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See broadcasts for BBC KidsThe Masque of Mandragora: Part Three

Last updated 02 January 2017
The Masque of Mandragora: Part Three
Broadcast: Saturday 4th October 2003
3:30am-4:00am EDT (07:30 GMT) < > « »
BBC Kids
Featuring: Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Gareth Armstrong, Tim Pigott-Smith

Tempted by the promises of ultimate power offered by Mandragora, Hieronymous plots to eliminate the threat posed by the Doctor and uses an unwitting Sarah as his weapon.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 1st October 2003:
BBC Kids
7 days a week 1 + 3:30AM EDT (10PM + 12:30AM PDT) - 2 episodes weekdays, full stories weekends
Wed The Seeds of Doom pts 5+6 of 6
The Krynoid comes to full height, takes control of the plants of the world, and prepares to have children. Can the 4th Doctor and Sarah save the animal life of Earth from becoming a dinner buffet?
Thu The Masque of Mandragora pts 1+2 of 4
Fri The Masque of Mandragora pts 3+4 of 4

The 14th series of Doctor Who launches with a new Console room, a wild ride through 15th Century Italy, and the prospect of the Mandragora Helix stopping the Renaissance from beginning.
Sat Pyramids of Mars all 4 pts
1911 Earth. An archaeologist accidentally unleashes the power of Sutekh. Egyptian god. Powerful destroyer of worlds. All-around looney. The 4th Doctor has to stop this menace - Sutekh is operating out of a house on the grounds where UNIT HQ is supposed to be built later in the century.
Sun The Brain of Morbius all 4 pts
Morbius' brain is very much alive. But little else is left of him. At the very least, he needs a head. Preferably a gullible Time Lord's head. About the Doctor's size. Professor Solon hopes to demonstrate his medical skills with very sharp equipment.
Mon The Hand Of Fear pts 1+2 of 4
Tue The Hand Of Fear pts 3+4 of 4

A quarry blast unearths a fossilized hand that is millions of years old. And alive. And dangerous. Elisabeth Sladen departs the series after this story.
23 November 10AM EST - Doctor Who marathon