This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Tuesday 3rd January 2006
Doctor Who In Hong Kong On 19 February; Australian correction (posted 3rd Jan 2006, 12:39pm - TWIDW post #0369) |
Doctor Who premieres in Hong Kong on the 19th of February at 11:15PM. |
Paul F. Engelberg, associate editor of the Outpost Gallifrey News Page , has come across an article in the Hong Kong Economic Times. The paper is announcing that Doctor Who and Eastenders are coming to Hong Kong, with Doctor Who coming on the 19th of February. He has supplied us with Babel Fish's attempt at translation. I can't identify which station is airing Doctor Who from this, though if you're an Eastenders fan in Hong Kong you'll want to get BBC Prime Asia ASAP. |
(Note - if your computer does not have the ability to read Chinese characters, it may have problems with this article. Australian notice is after the article.) |
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made in Ó¢Â׳¤ÊÙ¾ç; ´º¼¾±¾µØµÇ³¡ (made in England London longevity play; Spring local is taken to the threshing ground) |
³ÌÈÕ (Cheng Ri) |
3 January 2006 |
Ïã¸Û¾¼ÃÈÕ±¨ (¼òÌå) (Hong Kong Economic Times) |
Copyright 2006. Hong Kong Economic Times. All Rights Reserved. Ïã¸Û¾ ¼ÃÈÕ±¨°æȨËùÓУ¬ ²»µÃתÔØ ¡£ ¡¡¡¡Ïã¸ÛµçÊǪ́ÒýÈëºÜ¶àÃÀ¹ú¾ç¼¯£¬Ïà¶Ô¶øÑÔ£¬Ó¢¹ú¾ç¼¯±ãÁÈÁÈ¿ÉÊý¡£Õ⵱Ȼ¸úÃÀ¹ú¾ç¼¯ÆÕ ±é½Ï×¢ÖØ°ü×°¡¢Ö÷½Ç¶àÊÇ¿¡ÄÐÃÀÅ®¡¢¾çÇé½Ú×àÃ÷¿ì£¬½ÏÒ×ΪÏã¸Û¹ÛÖÚ½ÓÊÜÓйء£²»¹ý̤Èë 06 Ä꣬¾ÍÓÐÁ½²¿À´×ÔÓ¢¹ú¡¢ÀàÐÍÓбðµÄ¾µä¾ç¼¯µÇ½Ïã¸Û£¬¸÷ÓÐÀ´Í·£¬¾ø¶ÔÖµµÃ¸÷λ¹ÛÖÚ ÁôÒâ¡£(The Hong Kong television station introduces the very many beautiful Chinese operas collection, relatively says, the English Chinese opera collection then very few may count. This certainly generally comparatively pays great attention to the packing, the lead with the beautiful Chinese opera collection are many is the handsome male beautiful woman, the plot lively rhythm, easily accepts for the Hong Kong audience concerns. But treads into for 06 years, has two to come from England, the type to have other classical play collection to land Hong Kong, respectively has background, absolutely is worth each audience paying attention.) |
¡¡¡¡Ê×ÏȽéÉÜÕⲿӢ¹ú BBC ÖÆ×÷µÄ sci-fi ¾ç¼¯¡¶ÒìÊÀÆæÈË¡·£¨Doctor Who£©£¬ËüÔÚ 1963 Äê 11 ÔÂÒÑÓÚ BBC One ÍƳö£¬²¥Ó³´ï 26 Ä꣬1989 ÄêÍ£²¥£¬Ö±ÖÁ 05 Äê 3 Ô ²ÅÔٺ͹ÛÖÚ¼ûÃæ¡£Õâ¾ç±» SFX ÔÓ־ѡΪ¡¸Ó¢¹úÀúÀ´×îΰ´ó¿Æ»Ã¾ç¡¹£¬Æä¾µä cult ¾çµÄ µØλ¸üæÇÃÀÃÀ¹úµÄ¡¶ÐÇ¿ÕÆæÓö¼Ç¡·£¨Star Trek£©£¡(First introduced this English BBC the manufacture the sci-fi play collection "Different World Outstandingly able person" (Doctor Who), it has November promoted in, 1963 to BBC One, the telecast amounts to for 26 years, in 1989 stopped broadcasts, until 05 years in March met only then again with the audience. This play chooses by the SFX magazine for "the English always greatest science fiction play", its classics cult play status compares favorably with US "Starry sky Fortuitous encounter To record" (Star Trek)!) |
¡¡¡¡Õâ¸ö¿Æ»ÃÀúÏÕ¹ÊÊ£¬Ö÷½ÇÊÇÒ»¸ö»úÖÇÓ¢Ó£¬ÄÜ´©Ô½Ê±¼äºÍ¿Õ¼äµÄ´óðÏÕ¼Ò The Doctor¡£ËûÀ´×Ô Gallifrey ÐÇÇò£¬ÊôÓÚ Time Lords ×壬ֻÊÇÒѱ»Ãð×壬¶øËûÊÇΨһ Éú»¹Õß¡£µ±ÍâÌ«¿Õ¹ÖÎï Dalek Òª»ÙÃðµØÇòʱ£¬Ò»ÐľÈÊÀµÄËû£¬¾Í³Ëʱ¹â»úµ½²»Í¬Ê±¿ÕÈ¥ ×èÖ¹ÔÖÄÑ·¢Éú¡£(This science fiction experiences dangers the story, the lead is quick-witted is heroic, can the time of penetration and spatial big adventurer The Doctor. He comes from the Gallifrey star, belongs to Time the Lords race, only is has been exterminated the clan, but he is the only survivor. When outside outer space monster Dalek must destroy the Earth, salvation he, seizes the moment to prevent the disaster wholeheartedly the X-ray machine to the different space and time to occur.) |
ÖÁ cult ¿Æ»Ã¾ç (To cult science fiction play) |
¡¡¡¡Õâ¾ç¼¯×îÓÐȤµÄÊÇ£¬The Doctor Êǻ᲻¶Ï¸üÐÂÑùòµÄÍâÐÇÈË£¬ÒÔÅäºÏÏÖʵÖÐÑÝÔ±µÄ ¸üÌæ¡£Ïã¸Û½«ÓÚ 1 Ô²¥³öµÄ 2005 ×îа汾£¬ÄÐÖ÷½ÇChristopher Eccleston ÒÑÊÇ µÚ 9 ´ú The Doctor ÁË¡£ËæמÉÅĵµÀ뿪»òËÀÈ¥£¬The Doctor ÿ¸ôÒ»¶Îʱ¼äÒ²»áÔÚµØ ÇòÑ°ÕÒÐÂÅĵµ¡£×î³õ The Doctor µÄÅĵµ·Ö±ðÊÇ¿ÆѧºÍÀúÊ·½Ìʦ£¬È¥µ½Î´À´Ê±£¬The Doctor »á̸¿Æѧ°ÂÃ»Øµ½¹ýÈ¥£¬Èç·¨¹ú´ó¸ïÃüʱÆÚ£¬Ëû¾Í»á´ø³ö¸ÃЩÖØҪʼþÈçºÎÓ° ÏìÈËÀàÎÄÃ÷ÀúÊ·£¬ÆÄÓнÌÓýÒâÒå¡£(What this play collection is most interesting, The Doctor is can unceasingly renew Ñùò an alien, coordinates in the reality actor's change. Hong Kong 2005 newest editions which broadcast in January, actor Christopher Eccleston already will be 9th generation of The Doctor. Leaves along with the old racket files or died, The Doctor each period of time also can seek the new racket files in the Earth. At first the The Doctor racket files respectively are the science and the historical teacher, when will go to the future, The the Doctor discussion science will be mysterious; Returns, if French Revolution time, how can he carry over this important events to affect the humanity civilization, quite has the education significance.) |
¡¡¡¡ÖÁÓÚ 05 а棬¾ÝÖª The Doctor ºÍËûµÄÐÂÅĵµ Rose ÒÀ¾É»áÓÎ×ßÓÚ¹ýÈ¥ÓëδÀ´¡£ Õâ¾çÏëÏñÁ¦·á¸»£¬ÇÒÓв»ÉÙÌؼ¼£¬ËäÈ»±È²»ÉϺÉÀï»îµÄË®×¼£¬µ«Ê¤ÔÚ¹Êʱð¾ßȤζ£¬Ê±¶ø ÔÚÏÖ´úÓÐʱװµê¹«×дӰٻõ¹«Ë¾³öÀ´Ï®»÷ÈËÀ࣬ʱ¶øÓÖÏñ¡¶ÐÇÇò´óÕ½¡·°ã£¬ÓÖ»á»Øµ½¹Å´ú Å·ÖÞ̽Ë÷Ãñ¼ä¹í¹Ö´«Ëµ£¬cult ζÉõŨ¡£(As for 05 new edition, according to will know The Doctor and his new racket files Rose meets You Zouyu as before in the past and the future. This play imagination rich, also has many stunts, although does not compare the Hollywood standard, but wins in the story other interest, from time to time has ʱװµê the doll in the modern age to come out the attack humanity from the department store, from time to time likes "Star War", also could return to the ancient times Europe to explore the folk ghost fable, the cult taste is really thick.) |
³¤ÊÙ·ÊÔí¾ç (Longevity ·ÊÔí¾ç) |
¡¡¡¡Í¬ÊÇ BBC ÖÆ×÷£¬¡¶ÒìÊÀÆæÈË¡·ÏëÏñÁ¦·á¸»£¬¶ø¡¶¶«²¿È˵ĹÊÊ¡·£¨EastEnders£©Ôò ÒÔдʵΪÌØÉ«¡£ÕⲿӢ¹ú·ÊÔí³¤Êپ磬20 ÄêÀ´´Óδ¼ä¶Ï²¥³ö¡£×Ô 1985 Äê 2 ÔÂÊײ¥ÒÔ À´£¬¶à´Î¶áÓ¢¹úµçÓ°¼°µçÊÓѧԺ£¨BAFTA£©×î¼Ñ·ÊÔí¾ç½±¡£(With is the BBC manufacture, "Different World Outstandingly able person" the imagination is rich, but "Eastern part Person's Story" (EastEnders) then take practicalizes as the characteristic. This English soap longevity play, for 20 years never interrupts broadcast. Since February, 1985 the first broadcast, many times has seized the English movie and the television institute (BAFTA) the best ·ÊÔí¾ç prize.) |
¡¡¡¡Â׶صÄÎ÷Çø£¨West End£©ÊÇÖøÃûÉÌÒµ¹ºÎïÇø£¬ÖÁÓÚ¶«²¿£¨East End£©¾ÍÊÇÀͶ¯½×²ã µÄ¾ÓסµØ¡£¡¶¶«²¿È˵ĹÊÊ¡··¢ÉúÔÚÏÖ´úÓ¢¹úÂ׶ض«²¿Ò»Ðé¹¹ÉçÇø Walford E20£¬ÄÇÀïÌØ É«ÊÇÖÖ×å¶à£¬ÉçÇøÄÚ¸÷ʽÈ˵ȹØϵ½ôÃÜ£¬Çé½ÚÔòÖ÷ҪΧÈƶà¸ö¼ÒÍ¥µÄϲϲ±¯±¯¡£ (London's west area (West End) is the famous commercial shopping area, as for the eastern part (East End) is the labor class inhabited area. "Eastern part Person's Story" occurs east the modern England London as soon as fictionalizes community Walford E20, there characteristic is the race many, in community relations and so on various types person close, the plot then mainly revolves many families happy happy sad to be sad.) |
¡¡¡¡´ÓÇ°Ó¢¹ú»Æ½ðʱ¼ä¾ç¼¯ÉõÉÙ´¥¼°Ãô¸ÐÉç»áÎÊÌ⣬´Ë¾çÈ´´óµ¨Ì¸¼°»éÍâÇé¡¢Îü¶¾¡¢Í¬ÐÔ Áµ¡¢°®×̲¡µÈ¡£Ëü³¤ÆÚÊÇÓ¢¹úÊÕÊÓÍ· 5 λ½ÚÄ¿Ö®Ò»£¬ÊÇÓ¢¹úÈ˲èÓà·¹ºóµÄ»°Ì⣬ӮµÃ¹ÛÖÚ ¹²Ãù£¬È«Òò¹»Ð´Êµ£¬ÑÝÔ±ÑݳöÉú»î»¯¡£ÖµµÃÒ»ÌáµÄÊÇ£¬Ïã¸Û²¥·ÅµÄÊǴ˾çµÄ×îм¾¶È£¬²¥ Ó³ÆÚ¸úÓ¢¹úÖ»²îÒ»¸öÔ¶øÒÑ ¡£(Formerly the English gold time play collection really little touched the sensitive social question, this play actually boldly referred to the affair, takes drugs, the homosexuality, the AIDS and so on. It is for a long time England watches television one of first 5 programs, is the English spare time topic, wins the audience sympathetic chord, all because suffices to practicalize, the actor performs the adaptation. What is worth mentioning, Hong Kong broadcasts is this play newest quarter, the telecast time only misses with England for a month) |
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Info |
¡¡²¥Ó³ÈÕÆÚ£º2 Ô 19 ÈÕÆð·êÐÇÆÚÈÕ |
¡¡²¥Ó³Ê±¼ä£º 11:15pm |
"Different World Outstandingly able person" Telecast date: On February 19 gets up meets Sunday Telecast time: 11:15pm Frequency channel: Asia regards the international radio station |
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¡¡²¥Ó³ÈÕÆÚ£º1 Ô 9 ÈÕÆð·êÐÇÆÚÒ»ÖÁËÄ |
¡¡²¥Ó³Ê±¼ä£º7:00pm£¨Ã¿¼¯°ëСʱ£© |
¡¡ÆµµÀ£ºBBC Prime£¨now ¿íƵµçÊÓ 29 ̨£© |
"Eastern part Person's Story" Telecast date: On January 9 gets up meets Monday to four Telecast time: 7:00pm (each volume of half hour) Frequency channel: BBC Prime (now width frequency television 29) |
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Also, Doctor Who is being pre-empted on the ABC in Australia this week by the Hopman Cup Tournament, not the Holman Cup Tournament. Thanks to Martin of the SFSA Fan Club in Australia . I've had the Hopman Cup (as the Holman Cup) in the listings since early November, and it ran at the same time in January 2004 and 2005 - and never noticed the spelling error. The SFSA also has a report that the repeat run on ABC concludes on 3 February. |
![]() ![]() |
As ABC does not have any schedule information up yet beyond 4 February, we are still a few days from learning if ABC will continue repeats past that point. Will repeats continue at 6PM? Continue in a new time slot? Be rested for months/years to give other programming a turn, as Doctor Who's aired at about 6PM since September 2003? |
Benjamin Elliott - This Week In Doctor Who |