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Saturday 3rd January 2009

TWIDW: The Sarah Jane Schedules - January 3, 2009
(posted 3rd Jan 2009, 12:54pm - TWIDW post #0797)
TWIDW: The Sarah Jane Schedules
January 3, 2009 - Vol 1, No 1
The weekly guide to Sarah Jane Smith boadcasts worldwide, and a
little more.
by Benjamin F. Elliott
Welcome to the new home for Sarah Jane schedule information, the
Doctor Who podcasts (a few more might appear in coming weeks), and
the stations that have rights to Doctor Who and Sarah Jane but, for
whatever reason, are not airing the show right now. If the K9 TV
series ever gets made and starts to air, it will be covered here too.
This sounds like a mix of not entirely related items, and you are
correct. But it should make it easier to find these items and to go
through the other Doctor Who sections (now titled TWIDW: This Week In
Doctor Who and TWIDW: Western Hemisphere Who Schedules). For
Torchwood information, remember TWIDW: Torchwood This Week .
Canadian station BBC Kids snuck in an all night Sarah Jane marathon
on New Years Eve. Repeated all of Series 1 twice in a 10 hour event.
Now Series 1 will repeat on Sundays starting 11 January. 2 episodes
airing twice (see the listing and adjust for your time zone).
Invasion Of The Bane seems to be skipped in these repeats. We do not
know if BBC Kids has bought Series 2 at this time.
Sarah Jane Stations:
Sarah Jane Adventures repeats.
Saturday 1:45PM GMT 2a. Revenge of the Slitheen pt 1 of 2
Sunday 1:45PM GMT 2b. Revenge of the Slitheen pt 2 of 2
10 January 1:45PM GMT 3a. Eye of the Gorgon pt 1 of 2
11 January 1:45PM GMT 3b. Eye of the Gorgon pt 2 of 2
17 January 1:45PM GMT 4a. Warriors of Kudlak pt 1 of 2
18 January 1:45PM GMT 4b. Warriors of Kudlak pt 2 of 2
Classic Doctor Who and exclusive Canadian home of the Sarah Jane
Adventures. We do not know if they have bought Series 2.
Series 1 repeats:
11 January 9PM and 5AM EST 2a. Revenge of the Slitheen pt 1 of 2
11 January 9:30PM and 5:30AM EST 2b. Revenge of the Slitheen pt 2
of 2
Nickelodeon Australia
Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1 repeats begin in February. Series 2
coming in July.
This section is looking for currently in production, interesting
podcasts related to Doctor Who. If you think your webcast/podcast (or
somebody else's) belongs in this section, e-mail me. There may be
some additional podcasts coming on board later this month.
Doctor Who: Podshock
Live Talkshoe broadcasts -
call in number (724) 444-7444 call id 23358
1) Home to the Weekly-ish chat show with US and UK Doctor Who fans
done in podcast format. Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, and James
Naughton, with frequent contributions/co-hosting by Dave AC, Mike
Doran, and a cast of many. There is a feed for studio shows and for
life shows.
2) Also home to the Sonic Newsdriver, Louis Trapani's weekly rundown
of new Doctor Who news.
3) Also home to the Hitch-hiker's Guide To British Sci-Fi, a podcast
covering a mix of shows, including Doctor Who.
Current episodes:
a) Live Podshock Looking at The Next Doctor. A touch over 2 hours
long. Being considered as episode 137 and might appear with some
sound touch-up on the main feed later.
b) Podshock episode 136. A Christmas podshock.
The Cultdom In Audio podcast for this Sunday has moved their start
time to accomodate a live Doctor Who: Podshock special. While I have
not seen an announcement of a Live Podshock this weekend, the
announcement of a new Doctor on BBC One today will almost certainly
cause something to come out of Podshock Towers. Keep an eye on their
Talkshoe page around 1PM Eastern/10AM Pacific, 6PM UK Time.
American Who
Joey Reynolds' monthly online show with Doctor Who interviews and
Relaunch announced!!!! The next generation of the Doctor Who feature
is coming soon. Stay tuned!
That Sci-Fi Show
DWO Whocast
Current episodes:
Whocast episode 101, with the introduction of the new host. An
entertaining show.
The Two Doctors
call in number (718) 664-9807
Jim Iaccino and Kenn Gold look at the latest SciFi broadcasts in the
US, with emphasis on fitting in Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica,
Fringe, and the other big scifi shows of the moment. Everything is
based on US premiere dates rather than UK. Approximately 90 minutes
per episode. Show airs live with a text chat and can be downloaded
Next episode - Sunday 9PM PST (Midnight EST, 5AM GMT) - If the hosts
are aware of the Doctor Who casting, it will probably be the top
story. Also, the end is nigh for Stargate: Atlantis, Sanctuary's
season is ending, and Knight Rider is about to unveil its new paint
Tin Dog Podcast
Weekly UK based podcast looking at the latest in Doctor Who,
Torchwood, or Sarah Jane Adventures. New episodes ever 2 weeks or so.
Current episode - #76. Now that Michael has completed his guest stint
on The DWO Whocast, expect new episodes to resume.
CIA - Cultdom In Audio
Live Talkshoe broadcasts
call in number (724) 444-7444 call id 30659
West, Dave AC, Colin, and other Doctor Who fans liked the live Doctor
Who: Podshocks so much that they wanted to keep talking afterwards.
The resulting show covers Doctor Who, anything else sci-fi related,
and can go wildly off in all directions. Chats open 15 minutes before
the scheduled start time.
Sunday December 28 - episode cancelled due to a long Podshock.
This Sunday January 4:
Sunday 3PM EST/Noon PST/8PM GMT (special time, could start late) -
CIA has postponed the scheduled topic again to cover the (will be)
breaking news about the new Doctor. The late start time is to
accomodate an anticipated Doctor Who: Podshock Live broadcast.
Radio Free Skaro
The 3 Canadians get together on Sundays for about an hour or two or
more to discuss the latest in Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Sarah Jane
in a fairly amusing manner.
Current episode - #115 - No Warren, No Cry. Warren misses an episode
for the first time ever due to being in Egypt, leaving Steven and
Chris to talk about The Next Doctor. At the end of the episode they
used the randomizer to pick a classic story to commentate over in
episode 116. They rigged the system to pick a story Warren does not
like, since Warren was not expected back in time for episode 116. I
forget the name of the story chosen, but it probably does not matter,
as Oods are Steven and Chris will be focused on the casting of Doctor
#11 when 116 comes out this Sunday or Monday. Will Warren find a way
to get in on the action? Will he even know about the casting, or will
he be in the dark till he returns to Canada?
A Podcast Of Impossible Things
Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans get together to discuss the latest
Doctor Who and do a full length commentary on new Doctor Who episodes.
Current episodes:
Commentary for part 2 of The Sarah Jane Adventures - Enemy Of The
A Whovian's Quest
Jonathan Rainer is podcasting his experiences as he watches Doctor
Who. In original broadcast order. From 1963. Without a gap. Can he
pull it off?
Current episode - 13 - The Web Planet. Includes an update on the
delays in the interactive website Jonathan is planning.
Bigger On The Inside
Mike and Dan decide to do their own podcast exploring each Doctor Who
story in broadcast order. It is a very different style from
Jonathan's. Again - can they pull it off? Part of the Earth-2 family
of podcasts. Warning - explicit language (swearing). If your
headphones leak any sound at all - do not listen at work.
Current episode - 3 - The Edge Of Destruction/Marco Polo combo show.
Next episode - 4 - The Keys Of Marinus. Yartek's revenge.
The Big Finish Podcast
Big Finish podcasts at least once a month to discuss their Doctor Who
and other projects (Sapphire and Steel, Stargate (!), Dark Shadows,
Bernice Summerfield, etc).
Current episode - Big Finish Christmas special.
Cliff And Stephanie's Doctor Who Fan Podcast
Current episode - 17 - Review of Midnight, Turn Left, The Stolen
Earth, and Journey's End (free)
Next episode - content unknown
Cliff and Stephanie Ravenscraft review Doctor Who episodes when their
busy schedule of podcasts allows time. This time it is a group review
of the end of Series 4 and their thoughts on Doctor Who's upcoming
break/loss of David Tennant. is a network of podcasts on TV shows, daily life, religion,
and other issues that interest the 3 Ravenscrafts. Doctor Who Fan
Podcast becomes one of the pay programs in the network starting with
episode 12. The existing paying audience ranked Doctor Who dead last
in their interests (annoying the hosts who want to do the show but
are living off the revenue from their podcasts). If you subscribe to
their podcasts in order to hear the new Doctor Who episodes, be sure
to alert them that you are doing this. Half the episodes expected to
be free, half paid.
MMM Commentaries
Roving Australian podcasting gang. Some episodes are a discussion of
the latest sci-fi news, including Doctor Who. Other episodes are
commentaries on Doctor Who episodes, Star Wars films, some Stargate
stuff, and others. Currently on a Blake's 7 kick, but recent
commentaries on The Invasion Of Time and The Deadly Assassin are
TV Talk with Shaun O'Mac
Weeknights 6 to 8PM EST (3 to 5PM PST) [Friday 7PM EST/4PM PST]
Shaun O'Mac (of the Jericho "nuts" campaign) hosts a daily 2 hour
show covering all things TV. Doctor Who is usually discussed in the
2nd hour of the Friday show with Two Doctors co-host Kenn Gold.
Listen and chat live through the website with archives appearing
right after the show finishes.
The Minute Doctor Who Podcast
Video podcast looking at Doctor Who projects. Episodes are usually
under 5 minutes long.
Current episode - The podcast takes part in a major internet
screaming contest. Traditional episodes soon.
Doctor Who Review Today
Live editions Late Fridays 1AM EST/10PM PST/6PM GMT
Robert Carrie King reviews Doctor Who topics on this Talkshoe program.
PBS Stations With Doctor Who Rights That Could Air Again:
A - BOUGHT SERIES TWO: (rights expire March 31, 2010)
1) WTTW Chicago, IL analog 11 digital .1
Chicago DirecTV 11,965 DirecTVHD 11 Chicago Dish 11,8496 Rockford, IL - cable station only
WTTW has the right to air Series 1 one more time Series 2 two more times.
B - BOUGHT SERIES ONE: (rights expire February 28, 2009)
1) New Hampshire Public TV analog 11,49,52 digital .2
Boston, MA DirecTV 11,955 Boston, MA Dish 11,8781
Burlington, VT DirecTV 49 Burlington, VT Dish 11,8944
NHPTV has the right to air Series 1 for one more cycle.
2) WLIW Long Island, NY analog 21 digital .1
New York City DirecTV 21,887 New York City Dish 21,8112
WLIW is not going to use its final cycle of Series 1 before the rights expire, so this is their last appearance (unless they buy more Doctor Who packages)
3) MPT Maryland analog 22, 67, 31, 62 digital .1, 28.1, 36.1
DC/Hagerstown, Baltimore DirecTV 22,973 Baltimore DirecTVHD 22 (not in DC/Hagerstown at this time)
Baltimore Dish 22,8736
MPT has the right to air Series 1 another 2 times.
4) Georgia Public Broadcasting analog 8, 18, 9, 14, 20, 29, 8 digital .1
Atlanta DirecTV 8,981 Atlanta Dish 8,8306 Jacksonville, FL Dish 8,9058
Chattanooga, TN DirecTV 18 Chattanooga, TN Dish 8,7336
Savannah DirecTV 9 Savannah Dish 8,7486
Augusta DirecTV 20 Augusta Dish 8,7706
Macon DirecTV 29 Macon Dish 8,7882 Albany Dish 8,7672
Georgia Public Broadcasting has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times.
5) WEDU Tampa, FL analog 3 digital .1
Tampa DirecTV 3,884 DirecTVHD 3 Tampa Dish 3,8696
WEDU has the right to air Series 1 one more time.
6) WUFT Gainesville, FL analog 5 digital .1
Gainesville Dish 5,7796
WUFT has the right to air Series 1 another 2 times.
7) WPBT Miami, FL analog 2 digital .1
Miami DirecTV 2,979 DirecTVHD 2 Miami Dish 2,8836
3rd Cycle interrupted. WPBT has the right to finish it and to air Series 1 one more time.
8) Louisiana Public Broadcasting analog 13,18,24,24,25,27 digital .1
Shreveport DirecTV 24 Shreveport Dish 24,7021
Baton Rouge DirecTV 27 Baton Rouge Dish 27,8046
Lafayette DirecTV 24 Lafayette Dish 24,8488 Monroe Dish 13,7814
Louisiana Public Broadcasting is not going to use their final 2 cycles of Series 1 before the rights expire, so this is their last appearance (unless they buy more Doctor Who packages).
9) KTWU Topeka, KS analog 11 digital .2
Topeka DirecTV 11 Topeka Dish 11,7397
KTWU is not going to use their final cycle of Series 1 before the rights expire, so this is their last appeance (unless they buy more Doctor Who packages).
10) KUHT Houston, TX analog 8 digital .1
Houston DirecTV 8,945 DirecTVHD 8 Houston Dish 8,8376
KUHT is not going to use their final 2 cycles of Series 1 before their rights expire, so this is their last appearance (unless they buy more Doctor Who packages).
11) Prairie Public TV North Dakota
analog 13,3,6,9,4,19,2 digital .2, 16.2, 25.2
Fargo DirecTV 13 Fargo Dish 13,7418 Bismarck Dish 3,7970
Prairie Public TV has the right to air Series 1 another 2 times.
12) South Dakota Public Broadcasting analog 2,23,9,11 digital .2
Sioux Falls DirecTV 23 Sioux Falls Dish 23,9236 Rapid City Dish 9,7984
South Dakota Public Broadcasting has the right to air Series 1 one more time.
14) Rocky Mountain PBS (Colorado) analog 6,8,18 digital .1, 20.1
Denver DirecTV 6,911 Denver Dish 6,8206
Colorado Springs DirecTV 8 Colorado Springs Dish 8,9071 Grand
Junction Dish 18,7571
Rocky Mountain PBS has the right to air Series 1 another 3 times.
15) KSPS Spokane, WA analog 7 digital .2
Spokane DirecTV 7 Spokane Dish 7,9176
KSPS has the right to air Series 1 another 2 times.
16) Oregon Public Broadcasting analog 10,28,13,3,7 digital .1
Portland DirecTV 10,947 DirecTVHD 10 Portland Dish 10,8676
Eugene DirecTV 28 Eugene Dish 28,7186
Oregon Public broadcasting has the right to air Series 1 one more time.
17) Southern Oregon (Medford/Klamath Falls) Public TV analog 8,22 digital .2
Medford DirecTV 8 Medford Dish 8,7650
Southern Oregon Public TV had the right to air Series 1 another 2 times.
18) KVPT Fresno, CA analog 18 digital .1
Fresno DirecTV 18 Fresno Dish 18,8971
KVPT has the right to air Series 1 one more time.
19) KOCE Huntington, CA analog 50 digital .2
Los Angeles DirecTV 50,956 Los Angeles Dish 50,8013
KOCE has the right to air Series 1 one more time.
20) KLCS Los Angeles, CA analog 58 digital .1
Los Angeles DirecTV 58,964 Los Angeles Dish 58,8012
KLCS has the right to air Series 1 for one more cycle.
Other stations that are not currently airing Who or Sarah Jane but
may still have rights:
1) HUNGARY (airing as Ki Vagi, Doki?) - Cool TV
Series 2 completed.
RTL Klub
Series 2 Repeat Run halted, it appears.
2) JAPAN - BS-2 Series 1 and 2 Completed.
NHK 3 Series 1 and 2 Completed.
3) ISRAEL - Yes Stars
5) BELGIUM - LaDeux - all episodes dubbed into
French - Series 3 completed.
6) IRELAND - TV3 Series 1, 2, and Runaway Bride
have aired.
7) NETHERLANDS - Nederland 2 - Series 2
SciFi NL - Series 3 and Voyage Of The Damned
completed. Rest of Series 4 yet to premiere.
8) DENMARK - DR 1 Series 1 Repeats Completed.
9) FINLAND - TV2 - No additional airdates at
Series 1 repeat run completed.
The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1 - not on schedule.
12) HONG KONG - ATV World - 3rd Series
13) POLAND - TVP1 - Repeat run completed.
14) SWEDEN - SVT 24 and SVT HD
15) GREECE - Skai TV - Between seasons.
16) ICELAND - RUV - English with Icelandic
subtitles - Series 1 and 2 completed.
17) TURKEY - Cine 5
18) THAILAND - Channel 7
19) Italy - ITALY - Jimmy
Voyage Of The Damned has aired - rest of Series 4 airdates TBA.
Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1 - dubbed into Italian. Pan & scan 4:3
image. completed run?
20) GERMANY - SciFi Germany - Series 1 and 2
repeats. Dubbed in German. None scheduled.
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care.
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2009.