This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Thursday 2nd June 2005
TWIDW Update: BBC7 Airing The Paradise Of Death This Week (posted 2nd Jun 2005, 3:00pm - TWIDW post #0312) |
The week I don't check BBC7's schedule ... |
Doctor Who - The Paradise Of Death 1993 radio drama starring Jon Pertwee, Elisabeth Sladen, and Nicholas Courtney. 5 episodes long. Episodes are 30 minutes long. |
The first of 2 radio Doctor Who stories Jon Pertwee did in the 1990s. It's aired on BBC7 a number of times, but if you've missed it ... |
Part 4 of 5 is airing today. It's nearly over. |
Thankfully BBC7 has a listen again feature, so if you want to hear the whole story, you just need some version of RealPlayer (one of those Alternative versions without the spyware will also work). BBC7's live audio streams and listen again programs can be heard worldwide. |
Part 1 (still available until Monday 6 June): 6PM airing 12AM airing |
Part 2 (still available until Tuesday 7 June): 6PM airing 12AM airing |
Part 3 (still available until Wednesday 8 June): 6PM airing 12AM airing |
Part 4 - Thursday 6PM & Midnight BST (UK Time, adjust for your time zone) - use the Windows Media Player or Realplayer links on BBC7 website if outside the UK (available online from Friday 3 June until Thursday 9 June): 6PM airing 12AM airing |
Part 5 - Friday 6PM & Midnight BST (same as Thursday) (available online from Saturday 4 June until Friday 10 June): 6PM airing 12AM airing |
No Doctor Who on BBC7 next week. |
Benjamin F. Elliott |