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This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive

Saturday 2nd November 2002

TWIDW Update - Doctor Who Movie on South African, UK, and US Sci-Fi Channels
(posted 2nd Nov 2002, 12:59am - TWIDW post #0127)
Looks like Paul McGann and Daphne Ashbrook will be getting some more royalties.
As previously reported on the Outpost Gallifrey website, the Sci-Fi Channel in the United Kingdom is airing the 1996 Doctor Who movie on Saturday 2 November at 8PM GMT and Sunday 3 November at 2PM GMT. The UK Sci-Fi Channel also owns the South African Sci-Fi Channel (same website - click on the South Africa tab), so it was logical to assume that the Who movie would show up there, too. And it is - in December.

The airtimes in South Africa:
Friday 27 December - 6:30 to 8PM Central African Time (CAT)
Sunday 29 December - 1:20 to 2:50PM CAT
Tuesday 31 December - 5 to 6:30PM CAT
It's also getting a December airing in the UK, in addition to those previously mentioned:
Thursday 26 December - 8 to 9:40PM GMT
Finally, the US Sci-Fi Channel , which years ago was related to these other Sci-Fi Channels but isn't anymore, has scheduled its own airing of the 1996 Doctor Who movie in December. Warning - unless you both live in Hawaii and have a satellite dish, you'll have to be a nightowl.

East Coast/Satellite Feed:
Late Sunday December 15th - 3 to 5AM EST / 2 to 4AM CST / 1 to 3AM MST /
Midnight to 2AM PST / 11PM to 1AM Alaska / 10PM to Midnight Hawaii

West Coast Feed:
Late Sunday December 15th - 4 to 6AM MST / 3 to 5AM PST / 2 to 4AM Alaska /
1 to 3AM Hawaii / 5 to 7AM CST / 6 to 8AM EST
This has been a TWIDW alert.
Benjamin F. Elliott