, Friday 10:25PM CET "episode unknown" 70 minute slot 10 June 7:30PM, 12 June 9:10PM, 14 June 5:40PM CET 4-01 Partners in Crime 17 June 7:30PM, 19 June 9:10PM, 21 June 5:40PM CET 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii 24 June 7:30PM, 26 June 9:10PM, 28 June 5:40PM CET 4-03 Planet of the Ood |
update before 30 May. Never had time to update - assume everything is one episode later. SIC Radical Series 3 Firstrun: Saturday 1:45PM, Monday 5PM, Friday 1PM CET 3-10 Blink Friday 8AM CET 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 Saturday 30 May 8:15AM CET 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern |
BBC Entertainment Poland Series 3 - first run: Saturday 2:40PM, Early Sunday 5:05AM CET 3-01 Smith and Jones Sunday 7PM and 11:30PM CET 3-02 The Shakespeare Code (new episode) Late Sunday 3AM CET 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 Late Sunday 3:45AM CET 2-10 Love & Monsters Late Sunday 4:30AM CET 2-11 Fear Her Early Monday 5:15AM CET 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 (schedule information missing after 6AM Monday June 1 - site will hopefully update before next week) 11 June 3:10PM CET 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 12 June 3:10PM CET 1-06 Dalek |
UK: |
BBC Online Shada - starring Paul McGann and Lalla Ward. 6 episodes. A retired Time Lord in Cambridge needs the Doctor's help to recover a Time Lord book before the scientist Skagra can find it. "The Scream Of The Shalka" - starring Richard E. Grant. 6 episode story. The Shalka prepare to conquer the Earth from below. Can the Doctor be convinced to save the day one last time? "Real Time" - starring Colin Baker and the Cybermen. 6 episodes. The Doctor and Evelyn Smythe research a temple that has been yanking scientists out of time, bringing them face to face with the future of the Cybermen. (NOTE - While Real Time is listed on the website, only the audio version is working. The video versions are not working at this time. Please, someone at the BBC - fix this.) Doctor Who Confidential The 13 episodes from Series 1 of the BBC Three series all online via Real Player in the CutDown format used for repeats and the Series 1 DVDs. Also, numerous video diaries and trailers. |
BBC One 16:9 Widescreen Digital,14:9 Cropped Letterbox Analogue Later 2009 4-16 The Waters of Mars Still later 2009/2010 "The other 2 specials - final episodes with David Tennant as The Doctor" 2010 "Series 5 - 13 episodes - starring Matt Smith as The Doctor" |
BBC Three Doctor Who Confidential First broadcaster of Doctor Who Confidential. Monday 7PM BST 4-00 Voyage of the Damned (72 minutes) Tuesday 7PM BST 4-01 Partners in Crime (49 minutes) Tuesday 7:50PM and 5:15AM BST DWC 4-01 A Noble Return (10 minutes) Wednesday 7PM BST 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii (49 minutes) Wednesday 7:50PM and 3:45AM BST DWC 4-02 The Italian Job (10 minutes) Thursday 7PM BST 4-03 Planet of the Ood Thursday 7:45PM and 3:45AM BST DWC 4-03 Oods and Ends (15 minutes) 8 June 7PM BST 4-04 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 9 June 7PM BST 4-05 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2 9 June 7:45PM and 5:20AM BST DWC 4-05 "" (15 minutes) 10 June 7PM BST 4-06 The Doctor's Daughter 10 June 7:45PM BST DWC 4-06 "Sins Of The Father" (15 minutes) 11 June 7PM BST 4-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp 11 June 7:45PM BST DWC 4-07 Nemesis (15 minutes) pre-empted week of 15 June due to sports coverage |
Watch All times 1 hour later on Watch plus 1. Temporarily filling in the 6PM slot for the recently ended Richard and Judy Show. Saturday 7PM, Sunday 5PM, 13 June 8PM, 14 June 5PM BST 2-10 Love & Monsters Late Saturday 2AM, 26 June 8PM BST 2-02 Tooth and Claw Friday 8PM BST 1-02 The End Of The World 6 June 8PM BST 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 7 June 5PM, 9 June 6PM, 12 June 8PM BST 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 8 June 6PM BST 1-01 Rose 10 June 6PM BST 1-06 Dalek 11 June 6PM BST 1-07 The Long Game 12 June 6PM BST 1-08 Father's Day 13 June 6PM BST episode unknown 15 June 6PM BST 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 16 June 6PM BST 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 17 June 6PM BST 1-11 Boom Town 18 June 6PM BST 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 19 June 6PM BST 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 20 June 7PM, 21 June 1PM BST 2-11 Fear Her 22 June 6PM BST 2-01 New Earth 23 June 6PM BST 2-03 School Reunion 24 June 6PM BST 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 25 June 6PM BST 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 26 June 6PM BST 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 27 June 8:10PM BST 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 |
BFBS BFBS 2: Saturday 6PM, Sunday 6AM CET 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 Saturday 6:45PM, Sunday 6:45AM CET 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 6 June 7:45PM, 7 June 7:45AM CET 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern (time approximate after World Cup Qualifying) |
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TV3 New Earth Late Wednesday 4:40AM BST 2-02 Tooth and Claw Late Thursday 4:40AM BST 2-03 School Reunion Late Friday 4:40AM BST 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace Late 6 June 4:40AM BST 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 Late 7 June 4:40AM BST 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 Late 8 June 4:40AM BST 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern Late 9 June 4:35AM BST 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 Late 10 June 4:35AM BST 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 Late 11 June 4:35AM BST 2-10 Love & Monsters |
TV4 Science Fiction Digital SciFi station. Classic Who completed for now. |
BBC Entertainment Sunday 8PM and 1:30AM CET 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 (end of current run) 22 July 8:15AM CET 2-01 New Earth (weekday morning double feature run) 22 July 9AM, 23 July 8:15AM CET 2-02 Tooth and Claw 23 July 9AM, 24 July 8:15AM CET 2-03 School Reunion 24 July 9AM, 27 July 8:15AM CET 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 27 July 9AM, 28 July 8:15AM CET 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 28 July 9AM, 29 July 8:15AM CET 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 29 July 9AM, 30 July 8:15AM CET 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern 30 July 9AM, 31 July 8:35AM CET 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 31 July 9:20AM CET 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 |
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SCI FI Russia All times Moscow Saturday 8:10PM, Sunday 8:30AM and 2:20PM 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 Monday 7:20PM, Tuesday 11:50AM 1-01 Rose Monday 8:10PM, Tuesday 12:40PM 1-02 The End Of The World Tuesday 7:20PM, Wednesday 11:50AM 1-03 The Unquiet Dead Tuesday 8:10PM, Wednesday 12:40PM 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 Wednesday 7:20PM, Thursday 11:50AM 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 Wednesday 8:10PM, Thursday 12:40PM 1-06 Dalek Thursday 7:20PM and 12:15AM, Friday 11:50AM 1-07 The Long Game Thursday 8:10PM and 1:05AM, Friday 12:40PM 1-08 Father's Day 8 June 7:20PM, 9 June 11:50AM 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 8 June 8:10PM, 9 June 12:40PM 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 9 June 7:20PM, 10 June 11:50AM 1-11 Boom Town 9 June 8:10PM, 10 June 12:40PM 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 10 June 7:20PM, 11 June 11:50AM 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 10 June 8:10PM, 11 June 12:40PM 2-01 New Earth (The Christmas Invasion skipped) 11 June 7:20PM and 12:15AM, 12 June 11:50AM 2-02 Tooth and Claw 11 June 8:10PM and 1:05AM, 12 June 12:40PM 2-03 School Reunion 15 June 7:20PM, 16 June 11:50AM 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 15 June 8:10PM, 16 June 12:40PM 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 16 June 7:20PM, 17 June 11:50AM 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 16 June 8:10PM, 17 June 12:40PM 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern 17 June 7:20PM, 18 June 11:50AM 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 17 June 8:10PM, 18 June 12:40PM 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 18 June 7:20PM, 19 June 11:50AM 2-10 Love & Monsters 18 June 8:10PM, 19 June 12:40PM 2-11 Fear Her 19 June 7:20PM, 20 June 2:20PM 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 19 June 8:10PM, 20 June 3:10PM 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 (end of repeat run) |
BBC Prime Who Series 1 and 2; Doctor Who Confidential Cut Down Adjust for local time, which could vary by several hours 14 June 3:25PM and 10:10PM CET 1-01 Rose 14 June 4:10PM and 10:55PM CET DWC 1-01 "Back From The Future" 21 June 3:25PM and 10:05PM CET 1-02 The End Of The World 21 June 4:10PM and 10:50PM CET DWC 1-02 "Aliens" 28 June 3:25PM and 10:15PM CET 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 28 June 4:10PM and 11PM CET DWC 1-03 TARDIS Tales |
BBC Entertainment Asia All times Korea - adjust for local time zone. Subtitles available in various local languages. BBC Entertainment Asia was in the middle of repeating Doctor Who Confidential Series 1 on weekday mornings. We do not have any schedules from June 1st onwards, so we cannot verify if this continues. The website has removed reference to Thailand, so I must assume that the channel is not available in that country for now. I have found no evidence of a localized BBC Entertainment just for Thailand at this time. |
BBC Entertainment Repeat run: Sunday 7:30PM and 2AM 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern 7 June 7:30PM and 2AM 2-08 "The Impossible Planet" pt 1 of 2 |
ATV World Saturday 6 June 9PM 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 |
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UKTV Australia All times 2 hours later on UKTV + 2. Times listed are Australian Eastern. Tuesday 7:30PM and 1:30AM, Wednesday 11:30AM, Saturday 6 June 5PM 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 Tuesday 8:20PM, Saturday 6 June 5:50PM DWC 2-09 Myths, Heroes, and Legends 9 June 7:30PM and 1:30AM, 10 June 11:30AM, 13 June 4PM 2-10 Love & Monsters 9 June 8:20PM, 13 June 4:50PM DWC 2-10 The New World of Dr Who 16 June 7:30PM and 1:30AM, 17 June 11:30AM, 20 June 4PM 2-11 Fear Her 16 June 8:20PM, 20 June 4:50PM DWC 2-11 The Fright Stuff 23 June 7:30PM and 1:30AM, 24 June 11:30AM, 27 June 4PM 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 23 June 8:20PM, 27 June 4:50PM DWC 2-12 Welcome to Torchwood 30 June 7:30PM and 1:30AM 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 30 June 8:20PM DWC 2-13 Finale |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. |
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2009. |