This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

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Wednesday 6th April 2005

This Week In Doctor Who - April 6, 2005
(posted 6th Apr 2005, 11:55am - TWIDW post #0294)
THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO - The Week After Everything Happened!
April 6, 2005 - Vol 8, No 14
The weekly guide to Doctor Who broadcasts worldwide.
by Benjamin F. Elliott
A second series and Christmas special! An Australian sale! Canadian
premiere and online documentary! And a change my dear, but it seems
just a moment too soon ...
Overnight Ratings:
BBC1 2 April - Doctor Who - The End Of The World - 7.27 million
average (36.05% share)
BBC3 2 April - Doctor Who Confidential - Aliens: The Good, The Bad,
And The Ugly - 761,341 average
BBC3 3 April - Doctor Who - The End Of The World - no ratings
located as of press time
Doctor Who won its timeslot again, beating Ant and Dec by over a
million viewers in the overnight ratings.
Wednesday 30 March brought news - Doctor Who's getting a second

Second season is go! BBC commissions second season and Christmas special.

According to the Guardian, Jane Tranter has commissioned more Doctor Who. "I want to make Doctor Who again," she said. She claimed to be shocked by the first episode's popularity.

"I told myself I'd be completely and utterly thrilled if it got 6.5 million, but there was a little voice inside whispering `4.5 million'," she admitted.

She also revealed that the show had scored a good 81 out of 100 in audience appreciation research.

While other writers are still to be confirmed, Russell T. Davies will be penning the 60 minute Christmas special.

"It's fantastic news," said Russell. "It's been a tense and jittery time because the production team has been working on plans for Series Two - scripts are being written already! - without ever knowing if it would ever get made. We could all have ended up unemployed. But now we can put all those plans into action and get going.

"It's particularly good for BBC Wales. This is a major flagship show for the region, and their staff and crews are the best you could find. It's a tribute to them that Doctor Who is returning. Cymru am byth!"
ABC Australia announced their purchase of the series on Wednesday 6 April, making them the 6th country on board. They could be the third country to air the show, as a May premiere is expected. The report from the Sydney Morning Herald:

ABC snaps up rights to new Dr Who series April 6, 2005 - 11:51AM

Dr Who fans have cause for celebration after the ABC snapped up the
rights to the new series of the hit British sci-fi show.

The broadcaster today announced it would screen the latest series of the popular program from mid May.

Doctor Who first aired on the BBC in 1963 with the last episode screening in 1989.

The latest series made a triumphant return to British screens last week, attracting a television audience of more than 10.5 million fans.

Previous series of Doctor Who aired on the ABC but the new series was yet to be acquired by an Australian broadcaster up until now.

"This is Doctor Who, 21st century-style, and it most definitely will appeal to people who are new to the Doctor Who phenomenon, as well as long-term fans," said ABC's Head of Programming Marena Manzoufas.

"I am in no doubt that a whole new Australian audience will be attracted to the series."

"Doctor Who is one of the most significant BBC dramas of the year," said BBC Worldwide's Head of Sales for Australiasia, Julie Dowding.

"It's the ultimate adventure series with the ultimate cast. We're very happy that it's come to earth in Australia."

The new series stars Christopher Eccleston as Doctor Who while singer Billie Piper plays his young assistant, Rose Tyler.

ABC's announcement of the purchase is at
The CBC premiered Doctor Who on Tuesday 5 April with Christopher Eccleston hosting the night's programming. Viewers noted that the episode aired apparently uncut. The analogue version had altered credits, like all CBC broadcasts. The digital version had the original credits squished on the bottom third of the screen. During both versions of the closing credits, Christopher Eccleston was handling Doctor Who trivia. Some viewers report that the episode ran over the 1 hour mark, delaying the start of the 9PM show. VCR timers beware. As part of the CBC Doctor Who site relaunch, a trailer and web page for their upcoming 6 part documentary "The Planet Of The Doctor" went up. The documentary apparently will only be on the website. also has a contest to go to the Doctor Who set, info on the new series from the Doctor Who Information Network , and the knowledge that the series is being sponsored in Canada by Volkswagon. -----------------------------------------------
Hours after the announcement that Doctor Who was renewed, the BBC revealed that Christopher Eccleston would not be returning as the Doctor for the second series. The news article gave Mr. Eccleston's reported reasons and a quote from him supporting the show. Reactions across fandom were passionate and, at times, unfortunate. And it turned out that most of the reactions were based on faulty information, as the BBC issued a clarification and apology on Monday 4 April. We are presenting the BBC's correction in full as corrections rarely get the same level of press as the mistakes that caused them, but they should to protect all parties.
Thanks to Christopher Eccleston for starring in this series of Doctor Who (the first full series since 1989), thanks to the BBC for trying to set the record straight, and here's hoping for great things from the next actor to play the Doctor, whoever he or she is.
"BBC admits Dr Who actor blunder. The BBC failed to speak to actor
Christopher Eccleston before revealing he was going to quit Dr Who
after the first series, it has admitted.
"It was originally claimed the actor feared being typecast if he stayed on.
"In a statement, the BBC quoted Eccleston as saying `he hoped viewers continued to enjoy the series'.
"But the BBC has admitted it did not consult him about that statement and also broke its agreement not to reveal he planned to film just one series.
"Head of drama and commissioning Jane Tranter said: `The BBC regrets not speaking to Christopher before it responded to the press questions on Wednesday 30 March.
"The BBC further regrets that it falsely attributed a statement to Christopher and apologises to him.
"A BBC spokesman said a mutual agreement was made between the corporation and Eccleston in January that the fact he was not making a second series would not be made public.
"But after journalists questioned the press office, the news was
"A further series of the show has now been commissioned.
"The BBC confirmed it was in talks with actor David Tennant, the
star of BBC Three drama Casanova, as a possible replacement for
BBC Three has added repeats of Doctor
Who Confidential to their lineup starting this weekend. Episodes now
air at 7:45PM Sundays following their Saturday premiere. There also
appears to be yet another showing of Doctor Who Confidential late
Saturday April 16 at 3:40AM, giving episode 4 of Confidential three
Note: As of publication time, some listings have the April 16
edition of Doctor Who Confidential on BBC Three starting at 7:55PM
BST instead of 7:45PM due to the length of its lead-in that
night, "Liquid Assets". Other listings have the "Strictly Dance
Fever" tie in show airing at 7PM and Doctor Who Confidential at
BBC Radio Wales' documentary
on Doctor Who is 3 episodes long after all. The 3rd episode,
focusing on the Daleks, will air on Monday 2 May.
Outpost Gallifrey noticed something odd
about the upcoming schedule of the National Lottery on BBC One.
Http:// is an article noting that
Julian Clary hosts "The National Lottery Come And Have A Go",
starting Saturday 23 April at *7:20PM*. The "Come And Have A Go"
website is at , and
also claims the show will begin 23 April at *7:20PM*. If this is
true, then Doctor Who will have to move to a new timeslot beginning
with that episode (World War III - Episode 5 - part 2 of the first 2
parter). It is the first week after Ant and Dec's Takeaway programme
ends. No doubt the BBC Press Packs for the week of 23-29 April
(coming out this Friday) will clarify the situation. Look at that day.
There were a couple of very interesting rumors going around in the
last few days which there has not been time to properly check out.
If anything major comes out of them there will be a TWIDW Update on
the mailing list.
Corrections and updates are welcome at thisweekindoctorwho- , TWIDW on AOL IM , and thebfe on Yahoo
Messenger. The listings:
New Series General Information:
Saturday 7PM BST Doctor Who 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
16:9 Widescreen Digital; 14:9 Cropped Letterbox Analogue
Future Doctor Who Episodes:
16 April - 1-04 Aliens of London
23 April - 1-05 "World War III"
30 April - 1-06 Dalek
7 May - 1-07 The Long Game
14 May - 1-08 Father's Day
21 May - 1-09 The Empty Child
28 May - 1-10 The Doctor Dances
4 June - 1-11 Boom Town
11 June - 1-12 "TBA"
18 June - 1-13 The Parting of the Ways
BBC Three
Doctor Who Confidential
Saturday and Sunday 7:45PM GMT DrWho Confidential 1-03 TARDIS Tales
Beginning this week, BBC Three is airing Doctor Who Confidential
episodes twice - Saturday and Sunday. Episode 3 of the tie-in
Sunday 7PM BST Doctor Who 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
16:9 Widescreen
Further Doctor Who Confidential Episodes:
16 and 17 April - 1-04 "I Get A Side-Kick Out Of You"
23 April - 1-05 "Life On Earth"
30 April - 1-06 The Daleks
7 May - 1-07 The Dark Side
14 May - 1-08 "A Time And A Place"
21 May - 1-09 "FX"
28 May - 1-10 "The Weird Science Of Doctor Who"
4 June - 1-11 Unsung Heroes and Violent Death
11 June - 1-12 "The Cult Of Who"
18 June - 1-13 Finale
Doctor Who series repeats air Sundays 7PM after their BBC One
BBC Online
Doctor Who Confidential
1-01 "Back From The Future"
1-02 "Aliens: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
1-03 TARDIS Tales - online after BBC Three broadcast
"Project: Who" (audio) - pt 2 only, could be offline soon
Various Video Diaries and trailers.
BBC Radio Wales
Monday 2 May - "Dr Who Back In Time" pt 3 Dalek Nation
Dalek themed conclusion to the documentary, delayed till after the
Dalek episode airs.
Tuesday 8PM (8:30PM Newfoundland) Doctor Who 1-02 "The End Of The
16:9 Widescreen Digital; 16:9 Letterbox Analogue
19 April - 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
26 April - 1-04 Aliens of London
3 May - 1-05 "World War III"
10 May - 1-06 Dalek
17 May - 1-07 The Long Game
24 May - 1-08 Father's Day
31 May - 1-09 The Empty Child
"The Planet Of The Doctor" exclusive 6 part CBC.CA documentary
Chapter 1 - Who Is Doctor Who? (premieres April ?)
Chapter 2 - The Mania Of Doctor Who
Chapter 3 - The Adventures Of Doctor Who
Chapter 4 - Time Travel
Chapter 5 - The Influence Of Doctor Who
Chapter 6 - Conclusion
Doctor Who premiere Mid-May.
Aspect ratio unknown.
Prime TV
Doctor Who premiere TBA.
Aspect ratio unknown.
Nederland 3
Doctor Who premiere 2006?
Doctor Who premiere TBA.
BBC Online
"Real Time" - starring Colin Baker and the Cybermen. 6 episodes. The
Doctor and Evelyn Smythe research a temple that has been yanking
scientists out of time, bringing them face to face with the future
of the Cybermen.
Shada - starring Paul McGann and Lalla Ward. 6 episodes. A retired
Time Lord in Cambridge needs the Doctor's help to recover a Time
Lord book before the corrupt scientist Skagra can find it.
"The Scream Of The Shalka" - starring Richard E. Grant. 6 episode
story. The Shalka prepare to conquer the Earth from below. Can the
Doctor be convinced to save the day one last time?
(All times 1 hour later on UKTV Gold + 1)
Saturday 7:20-9:20AM BST The Horns of Nimon movie
Series 17, Episodes 17 through 20. Doctor: Tom Baker. A black hole where it doesn't belong draws the Doctor's attention to Skonnos, where a decaying empire has been given false hope by a two- horned charlatan.
Sunday 7:05-9AM BST The Leisure Hive movie
Series 18, Episodes 1 through 4. Doctor: Tom Baker. The Doctor and Romana's quest for a good vacation nearly kills K9 and coincides with dangerous developments at a leisure centre/scientific research base on Argolis.
16 April Meglos (7:05AM)
17 April Full Circle (7:05AM)
23 April State of Decay (7:05AM)
24 April Warriors' Gate (7AM)
30 April The Keeper of Traken (7AM)
1 May Logopolis (7AM)
7 May Castrovalva (7:05AM)
8 May Four To Doomsday (7:05AM)
14 May Kinda (7:05AM)
15 May The Visitation (7:05AM)
21 May Black Orchid (7AM)
22 May Earthshock (7AM)
28 May Time-Flight (7AM)
29 May Arc of Infinity (7AM)
Thursday 6:03PM The Invasion of Time pt 6 of 6
Season 15, Episode 26. Doctor: Tom Baker.
The Doctor's final solution to Gallifrey's problems with invasions shocks all the Time Lords. Leela discovers that the course of true love runs very drippily.
Monday 6:03PM The Ribos Operation pt 1 of 4
Tuesday 6:03PM The Ribos Operation pt 2 of 4
Wednesday 6:03PM The Ribos Operation pt 3 of 4

Season 16, Episodes 1 through 3. Doctor: Tom Baker.
Two con men try to cheat the Graff Vynda-K, making life very complex for the Doctor and Romana when they search for the 1st segment of the Key To Time.
18 April The Pirate Planet
BBC Kids
Daily 2AM EDT (11PM PDT) - 2 episodes weekdays, full stories weekends
Wednesday Enlightenment pts 3+4 of 4
Season 20, Episodes 19 through 20. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Turlough's actions come back to haunt him. The space race comes to a shocking end. The White Guardian and Black Guardian reveal their presence, and no one notices.
Thursday The King's Demons pts 1+2 of 2
Season 20, Episodes 21 through 22. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Why is King John making sport at someone's castle instead of signing the Magna Carta? The Doctor and company investigate.
Friday Warriors of the Deep pts 1+2 of 4
Season 21, Episodes 1 through 2. Doctor: Peter Davison.
A deep sea base proves to be unable to escape the fighting between groups of humanity, an invasion by Silurians and Sea Devils, and the presence of the Doctor.
Saturday The Keeper of Traken all 4 pts
Season 18, Episodes 21 through 24. Doctor: Tom Baker.
The Keeper Of Traken is dying. The 4th Doctor's efforts to help with the transition merely cause him and Adric to be the prime suspects in all the trouble. Tremas: Anthony Ainley.
Sunday Logopolis all 4 pts
Season 18, Episodes 25 through 28. Doctor: Tom Baker.
The climax of the 4th Doctor's era. Stalked by the Master and a sense of impending doom, the Doctor and Adric try to get the TARDIS measured.
Monday Warriors of the Deep pts 3+4 of 4
Season 21, Episodes 3 through 4. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Tuesday The Awakening pts 1+2 of 2
Season 21, Episodes 5 through 6. Doctor: Peter Davison.
The Doctor gets Tegan to 20th Century Earth on purpose for once. She wants to visit her Grandfather. But he is missing.
13 April Frontios
15 April Planet of Fire
16 April Spearhead From Space BBC Kids premiere
17 April Doctor Who And The Silurians eps 1,2,3,4 BBC Kids premiere
19 April The Caves of Androzani
21 April Destiny of the Daleks
23 & 24 April Pre-empted by Hitch-hiker's Guide To The Galaxy
25 April City of Death
27 April The Creature from the Pit
29 April Nightmare of Eden
30 April Doctor Who And The Silurians eps 5,6,7 BBC Kids premiere
1 May Inferno eps 1,2,3 BBC Kids premiere
American Who
Current Episode:
Patrick Troughton tribute. Interviews with many of the people who
knew the actor who was the 2nd Doctor.
Upcoming Episode:
4/15 - Jessica Carney, 30 years after the passing of her grandfather
William Hartnell (last new show of season, reruns till September)
Sci-Fi Overdrive
on Lifestyle Talk Radio (LTR)
and Business Talk Radio (BTR)
LTR Late Friday Midnight-2AM EDT (9-11PM PDT, 5-7AM BST, 2-4PM AEST)
Live LTR Stream
BTR Late Sun/Early Mon 1-4AM EDT (10PM-1AM PDT, 6-9AM BST, 3-5PM
Live BTR Stream
Saturday 8-11PM EST (5-8PM PDT) (repeat of
previous week's episode, online audio stream)
Hour 1 - News & Comment, including the last week's Doctor Who
developments. Hour 2 - Jacob McMurray, Sr Curator, Science Fiction
Museum in Seattle; and Arnold T. Blumberg, co-editor of "Howe's
Transcendental Toybox", on the Doctor Who BBC PR debacle mentioned
earlier in the column. Hour 3 - BTR only. Leonard David of
Starz! Movie Pack - Mystery
"Doctor Who" 1996 TV Movie
Thursday 14 April 6:50AM EDT Eastern Feed / PDT Western Feed
Thursday 21 April 7:40AM EDT Eastern Feed / PDT Western Feed
MPT Maryland
analog 22, 67, 31, 28, 62, 36
digital 22-2 (42-2), 67-2 (29-2), 31-2 (44-2), 28-2 (56-2), 62-2 (28-2), 36-2 (54-2)
DC/Hagerstown, Baltimore DirecTV 22,980
Baltimore Dish 22,8736
Late Saturday Midnight-2:20AM EDT Planet of the Spiders movie
Season 11, Episodes 21 through 26. Doctor: Jon Pertwee.
In a previous adventure, the Doctor took a crystal from Metebelis III. Alas, the spiders of Metebelis III want it back for their own dark purposes. And anyone who gets in their way will be killed.
16 April The Ribos Operation (12:05AM)
23 April The Pirate Planet (12:05AM)
analog 11, 32, 27, 12, 21, 24, 32, 36, 36
digital 11-2 (50-2), 32-2 (35-2), 27-2 (28-2), 45, 25, 18, 33, 35, 34
Des Moines DirecTV 11,474
Des Moines Dish 11,9116
Cedar Rapids DirecTV 12
Cedar Rapids Dish 12,9161
Omaha DirecTV 32
Omaha Dish 32,9146
Sioux City Dish 27,7195
Quad Cities DirecTV 36
Quad Cities Dish 36,7607 (not yet available)
Saturday 11:35PM CDT Snakedance pts 3+4
Season 20, Episodes 7 through 8. Doctor: Peter Davison.
To save Tegan and a civilization, the Doctor does the dance of the snake.
16 April Mawdryn Undead pts 1+2
23 April Mawdryn Undead pts 3+4
30 April Terminus pts 1+2
KUED/KUEW-DT/KUES-DT Salt Lake City/St. George/Richfield, UT
analog 7
digital 7-1 (42-1), 18-1, 19-1
Salt Lake City DirecTV 7,982
Salt Lake City Dish 7,8536
Saturday 11:30PM MDT Kinda pt 1 of 4
Season 19, Episode 9. Doctor: Peter Davison. Nyssa's illness leaves her in the TARDIS, unable to keep the Doctor, Adric, and Tegan out of trouble.
16 April Kinda pt 2
23 April Kinda pt 3
30 April Kinda pt 4
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care.
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2005.