This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Wednesday 9th April 2003
This Week In Doctor Who - April 9, 2003 (TWIDW post #0151) |
THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO - April 9, 2003 by Benjamin F. Elliott Vol 6, No 15 |
The trailer for the new version of Shada is now online. It runs a minute or so, with clips from the story, illustrated by Lee Sullivan. The trailer plays in an endless loop, well endless until you leave the webpage. There is a high qualiy and a low quality version of the trailer available, depending on the ability of your browser. The visuals are the same, but the sound quality is better on the high quality version if your computer can handle it. The direct links are: - high quality audio - low quality audio |
Shada, a remake of the Douglas Adams story that wasn't finished in 1979, will be serialized on the BBC's Doctor Who website in the same way that Death Comes To Time and Real Time were. The new version features Paul McGann as The Doctor, Lalla Ward as Romana, John Leeson as K9, and Sean Biggerstaff as Chris Parsons. The first segment of Shada will go online on Friday 2 May. |
Iowa Public TV issued a statement last weekend regarding the lack of Genesis of the Daleks on their station. Announcer Mike Frisbee reportedly stated: "We planned to whack you with the Daleks tonight, but it appears the estate of Terry Nation has the Beeb tied up in court which prevents any broadcasts of Dalek do's and don'ts until the money issue is settled." |
This Week in Doctor Who has no information on this situation besides IPTV's statement. Whatever the situation - it does not seem to be affecting Canada, where BBC Kids will air Destiny of the Daleks on 11 and 14 April. Maryland Public TV has currently scheduled Resurrection of the Daleks to air late Saturday April 25 at Midnight, though they are skipping The Five Doctors and Frontios. |
WQED/WQEX 13/16 Pittsburgh, PA has been pulling scheduled Doctor Who broadcasts at the last minute. I do not know if Doctor Who will continue to air on WQED. I did hear from a contact last year that Doctor Who had been performing disastrously on WQED/WQEX in pledge drives. Take your worst case scenario and you're still too optimistic. Last I knew, WQED did have the rights to all the Peter Davison episodes, though stations usually have to use their rights in a certain amount of time or they expire. WQED's website still has an episode scheduled for Late Saturday April 19 at Midnight, though and have the spot listed as part of a members choice night. If I hear any information regarding WQED's current status regarding Doctor Who, I'll announce it in next week's column. In the meantime, viewers who live somewhat close to the Maryland border might want to use an antenna on the TV and see if you can pull in WGPT 36 Oakland, MD, one of the Maryland Public TV transmitters - where Doctor Who airs in movie format late Saturdays at Midnight. |
Over in the UK, UK Gold will have "Dalek Days" on the May Bank Holidays. 10 of the 11 complete Dalek stories will air - 5 stories per Bank Holiday. Only The Chase is being skipped. It is too soon to be sure how much of the marathons will air on UK Gold 2 or UK Gold +1. These will be UK Gold's existing prints of stories, and not remastered versions. Here's the lineup: Monday 5 May 7:20AM BST The Dead Planet aka The Daleks aka The Mutants 10:45AM BST The Dalek Invasion of Earth 1:35PM BST The Day Of The Daleks 3:25PM BST Planet of the Daleks 6:05PM BST Death to the Daleks Monday 26 May 9:50AM BST Genesis of the Daleks 12:35PM BST Destiny of the Daleks 2:30PM BST Resurrection of the Daleks 4:20PM BST Revelation of the Daleks 6:10PM BST Remembrance of the Daleks |
The UK Sci-Fi Channel will be airing the 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie in May)). Alas, apparently Sci-Fi and {c{130=UK Gold don't co-ordinate their schedules - Doctor Who airs on 5 May from 7:20 to 9PM, overlapping with Death to the Daleks. Months and months with no Doctor Who on Mondays in Britain, and then two channels air it at the same time. If you want to watch both this movie and the UK Gold marathons, your best bet is to catch the April showing on the 20th (Easter) at 1:10PM, immediately following a broadcast of the documentary Dalekmania, which begins at Noon that day. |
The South African Sci-Fi Channel - yes, the same website - will air both the 1996 Doctor Who movie and a new Doctor Who special in May. The special is part of a series profiling UK Science fiction shows called SF:UK. Here's the lineup: Saturday 3 May 4:25PM SF:UK - Trips Through Time And Space (first airing?) Wednesday 21 May 8PM Doctor Who 1996 TV Movie Wednesday 21 May 9:25PM SF:UK - Trips Through Time And Space Saturday 24 May 6:35PM Doctor Who 1996 TV Movie |
BBC Radio 7 listeners - my apologies for the note in last week's column. I meant to say that Slipback had aired on 29 and 30 March. I did not intend to say that BBC Radio 7 had aired Shada - but if you were paying attention, I unfortunately did spell Slipback as S-H-A-D-A. My apologies. As far as anyone knows, neither the new version of Shada nor the incomplete Tom Baker version from the 1979/1980 series are going to air on BBC Radio 7. |
While I try to keep the column up to date, I do sometimes miss late changes to schedules. If you see TWIDW's information getting out of synch with what your local station is actually airing, let me know ASAP. |
Additions and corrections are welcome at , bfelliott@... , bfelliott3 on AOL IM, or thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. And now, the listings: |
BBC Radio 7 Digital radio & TV in UK, live realplayer link on website for worldwide use Sat 6PM+ Mid BST (7PM+1AM CET, 1+7PM EDT, 10AM+4PM PDT, Sun 3+9AM AEST) The Paradise Of Death pt 3 of 5 Sun 6PM+Mid BST (7PM+1AM CET, 1+7PM EDT, 10AM+4PM PDT, Mon 3+9AM AEST) The Paradise Of Death pt 4 of 5 |
Fri 7PM EDT InterstellarTransmissions WWNN AM1470 Pompano Beach/Boca Raton, FL (Miami/West Palm Beach, FL) Joey Reynolds' weekly radio show for sci-fi news and interviews, which can be heard online worldwide. Doctor Who news usually discussed during the show. |
Business Talk Radio Network Late Sun/Early Mon 2-6AM EDT (11PM-3AM PDT, 7-11AM BST, 4-8PM AEST ) Sci-Fi Overdrive station list on the scifioverdrive website - archives in MP3 format Live audio link at Business Talk website - requires Windows Media Player. National version of Interstellar Transmissions, though probably easiest to hear in timezones outside the USA. |
TV: |
UK: |
UK Gold Late Fri 12:40-3:15AM, Sat 6:30-9AM BST Planet of the Daleks movie Late Sat 1-3:50AM, Sun 6-9AM BST The Green Death movie UK Gold + 1 Late Fri 1:40-4:15AM BST Planet of the Daleks movie Late Sat 2-4:50AM BST The Green Death movie |
Homechoice Video On Demand. Now playing: Robot all 4 pts The Ark In Space all 4 pts The Sontaran Experiment both pts |
BBC Kids Weeknights 2 episodes Midnight + 4AM EDT (9PM + 1AM PDT) Saturday/Sunday complete stories Midnight + 3:30AM EDT (9PM + 12:30AM PDT) Wed The Armageddon Factor pts 3+4 of 6 Thu The Armageddon Factor pts 5+6 of 6 Fri Destiny of the Daleks pts 1+2 of 4 Sat Meglos all 4 pts Sun Full Circle all 4 pts Mon Destiny of the Daleks pts 3+4 of 4 Tue City of Death pts 1+2 of 4 |
Channel numbers in brackets ( ) indicate a digital station that is not on the air. Low power stations do not currently have digital assignments. |
NHPTV New Hampshire analog 11,49,52 digital 57,48,(49) - not on digital schedule yet Boston Dish Local 8781,11 Sat 11PM EDT Paradise Towers pt 2(?) of 4 I am operating under the assumption that NHPTV aired part 1 twice last week. If both parts 1+2 aired last week, then this will be part 3. |
WCNY/W59AU Syracuse/Utica, NY analog 24,59 digital 25-1 Sun 5:30PM EDT The Seeds of Doom pt 3 of 6 |
WSKG Binghamton, NY analog 46 digital (42) - under construction Pre-empted by auction. Next episode airs April 19. |
WQED/WQEX Pittsburgh, PA analog 13,16 digital 38-1,(26) Pittsburgh DirecTV Local 13,947 Pittsburgh Dish Local 8136,13 Pre-empted this week. Currently scheduled to return April 19 according to the WQED website. |
WYBE Philadelphia, PA analog 35 digital (34) - coming 2003 Philadelphia DirecTV Local 35,909 Philadelphia Dish Local 8162,35 Sat 11PM EDT Nightmare of Eden pt 4 of 4 Sat 11:30PM EDT The Horns of Nimon pt 1 of 4 |
MPT Maryland analog 22,67,28,31,62,36 digital 42,(29),(62),(44),(28),(56) - simulcast of analog begins in 2003 DC/Hagerstown & Baltimore DirecTV Local 22,980 Late Sat Mid EDT WarriorsFromTheDeep movie MPT has skipped The Five Doctors. Reason unknown. |
WCET Cincinnati, OH analog 48 digital 34-1 Cincinnati DirecTV Local 48,909 Cincinnati Dish Local 8356,48 Sat 11PM EDT The Twin Dilemma pts 1+2 of 4 |
WILL Urbana, IL analog 12 digital (33) - under construction Sat 11:40PM CDT The Armageddon Factor pt 4 of 6 |
IPTV Iowa analog 11,12,21,24,27,32,32,36,36 digital 50-1,(45),(25),(18),(28),(33),(35),(35),(34) Des Moines Dish Local 9116,11 Omaha, NE Dish Local 9146,32 Cedar Rapids Dish Local 9161,12 Sat 11:35PM CDT Revenge of the Cybermen pts 3+4 of 4 |
KERA/K44FI Dallas/Wichita Falls, TX analog 13,44 digital 14-1 Dallas DirecTV Local 13,889 Dallas Dish Local 8406,13 Late Fri 12:30AM CDT "??" Doctor Who is supposed to be back on this night in this slot, with either Castrovalva or Four To Doomsday. But it is not appearing in the online TV listings on KERA's website,, or . Hopefully Doctor Who will be on, as they have a blank 90 minute slot followed by programming at 2AM. » the following week confirmed it was Four To Doomsday. |
KBDI/K32EO Denver/Colorado Springs, CO analog 12,32 digital (38) - under construction Denver DirecTV Local 12,910 Denver Dish Local 8211,12 Pre-empted by pledge drive. Doctor Who returns April 19. |
KUED/KUES Salt Lake City/Richfield, UT analog 7,19 digital 42-1,(19) Salt Lake City DirecTV Local 7,982 Salt Lake City Dish Local 8536,7 Sat 11:30PM MDT Meglos pt 4 of 4 |
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU 28,15,65 Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA analog 28,15,65 digital (27),(19) - under construction Seattle DirecTV Local 12,910 Seattle Dish Local 8620,28 Sat 7PM, Late Sat 12:30AM PDT Delta and the Bannermen pt 3 of 3 Sat 7:30PM, Late Sat 1AM PDT Dragonfire pt 1 of 3 |
KTEH/KCAH San Jose/Watsonville, CA analog 54,25 digital (50),(58) - under construction San Francisco DirecTV Local 54,903 Salinas Dish Local 9190,25 San Francisco Dish Local 8234,54 - not available to subscribers Due to situations largely beyond their control, Doctor Who is on hiatus on KTEH/KCAH. Doctor Who will return ASAP. |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2003. |