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Friday 1st June 2001

This Week In Doctor Who - June 1, 2001
(posted 1st Jun 2001, 10:23am - TWIDW post #0017)
He's Being Rerun, And It's About Time!
by Benjamin F. Elliott
Vol 4, No 22
Last weekend, a US Doctor Who fan looking for information on Farscape reruns discovered some very good news. The US Sci-Fi Channel has scheduled a broadcast of the 1996 Doctor Who movie with Paul McGann for Sunday, July 15 at 9PM EDT/PDT. This will be the first airing of the McGann movie in the USA since the famous FOX premiere with poor ratings, five years ago. Presumably, Sci-Fi will have ordered multiple runs of the movie, as they order multiple runs of all shows they air. So if the film does well in the ratings, it might air a few more times. If Sci-Fi is going to air a piece of Doctor Who, let's support them.

Sci-Fi had a brief and tumultuous history with Doctor Who in its early days. The original owner ordered the then 106 available William Hartnell/Patrick Troughton episodes to be part of the launch lineup for the station (the deal was made before Tomb Of The Cybermen turned up). Ads for the sci-fi channel included a brief glimpse of William Hartnell's face and a TARDIS console. But there was a bankruptcy and the channel's launch was delayed for months. New owners swapped the Hartnell/Troughton package for the first 106 Tom Baker episodes before the station launched. The episodes aired as The Doctor Who Hour. 1 episode per day followed by a filler program. It aired six days a week at Noon Eastern Time, with the weekday episodes moving to 2PM later in the run. No additional episodes were ordered beyond the 106. The show aired for slightly over a year on Sci-Fi before being pulled for low ratings in late 1993. Sci-Fi did not have an exclusive contract, but some PBS stations erroneously assumed that they did and removed Doctor Who from their schedules due to the Sci-Fi run. While it is not surprising that they are going to air the 1996 movie with its modern era effects, stereo sound, and slick look, it is unlikely that they would ever air episodes from the original series again.
Dallas, Texas. After months of waiting, KERA 13 in Dallas is beginning its weekly run of Doctor Who episodes. 2 Jon Pertwee episodes will air each Friday night at Midnight. The entire Pertwee run has been purchased, and subsequent episodes will be based on how Pertwee does for KERA. KERA previewed this run with special airings of the first 2 Pertwee stories last December and a broadcast of the National Who Night2000 with Sylvester McCoy in March.
New Zealand - Doctor Who's outlook in New Zealand looks brighter than it did a week ago. According to one of the posts at the message board at the New Zealand Doctor Who Fan Club , Prime TV definitely plans to bring back the show in a few months, after they go through a run of Blake's 7. Apparently they have received more letters from fans who want Prime to keep airing the series than the organizations that do ratings for New Zealand report actually watch the show. Interesting, that.
Chicago area fans are getting a feast of Doctor Who for the June pledge drive. All material that WYIN 56 has aired before, but it's interesting that Doctor Who is playing so big a role. Take a look at the pledge lineup:

Friday, June 1 - Noon to 2PM - Robot
Friday, June 1 - 2 to 3PM - 30 Years In The TARDIS
Saturday, June 2 - 9:05 to 11:30PM - Robot
Saturday, June 2 - 11:30PM to Midnight - to be announced, unknown if it is a Doctor Who broadcast or not
Sunday, June 3 - 7 to 9PM - The Invisible Enemy
Monday, June 4 - 3 to 5PM - The Invisible Enemy
Monday, June 4 - 5 to 6PM - Doctor Who's Who's Who
Friday, June 8 - 3 to 6PM - The Invisible Enemy
Saturday, June 9 - Noon to 3PM - The Invisible Enemy
Sunday, June 10 - 10:03PM to Midnight - Robot
Monday, June 11 - 7 to 9PM - Robot
San Jose, CA - fans of Doctor Who on {c[152=KTEH}} , get ready. Their special 20thanniversary night to celebrate Doctor Who on their station is coming June 10th. The top episode from each Doctor as voted by viewers will air from 7 to 11PM, followed by several KTEH documentaries. Look here next week for a list of pledge premiums for the night, which are likely to include Doctor Who CDs.
Additions and corrections are welcome at bfelliott@... , bfelliott@... , or bfelliott3 on AOL IM. And now, the listings:


WPBR 1340AM West Palm Beach, FL
Sun 10:05PM-Mid EDT Interstellar Transmissions sci-fi news/chat show
Interesting guests in both hours, with Doctor Who news at the start of the second hour.


UK Gold
Sun 8:05-10AM BST Horror of Fang Rock movie
Trapped by fog at a lighthouse, people are being murdered one by one. As the paranoia begins to rise, the Doctor and Leela suspect the prelude to an alien invasion is underway. But even if they know what they're dealing with, they still have the fears and paranoias of the remaining humans obstructing their plans. And Leela, you might want to look up that part in Genesis about Lot's wife and *not* looking back at places that are about to blow up.
BBC Prime
Late Fri 1AM*, Sat 3:30PM, Sun 11:30AM CET Terminus ep 3 of 4
Late Thu 12:30AM CET Terminus ep 4 of 4
*Not seen in all regions. The only cure for Nyssa's case of Lazar's Disease is a ludicrously high dose of radiation that might kill her anyway. Meanwhile, the Doctor makes a terrible discovery about why Terminus is at the center of the known universe.
UKTV Australia
Sun 7AM, Late Sun 1AM AEST The Invasion of Time all 6 eps
This is the story of the shortest Presidency in the history of the Time Lords. The 4th Doctor becomes President of Gallifrey, throwing his entire civilization into chaos. What is the Doctor's game? Why has Leela been left in the dark? Borusa, Andred, and Castellan Kelner could be all that stands between the galaxy and tragedy. Uh-oh.
Mon-Thu 11:30PM AEST The Armageddon Factor eps 3 - 6 of 6
To stop an assault that will destroy both Atrios and Zeos, the Doctor and Romana must complete the Key To Time. But with no 6th segment, they have to cheat. Without the real 6th segment, two worlds will be destroyed. But the price to save them may be too high. Guest-starring Lalla Ward as Princess Strella, before she was cast as Romana No. 2.
Fri 11:30PM AEST Destiny of the Daleks ep 1 of 4
The Doctor and a newly-regenerated Romana (Lalla Ward) explore a world riddled with radiation. A randomiser on the TARDIS keeps them from knowing what planet they are on, but evidence suggests it is a world the Doctor knows too well.
Prime TV New Zealand
Sun 6PM Nightmare of Eden ep 4 of 4
Last rerun in 1988. Mon-Thu 6PM The Horns of Nimon eps 1 - 4 of 4
Last rerun in 1988. The 4th Doctor prepares a long-overdue overhaul of the TARDIS in deep space, where nothing will disturb his work. Nothing except a mysterious black hole and a marooned space ship, that is. A very witty script, and much in the Douglas Adams style of writing, even though he was only the script editor, and not the authour of this installment. The final story in the 70s vein, and they went out in style.

This concludes Prime's current run of Doctor Who stories. Doctor Who is expected to return in a few months after a run of Blake's 7. Probably beginning with The Leisure Hive.
The SCI-FI Channel Doctor Who (1996), with Paul McGann, Daphne Ashbrook, and Eric Roberts. Coming July 15. First US showing since its premiere on FOX in 1996.
NHPTV New Hampshire 11,49,52
Pre-empted by pledge drives. Next episodes June 14.
WQED/WQEX 13,16 Pittsburgh, PA
Pre-empted by pledge drives.
WYBE 35 Philadelphia, PA
Sat 4AM + 5:30PM EDT Resurrection of the Daleks 4 ep version, pts 1+2
Sat 11PM EDT Resurrection of the Daleks 4 ep version, pts 3+4
Turlough is stuck with a suicidal band of doctors set on destroying the medical ship before Davros and the Daleks can escape it. Tegan suspects something is wrong with the soldiers "guarding" the Movellan virus. Meanwhile, Davros and the Daleks secretly plot against each other, delaying efforts at doing dastardly revenge to the 5th Doctor.
MPT Maryland 22,28,31,36,62,67
Late Sat Mid EDT Planet of Giants 70 minute movie (Planet Of Giants, Dangerous Journey, Crisis)
Time approximate after Robot Wars and pledge drives. Expect late start. An emergency landing shrinks the 1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Susan to microscopic size. A shame, really, as they'd finally gotten back to mid-20th Century Earth. Can they stop a murderer and reveal a fraud in spite of their
WUSF 16 Tampa, FL
Sat 11:30PM EDT The Greatest Show in the Galaxy ep 4 of 4
To buy time for Ace to get the means to destroy the Circus, the 7th Doctor goes in as an act. But can even the Doctor keep the gods of Ragnorock amused for any period of time? An episode that draws on Sylvester McCoy's previous career as a comedian.
WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH
Pre-empted by pledge drives. Next episodes June 16.
WYIN 56 Gary, IN (Chicago, IL)
Fri Noon-2PM, Sat 9:05-11:30PM CDT Robot all 4 eps
Newly regenerated, the 4th Doctor is called upon to stop a criminal organization that is stealing the means to blackmail the Earth. Sarah, on the other hand, discovers that robots can have feelings.
Fri 2PM CDT 30 Years In The TARDIS 1993 documentary - 50 minutes
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Doctor Who, the BBC made this documentary (later expanded to 90 minutes and released on video). Classic clips, interviews, and a look back at the sci-fi series.
Sat 11:30PM CDT "to be announced" unknown if a Doctor Who broadcast or not
Sun 7-9PM, Mon 3-5PM CDT The Invisible Enemy all 4 eps
K9's first installment. The Doctor's mind is taken over by a parasite, leaving Leela to get him treatment. Needless to say the Doctor's been taken over by the brain of the parasite, who plans to conquer all of humanity, and maybe time and space as well.
Mon 5PM CDT Doctor Who's Who's Who 1985 documentary - 60 minutes
One of the earliest US Doctor Who documentaries, produced just as the BBC halted the series for 18 months for retooling. Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Jon Pertwee, Matthew Waterhouse, John Nathan-Turner, Louise Jameson, Mary Tamm, George Takei (Star Trek), and Issac Asimov (sci-fi author) all did interviews for this special.
WILL 12 Urbana, IL
Sat 11:35PM EDT Pyramids of Mars ep 1 of 4
The Doctor and Sarah make it back to Earth, and U*N*I*T headquarters - 70 years early. Even back then U*N*I*T's headquarters seemed to attract alien activity.
TPT St. Paul, MN
analog KTCA 2, digital KTCI-DT 16 (2.5)
Pre-empted by pledge drives. Next episode June 9.
IPTV Iowa 11,12,21,24,27,32,32,36
Fri 11:05PM CDT Logopolis eps 1+2 of 4
The 4th Doctor gets a premonition of his own death, leaving him more morose than usual. Of course, the presence of someone with a Tissue Compression Eliminator killing people on a British highway isn't helping his mood. Nor is the presence of a stewardess who wandered into the TARDIS - a woman named Tegan.
PPTV North Dakota 2,3,4,6,9,13,19
Fri 10:30PM CDT (9:30PM MDT) The Armageddon Factor ep 6 of 6
See UKTV Australia for story details.
KERA 13 Dallas, TX
Late Fri Mid CDT Spearhead From Space eps 1+2 of 4
Brigadier Lethbridge-Steward and scientist Liz Shaw from U*N*I*T investigate two mysterious landings of meteorites in the same rural area. Now something else has come down - a space ship shaped as a police box, operated by a man with mild amnesia. The man's blood is not human. First color episodes of the series.
KBDI/K32EO 12,32 Denver/Colorado Springs, CO
Pre-empted by pledge drives. Next episodes June 23.
KUED 7 Salt Lake City, UT
Sat 11PM, Late Sat 12:30AM MDT The Talons of Weng-Chiang ep 4 of 6
Li Hsen Chang is fired for incompetence, but still hopes to kill the Doctor to please his god. The venue - a live performance at Henry Gordon Jago's theatre.
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU 28,15,65 Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA
Sat 7PM, Late Sat 12:30AM PDT The Androids of Tara eps 1+2 of 4
Romana locates the 4th segment of the Key To Time, and promptly gets dragged into a dispute over the rulership of the planet Tara. Due to a Doctor Who pledge night next week, episodes 3+4 of this story will not have a 7PM showing, but only air at 12:30AM. Take precautions next week.
KTEH 54 San Jose, CA
Sun 11PM PDT The Seeds of Death 2 hr, 16 min movie
The 2nd Doctor comes across the Ice Warriors once again. This time they've taken over the Moonbase, which controls the food and economic transit system for all of Earth. They plan to kill all the humans, then take control of the planet.
BBC America
Mon-Thu 8AM EDT (5AM PDT)/Tue-Fri 5AM EDT (2AM PDT) - 2 episodes in movie format daily
Mon/Tue Pyramids of Mars movie, pt 2 of 2

Sutekh plans to escape from his tomb on Mars and travel through the galaxy. But surely one creature can't do that much harm? The Doctor and Sarah take a look at what could happen if Sutekh wins ...
Tue-Wed/Wed-Thu The Brain of Morbius movie, pts 1 - 2 of 2
Not too far away from Gallifrey, a scientist plots to resurrect Morbius, Time Lord genius and villain. Unless the Doctor can stop him. But then again, the scientist is hoping for the Doctor's help. Or at least his head.
Thu/Fri The Masque of Mandragora movie, pt 1 of 2
An alien ball of hate sticks out its towel and hitches a lift to Earth on board the TARDIS. Once on Earth, it's evil plans can begin, and people begin to die.

Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care.

Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2001.