This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Friday 19th March 1999
THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO - Fri, 19 Mar 1999 |
By Benjamin F. Elliott Special Guest Writer: The 12th Doctor |
Off in Europe seeing the sights. Special guest writer today. Be back soon. - BFE |
Welcome, everyone, to this week's This Week. I'm the Doctor. Or, more specifically, the twelfth incarnation. Seeing as Benjamin is off in Greece seeing the sights, I offered to fill in for him this week. He thought, and rightly so, that there was no one alive who could better relay my previous adventures than, well, me! Seeing as time is of the essence (isn't always?) and seeing as I have little in the way of actual news this week, lets get to the listings, shall we? |
Europe: |
UK Gold Late Friday from Midnight to 1:45AM GST The Ark movie version Sunday from 9:20 to 11:10AM The Android Invasion movie version Arriving on a spaceship some 10 million years in your future, one carrying the last survivors of an otherwise dead Earth along with their slaves, the Monoids, I discovered that my companion Dodo had caught a sniffle. Now, of course, this wouldn't have bothered me too terribly, but unfortunately the humans weren't resistant to the disease. Oh, dear. Then, in my fourth incarnation, I had to deal with some alien nasties looking to use androids to invade Earth. Which was a bit of a bother, since all I really wanted was a bottle of ginger beer. |
BBC Prime Late Friday at 1AM CET The Invasion of Time episode 2 of 6 Saturday at 9:40AM and 6PM The Invasion of Time episode 3 of 6 I continue to act strangely as I get used to my new position as Lord President of the Time Lords. But is there a method to my madness, and if so, what does it have to do with the Vardans? |
Australia: |
FOXTEL's UK-TV ch 5 Saturday at 1PM, 2 and 8AM Revenge of the Cybermen all 4 episodes Saturday at 3PM, 4 and 10AM Earthshock all 4 episodes Monday through Tuesday at 11:30PM Attack of the Cybermen episodes 1 to 2 of 2 - 45 minute episodes Wednesday through Friday at 11:30PM Silver Nemesis episodes 1 to 3 of 3 In 'Revenge', I found I had to deal with my old foes, the Cybermen, once more. I have to tell you, they really were becoming a bore by this point! They were looking to destroy Voga, home (appropriately enough) to the Vogans. In 'Earthshock', they came back and caused me even more trouble, this time desiring to destroy the Earth in the 26th century. In 'Attack', they wanted to destroy the Earth (one track mind, these fellows) in 1986 in order to prevent the destruction of their own planet. In 'Nemesis', they have plans on conquering Earth in 1988 (although I'm sure they wouldn't have minded destroying it, either), using an ancient statue of living metal. Which I of course know absolutely nothing about.... |
North America: |
SPACE: The Imagination Station and Early Monday at 3:30AM 'The Time Meddler: A Battle of Wits' episode 3 of 4 Monday at 7:30AM EST The War Games episode 10 of 10 Tuesday through Friday at 7:30AM Spearhead From Space episodes 1 to 4 of 4 The Time Meddler: I battle the Meddling Monk, trying to maintain the proper flow of history on Earth. The War Games: With no where else to turn, I go to the Time Lords for help in defeating the War Lords. And what do they do? Arrest me! But at least this allows you to see the wonderful case I give in defense of myself... Spearhead From Space: ...even though the blasted Time Lords refused to listen to me. Forcing me to change my appearance, they exiled me to Earth and took away my knowledge of the TARDIS. All just in time for me to have to deal with the invading Nestene and their army of Autons. |
New Hampshire Public TV 11, 15, 18, 49, 52 Sunday at 3PM EST The Claws of Axos episodes 3 and 4 of 4 I continue to battle the living ship Axos as it attempts to - real surprise here - take over the Earth! It wants to drain all the energy from the Earth, and then leave it for dead. Plus, I've got the Master to deal with as well, which always makes things more interesting. |
WYBE 35 Philadelphia, PA Saturday at 11PM EST The Sontaran Experiment both episodes Have I told you about the time that I fought a Sontaran in the far future? No? It was a spectacular battle of wits between myself and Field Marshall Styre, the result of which would decide the fate of Earth and humanity! You see, Styre was running experiments on humans in order to determine their weaknesses, so that the Sontaran War Fleet could invade. I thought I did rather well myself, but I suppose you'll just have to watch and see for yourself. |
Maryland Public TV 22, 28, 31, 36, 62, 67 Late Friday and Saturday at Midnight EST Doctor Who And The Silurians movie format Doctor who? Isn't he the one that Cushing fellow played in the 60s? Well, as far as I know, this was my first encounter with the Silurians, the original inhabitants of Earth. They were feeling just a bit jealous of the fact that humans had been living in their territory for the past several thousand years, and they decided to do something about it; namely, evicting the humans. |
WUSF 16 Tampa, FL Saturday at 11:30PM EST Snakedance episode 4 of 4 The Mara returns to wreak more emotional havoc with my dear Tegan. In this episode, I must confront the Mara in order to keep it from recreating itself. |
WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH Saturday at 11:30PM EST The Mind of Evil episodes 2 and 3 of 6 The second story to feature my old friend turned life-long nemesis, the Master. (Why did they call him "Master", anyway? Oh well, I suppose he can explain later...) Here he is attempting to destroy the Earth using a warhead filled with nerve gas. But what is the connection between the Master and the mysterious Keller Machine? |
Iowa Public TV 11, 12, 21, 24, 27, 32, 32, 32, 36 and No broadcast this week. |
Prairie Public TV of ND 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 19 Friday at 10:30PM CST Terror of the Zygons episode 1 of 4 The Doctor lets Zygons be bygones... oh, sorry, got caught up reading TV Guide for a moment. The Zygons, seeking new housing, plan on taking residence on a nice little blue-green planet in Mutter's Spiral. One problem: it seems to be inhabited by a race known as humans, who think that digital watches are a really cool idea. No problem, the think; we'll just set our pet Skarasen on them. Well, then I show up, and its not quite as easy as all that. If only I could get that stupid Skarasen to quit following me... |
KSPS 7 Spokane, WA Saturday at 10:30PM PST City of Death movie format Upon a visit to 1979 Paris with Romana, I discovered that a man named Count Scarlioni was selling the Mona Lisa. Problem being that he was selling multiple copies of said painting. Well, I just decided to go to the source, and visited my good friend Leonardo. Splendid chap. For some reason, though, when I arrived I found that Scarlioni person there as well. How was that possible, and what was his connection to a spaceship that exploded millions of years earlier? |
KBTC / KCKA 28, 15 Tacoma, WA Saturday at 7PM and 12:30AM PST, Monday at 7:30PM and 1AM PST Spearhead From Space episodes 3 and 4 of 4 Following my terribly unfair trial by the Time Lords, I found myself forced into exile on Earth, and even forced me to regenerate into something dreadful... well, as things with me normally seem to go, even though I couldn't go anywhere, trouble was kind enough to come and find me, this time in the form of the Nestene and their plastic Auton servants. |
KTEH 54 San Jose, CA Sunday at 9PM PST The War Machines all 4 episodes, restored version Sunday at 11:18PM PST The Sontaran Experiment both episodes The humans manage to create a computer called WOTAN that can think for itself. The only problem is that it thinks everything would be a lot better off if it was running the show! So, you guessed it, it sets out to conquer the world using its deadly War Machines. I was never worried, though. After all, WOTAN couldn't even get my name right! And have I told you about the time that I fought a Sontaran in the far future? I have? Oh, well... next! (see WYBE) |
BBC America Saturday at 5PM EST, Sunday at 2PM EST The Sontaran Experiment movie format Have I told you about the time... oh, never mind. (see WYBE) |
Well, I hope you all have enjoyed my commentary. Oh, the stories I could tell you... but there's not nearly enough time for that, now is there? If you haven't enjoyed it, then never fear, because Benjamin shall return in a week with his own take on things. In the meantime, I'll be ready to hop back into my TARDIS for a quick getaway if Benjamin doesn't like the column this week... |