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See broadcasts for Big Finish ReleaseThe Wasting

Last updated 02 January 2017
The Wasting
Released: Thursday 30th June 2005
9:00pm BST (20:00 GMT) < > « » Premiere < > « »
Big Finish Release
Featuring: Nicholas Courtney, Siri O'Neal, David Tennant

A deadly flu-like infection is sweeping the planet. Its first cases appeared in Britain but now millions are infected worldwide and there is no sign of a cure. The emergency services can't cope with what the press have dubbed a plague…
Under attack from all sides, UNIT in Britain is in disarray. It faces a stark choice - to close its doors and concede defeat, or to fight back, whatever the cost… and the injured Colonel Emily Chaudhry knows UNIT has never backed down from a battle…
If UNIT is to fight back, it's going to need the services of its missing commander, Colonel Brimmicombe-Wood, and the experience of the Brigadier, who can never refuse when duty calls…

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Released Source: Big Finish