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Saturday 13th March 2010

This Week In Doctor Who - March 13, 2010
(posted 13th Mar 2010, 1:21pm - TWIDW post #1029)
This Week In Doctor Who
March 13, 2010 - Vol 13, No 10
The weekly guide to Doctor Who broadcasts worldwide since 1998.
by Benjamin F. Elliott
AUSTRALIA - ABC Australia has decided to premiere
the first new Doctor Who episode The Eleventh Hour on their iView internet
service before the TV showing. iView gets the episode late Friday 16 April
at Midnight, 43 hours and 30 minutes before the ABC1 premiere on Sunday 18
April at 7:30PM. Apparently the remaining 12 episodes will premiere on ABC1
first in the Sunday slot before going on iView. iView tends to keep episodes
available for 2 weeks, and it is not available outside Australia.
USA - BBC America has firmed up some of its
premiere plans. There will be a daylong Doctor Who marathon on 17 April
before the premiere of The Eleventh Hour. At 8PM, 11PM, 2AM Eastern (5PM,
8PM, 11PM Pacific), BBC America has a special called "Who Is The Doctor?"
promising an "all-access look inside the universe of the world's biggest,
most successful sci-fi television program". Premiere episode "The Eleventh
Hour" will air at 9PM, Midnight, and 3AM Eastern (6PM, 9PM, and Midnight
Pacific) unedited with limited commercial interruption in a 67 minute time
slot. Based on the expected length of the episode, this sounds like roughly
the commercial load you would get watching a Doctor Who episode on BBC
America On Demand. BBC America is stating that the premieres of the episodes
will be the UK versions, and that all episodes will premiere uncut.
BBC America is also reporting that they will go to an East Coast and a West
Coast feed for programming as of Monday 26 April. Most major US cable
networks do this already - it is an attempt to air shows at the same time of
day on both US coasts. If you live in the Eastern Time Zone, the Central
Time Zone, or have either DirecTV or Dish network - you will be on the East
Coast feed, which assumes primetime is 8PM to 11PM Eastern Time. If you live
in the Mountain Time Zone, Pacific Time Zone, Alaska, or Hawaii - and get
BBC America from a cable service - you will probably be on the West Coast
feed, which assumes primetime is 8PM to 11PM Pacific Time. For Doctor Who,
the first impact should be with the 3rd episode, expected on Saturday 1 May,
when West Coast feed people get the first airing of a new Doctor Who episode
3 hours later than the East Coast feed..
UK - BBC One has not confirmed a premiere date yet. "Easter 2010" presumably
means Easter weekend, so most people are expecting that it will be Saturday
3 April. BBC One will probably delay confirming the date as long as possible
to confuse ITV's schedulers, only giving it out when they start their
publicity campaign for Doctor Who's premiere.
UK - BBC Radio 7 is going to have some new to
radio Doctor Who themed programming soon. They will be airing Barry Letts'
audio version of his autobiography (Barry Letts was a longtime Doctor Who
producer and writer, he passed away in 2009). They also have plans to air
audio versions of certain TARGET novelizations of classic Doctor Who
stories, read by Tom Baker. Everything that will air has previously been
released to buy on CD. Hoping to update with some dates and times soon.
Expect stuff in late March and through April.
The official cast list for the 2010 Doctor Who series:
The Doctor: Matt Smith
Amy Pond: Karen Gillan
Due to technical issues I am still far behind on podcasts, and plan to bring
that section back in a week or two when I might be able to keep track of
them again. I seriously thought I had a chance to do that today, but my
computer erased all trace of today's column overnight, forcing me to rewrite
from scratch in 1/3rd to 1/4th the usual editing time.
For press releases on Doctor Who, keep an eye on the BBC Press Office and C21 Media .
Listings for PBS and Podcasts are in This Week In Doctor Who PBS and
Podcasts. Sarah Jane Adventures and K9 are in This Week In Doctor Who
Spinoffs. Torchwood info is in Torchwood This Week.
Corrections and updates are welcome at ,
, TWIDW on AOL IM , and thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. The listings:
New Series General Information:
16:9 Widescreen Digital,14:9 Cropped Letterbox Analogue
Easter 2010 - Series 31, Starring Matt Smith
Airdate unknown - S31, Ep 01 The Eleventh Hour 65 minutes
BBC Radio 7
available via UK digital radio, UK digital TV, live streaming worldwide,
archived one week via iPlayer
In the next few weeks, expect to hear the late Barry Letts read his
autobiography and Tom Baker reading several of the TARGET novelizations of
classic Doctor Who stories. Days and times TBA.
ABC iView:
Late 16 April Midnight S31, Ep 01 The Eleventh Hour 65 minutes, Australian
iView is an internet service that can be seen in Australia. Normally, Doctor
Who episodes will appear on the service after their ABC1 premieres and
remain for 2 weeks, similar to the iPlayer in the UK. This is the only
episode currently planned to premiere online in Australia ahead of the TV
18 April 7:30PM S31, Ep 01 The Eleventh Hour 65 minutes
BBC America
DirecTV 264 Dish 135,879 DishHD - available, don't know the channel number
Saturday 7PM EST/4PM PST S29, Ep 09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2
Tuesday 8PM, 11PM, 1AM EDT/5PM, 8PM, 10PM PDT S30, Eps 04+05 "The Sontaran
Stratagem/The Poison Sky" (movie version)
20 March 7PM EDT/4PM PDT S29, Ep 10 Blink
23 March 8PM, 11PM, 1AM EDT/5PM, 8PM, 10PM PDT S30, Ep 10 Midnight
27 March 7PM EDT/4PM PDT S29, Ep 11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 (previously
scheduled, may change)
3 April - TBA
10 April - TBA
17 April - All Day Doctor Who marathon
17 April 8PM, 11PM, 2AM EDT/5PM, 8PM, 11PM PDT "Who Is The Doctor?" (new BBC
America documentary)
17 April 9PM, Midnight, 3AM EDT/6PM, 9PM, Midnight PDT S31, Ep 01 "The
Eleventh Hour" (67 minute slot, limited commercial interrruption, US
premiere of the Matt Smith episodes!)
Dual Feed begins Monday 26 April. For viewers in the Mountain, Pacific,
Alaska, and Hawaii Zones, it will be like most major cable networks -
satellite customers will be on the East Coast feed, Cable customers will be
on the West Coast feed 3 hours later with the shows focused at Pacific Time
prime time. Everyone in the Eastern and Central Zones should stay on the
East Coast feed.
3 April 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 4 April Noon and 4PM EDT/9AM and 1PM PDT S30, Ep 14 The Next Doctor
3 April 10:25PM EDT/7:25PM PDT, 4 April 1:20PM and 5:20PM EDT/10:20AM and 2:20PM PDT S30, Ep 15 Planet of the Dead
3 April 11:40PM EDT/8:40PM PDT, 4 April 2:35PM and 6:35PM EDT/11:35AM and 3:35PM PDT S30, Ep 16 The Waters of Mars
10 April 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 11 April Noon and 5PM EDT/9AM and 2PM PDT S30, Ep 17 The End of Time: Part One
10 April 10:15PM EDT/7:15PM PDT, 11 April 1:15PM and 6:15PM, 10:15AM and 3:15PM PDT S30, Ep 18 The End of Time: Part Two
17 April 9PM EDT/6PM PDT S31, Ep 01 The Eleventh Hour (premiere of new episodes)
SIC Radical
Series 4 premieres.
Sunday 4:15PM CET S30, Ep 12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2
Syfy Spain
Series 30 (including the 2009 specials) first run. Series 27, 28, and 29 weekday repeats.
Saturday 9:10PM, 20 March 1:40PM, 21 March 5:15AM, Late 21 March 4:10AM CET S30, Ep 12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2
Monday 7:10AM CET S29, Ep 13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3
Monday 4PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 06 Dalek
-Monday 9:30PM, Tuesday 5:30PM, 20 March 8:10PM, 21 March 8:25AM, 22 March 5:40AM, 27 March 1:20PM, 28 March 8:22AM, Late 28 March 4:45AM CET S30, Ep 13 Journey's End pt 2 of 2 (50 minute heavily abridged version) (new episode)
-Monday 10:20PM, Tuesday 6:20PM, 20 March 9:15PM, 22 March 6:45AM, 27 March 2:10PM, 28 March 9:10AM, 29 March 5:35AM CET S30, Ep 14 The Next Doctor (50 minute heavily abridged version) (new episode)
Tuesday 4PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 07 The Long Game
Wednesday 4PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 08 Father's Day
Thursday 4PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
Friday 4PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2

20 March 12:45PM and 4:25AM, Late 21 March 3:20AM CET S30, Ep 11 Turn Left
22 March 4:05PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 11 Boom Town
22 March 9:30PM, 23 March 5PM, 27 March 8:05PM CET S30, Ep 15 Planet of the Dead (65 minute slot, might be complete)
22 March 10:35PM, 23 March 6:05PM, 27 March 9:10PM CET S30, Ep 16 The Waters of Mars (70 minute slot, might be complete)
23 March 3:30PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
24 March 3:55PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
25 March 3:35PM and 8:25PM CET S28, Ep 00 The Christmas Invasion (60 minutes)
26 March 4:05PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 01 Rose
29 March 4PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 02 The End Of The World
29 March 9:30PM, 30 March 4:45PM CET S30, Ep 17 The End Of Time, Part One (65 minute slot, might be complete)
29 March 10:35PM, 30 March 5:50PM CET S30, Ep 18 The End Of Time, Part Two (74 minute slot, might be complete)
30 March 3:10PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 03 The Unquiet Dead
31 March 3:30PM and 8:40PM CET S27, Ep 04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
BBC Entertainment Asia
All times Korea - adjust for local time zone. Subtitles available in various
local languages.
Series 30 first run episodes.
Sunday 9:45AM and 5:15PM S30, Ep 09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2
Sunday 6PM DWC 4-09 River Runs Deep
-Tuesday 9PM and 12:30AM and 4:40AM, Wednesday 10:05AM and 2PM, 21 March
9:50AM and 5:15PM S30, Ep 10 Midnight (new episode)
Tuesday 9:45PM and 1:15AM, Thursday 5:55AM, 21 March 6PM DWC 4-10 "Look
Who's Talking"
23 March 9PM and 12:30AM and 4:25AM, 24 March 10:10AM and 1:35PM, 28 March
9:40AM and 5:10PM S30, Ep 11 Turn Left
23 March 9:50PM and 1:20AM, 24 March 5:15AM and 11AM and 2:25PM, 25 March
5:55AM, Late 27 March 12:05AM, 28 March 6PM 4-11 Here Come the Girls
30 March 9PM and 12:30AM and 4:20PM, 31 March 10:10AM and 1:35PM S30, Ep 12
The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2
30 March 9:45PM and 1:15AM, 31 March 5:05AM and 10:55AM and 2:20PM, 1 April
5:50AM DWC 4-12 Friends and Foe
BBC Entertainment
Series 29 repeats/Series 30 First Run in April.
4 April 2:20PM CET S29, Ep 01 Smith and Jones
4 April 3:05PM CET S29, Ep 02 The Shakespeare Code
4 April 3:55PM CET S29, Ep 03 Gridlock
4 April 4:45PM CET S29, Ep 04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
4 April 5:30PM CET S29, Ep 05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
4 April 6:15PM CET S29, Ep 06 The Lazarus Experiment
4 April 7:55PM CET S29, Ep 07 42
5 April 2:20PM CET S29, Ep 08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2
5 April 3:05PM CET S29, Ep 09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2
5 April 3:50PM CET S29, Ep 10 Blink
5 April 4:35PM CET S29, Ep 11 Utopia pt 1 of 3
5 April 5:20PM CET S29, Ep 12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3
5 April 6:05PM CET S29, Ep 13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 (Edited
International Version)
-5 April 6:50PM and 4:40AM CET S30, Ep 00 Voyage of the Damned (start of
new episodes)
11 April 6:15PM, 16 April 6PM and 3:55PM CET S30, Ep 01 Partners in Crime
18 April 6:15PM, 23 April 6:05PM and 4:10AM CET S30, Ep 02 "The Fires Of
25 April 6:15PM, 30 April 6:05PM and 4:05AM CET S30, Ep 03 "Planet Of The
BBC Entertainment South Africa
Series 30 premieres in April.
29 March 6AM CAT DWC 3-08 Alter Ego
30 March 6AM CAT DWC 3-09 Bad Blood
31 March 6AM CAT DWC 3-10 Do You Remember the First Time?
3 April 6AM, 4 April 5AM CAT DWC 3-01 Meet Martha Jones
4 April 6:10PM and 3:45AM, 5 April 7:45AM and 7:10PM, 10 April 3:50PM CAT
S30, Ep 00 Voyage of the Damned (start of new episodes)
10 April 6AM CAT DWC 3-02 Stage Fright
11 April 6AM CAT DWC 3-03 Are We There Yet?
11 April 6:25PM and 11:20PM, 12 April 8:10AM and 7:30PM, 17 April 4PM, 18
April 5AM CAT S30, Ep 01 Partners in Crime
11 April 7:20PM, 17 April 4:55PM, 18 April 6AM CAT DWC 4-01 A Noble Return
17 April 6AM DWC 3-04 A New York Story
18 April 6:25PM and 11:10PM, 19 April 8:10AM and 7:30PM, 24 April 4PM, 25
April 5:10AM S30, Ep 02 The Fires of Pompeii
18 April 7:20PM and 12:05AM, 24 April 4:55PM, 25 April 6AM DWC 4-02 "The
Italian Job"
24 April 6AM DWC 3-05 Making Manhattan
25 April 6:25PM and 11:30PM, 26 April 8:10AM and 7:30PM S30, Ep 03 "Planet
Of The Ood"
25 April 7:15PM DWC 4-03 Oods and Ends
BBC Three
Doctor Who Confidential
First broadcaster of Doctor Who Confidential.
Monday 7PM GMT S30, Ep 09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2
Monday 7:45PM, Tuesday 5:10AM GMT DWC 4-09 River Runs Deep
Tuesday 7PM GMT S30, Ep 10 Midnight
Tuesday 7:45PM GMT DWC 4-10 Look Who's Talking
Wednesday 7PM GMT S30, Ep 11 Turn Left
Wednesday 7:50PM GMT DWC 4-11 Here Come the Girls
Thursday 7PM GMT S30, Ep 12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2
Thursday 7:45PM GMT DWC 4-12 Friends and Foe
22 March 7PM GMT S30, Ep 13 Journey's End pt 2 of 2 (65 minutes)
23 March 7PM GMT S30, Ep 14 The Next Doctor (60 minutes)
24 March 7PM GMT S30, Ep 15 Planet of the Dead (60 minutes)
29 March 7PM BST S30, Ep 16 The Waters of Mars (62 minutes)
30 March 7PM BST S30, Ep 17 "The End Of Time, Part One" (60 minutes)
31 March 7PM BST S30, Ep 18 "The End Of Time, Part Two" (60 minutes)
no episodes scheduled
All times 1 hour later on Watch plus 1.
Saturday 8PM and 1:45AM, Sunday Noon, 26 March 8PM GMT, 29 March 5PM BST
S28, Ep 07 The Idiot's Lantern
Late Monday 2:35AM GMT DWC 2-06 From Zero to Hero
Late Tuesday 2:40AM GMT DWC 2-07 The Writer's Tale
Late Thursday 2:40PM GMT DWC 2-08 You've Got the Look
20 March 8PM and 1:10AM GMT, 29 March 8PM BST S28, Ep 08 "The Impossible
Planet" pt 1 of 2
22 March 8PM, 23 March 5PM GMT S28, Ep 03 School Reunion
23 March 8PM, 24 March 5PM GMT S28, Ep 04 The Girl in the Fireplace
24 March 8PM, 25 March 5PM GMT S28, Ep 05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2
25 March 8PM, 26 March 5PM GMT S28, Ep 06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2
27 March 8PM GMT, 30 March 8PM, Late 31 March 1AM BST S28, Ep 09 "The Satan
Pit" pt 2 of 2
31 March 5PM and 8PM, 11 April Noon BST S28, Ep 10 Love & Monsters
1 April 5PM and 8PM BST S28, Ep 11 Fear Her
2 April 1:50PM, 3 April 7:05AM BST "Doctor Who" 1996 TV Movie (BBC One's
pre-watershed edited version, 100 minute slot)
2 April 3:40PM, 3 April 11:25AM BST S28, Ep 00 The Christmas Invasion (80
minute slot)
2 April 4:55PM and 8PM BST S28, Ep 12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2
3 April 12:45PM, Easter Sunday 11AM, 7 April 5PM BST S29, Ep 01 "Smith And
3 April 1:45PM, Easter Sunday Noon, 8 April 5PM BST S29, Ep 02 "The
Shakespeare Code"
3 April 2:45PM BST S29, Ep 00 The Runaway Bride (80 minute slot)
3 April 4:05PM BST S30, Ep 00 Voyage of the Damned (95 minute slot)
6 April 5PM BST S28, Ep 13 "Doomday" pt 2 of 2
9 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 03 Gridlock
12 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
13 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
14 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 06 The Lazarus Experiment
15 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 07 42
16 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2
19 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2
20 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 10 Blink
21 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 11 Utopia pt 1 of 3
22 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3
23 April 5PM and 8PM BST S29, Ep 13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3
BBC Online
Shada - starring Paul McGann and Lalla Ward. 6 episodes. A retired Time
Lord in Cambridge needs the Doctor's help to recover a Time Lord book before
the scientist Skagra can find it.
"The Scream Of The Shalka" - starring Richard E. Grant. 6 episode story. The
Shalka prepare to conquer the Earth from below. Can the Doctor be convinced
to save the day one last time?
"Real Time" - starring Colin Baker and the Cybermen. 6 episodes. The Doctor
and Evelyn Smythe research a temple that has been yanking scientists out of
time, bringing them face to face with the future of the Cybermen. (NOTE -
While Real Time is listed on the website, only the audio version is working.
The video versions are not working at this time. Please, someone at the
BBC - fix this.)
Doctor Who Confidential
The 13 episodes from Series 1 of the BBC Three series all online via Real
Player in the CutDown format used for repeats and the Series 1 DVDs. Also,
numerous video diaries and trailers.
France 4
Episodes dubbed in French.
Saturday 10:15PM CET S30, Ep 10 Midnight
20 March 10:15PM CET S30, Ep 11 Turn Left
SciFi Germany
Series 27 and 28 repeats. Dubbed in German.
23 March 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 24 March 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 01 Rose
24 March 9:45PM and 1:35AM, 25 March 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 02 Das Ende der Welt (The End Of The World)
25 March 9:45PM and 1:55AM, 26 March 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 03 Die Rastlosen Toten (The Unquiet Dead)
29 March 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 30 March 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 04 Aliens In London pt 1 of 2 (Aliens Of London)
30 March 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 31 March 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 05 Der Dritte Weltkrieg pt 2 of 2 (World War Three)
31 March 9:45PM and 2AM, 1 April 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 06 Dalek
1 April 9:45PM and 2:05AM, 2 April 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 07 Langzeitstrategie (The Long Game)
5 April 11:45PM and 2:10AM, 6 April 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 08 Vatertag (Father's Day)
6 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 7 April 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 09 Das Leere Kind pt 1 of 2 (The Empty Child)
7 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 8 April 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 10 Der Doktor Tanzt pt 2 of 2 (The Doctor Dances)
8 April 9:45PM and 1:55AM, 9 April 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 11 Der Spalt (Boom Town)
12 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 13 April 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 12 Boser Wolf (Bad Wolf)
13 April 9:45PM and 2AM, 14 April 7:25PM CET S27, Ep 13 Getrennte Wege (The Parting Of The Ways)
14 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 15 April 7:15PM CET S28, Ep 00 "Die Weihnachtsinvasion" (The Christmas Invasion)
15 April 9:45PM and 2:05AM, 16 April 7:25PM CET S28, Ep 01 Die Neue Erde (New Earth)
19 April 9:45PM and 2:10AM, 20 April 7:25PM CET S28, Ep 02 Mit Zahnen Und Klauen (Tooth And Claw)
20 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 21 April 7:25PM CET S28, Ep 03 Klassentreffen (School Reunion)
21 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 22 April 7:25PM CET S28, Ep 04 Das Madchen Im Kamin (The Girl In The Fireplace)
22 April 9:45PM and 2:20AM, 23 April 7:25PM CET S28, Ep 05 Die Auferstehung der Cybermen pt 1 of 2 (Rise Of The Cybermen)
26 April 9:45PM and 2AM, 27 April 7:25PM CET S28, Ep 06 Die Ara Des Stahl pt 2 of 2 (The Age Of Steel)
27 April 9:45PM and 2AM, 28 April 7:25PM CET S28, Ep 07 Die Glotze (The Idiot's Lantern)
28 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 29 April 7:25PM CET S28, Ep 08 Der Unmogliche Planet pt 1 of 2 (The Impossible Planet)
29 April 9:45PM and 1:55AM, 30 April 7:25PM CET S28, Ep 09 Der Hollenschlund pt 2 of 2 (The Satan Pit)
TV4 Guld
Retro station airing Classic Who in late night.
Late Monday 1:40AM CET "No Episode Description" eps 81 through 84 of 128
Tuesday 5:10AM CET "No Episode Description" ep 87 of 128
Late Tuesday 1:40AM CET "No Episode Description" eps 85 through 88 of 128
Wednesday 5:10AM CET "No Episode Description" ep 88 of 128
Late Wednesday 1:40AM CET "No Episode Description" eps 89 through 92 of 128
Thursday 5:10AM CET "No Episode Description" ep 89 of 128
Late Thursday 1:40M CET "No Episode Description" eps 93 through 96 of 128
Friday 5:10AM CET "No Episode Description" ep 90 of 128
Late Friday 2:40AM CET "No Episode Description" eps 97 through 100 of 128
Saturday 20 March 5:10AM CET "No Episode Description" ep 99 of 128
21 March 5:05AM, Late 21 March 4:55AM CET "No Episode Description" ep 100 of
BBC Entertainment Poland
Sunday 8:25PM CET S30, Ep 03 Planet of the Ood
Sunday 9:15AM, Saturday 20 March 6:50AM CET S30, Ep 04 "The Sontaran
Stratagem" pt 1 of 2
Saturday 20 March 7:35AM and 11:10AM CET S30, Ep 05 The Poison Sky pt 2 of
Saturday 20 March 8:25AM and Noon CET S30, Ep 06 The Doctor's Daughter
21 March 8:25AM CET S30, Ep 07 The Unicorn and the Wasp
21 March 9:20AM, 27 March 6:50AM CET S30, Ep 08 Silence in the Library pt
1 of 2
27 March 7:35AM and 11:05AM CET S30, Ep 09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2
27 March 8:25AM and 11:55AM CET S30, Ep 10 Midnight
28 March 8AM CET S30, Ep 12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2
28 March 8:50AM CET S30, Ep 13 Journey's End pt 2 of 2
Repeat run
Monday 7:25PM EET S29, Ep 05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
Tuesday 7:25PM EET S29, Ep 06 The Lazarus Experiment
Wednesday 7:25PM EET S29, Ep 07 42
Thursday 7:25PM EET S29, Ep 08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2
Friday 7:25PM EET S29, Ep 09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2

22 March 7:25PM EET S29, Ep 10 Blink
23 March 7:25PM EET S29, Ep 11 Utopia pt 1 of 3
25 March 7:25PM EET S29, Ep 12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3
26 March 7:25PM EET S29, Ep 13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3
Series 3 repeats.
Saturday 7:35PM and 1:50AM EET S29 Ep 11 Utopia pt 1 of 3
SCI FI Russia
All times Moscow. Repeat run completed. Changing name to Syfy Channel soon.
Friday 7:20PM, Saturday 20 March 1:30PM S27, Ep 02 The End Of The World
26 March 7:20PM, 27 March 2:25PM S27, Ep 03 The Unquiet Dead
BBC Entertainment
Adjust for local time, which could vary by several hours
Saturday 7:15PM, Sunday 3:20PM and 11:10PM CET S27, Ep 05 World War Three
pt 2 of 2
20 March 7:15PM, 21 March 3:10PM and 11:10PM CET S27, Ep 06 Dalek
21 March 4PM CET DWC 1-06 The Daleks
27 March 7:15PM, 28 March 3:10PM CET S27, Ep 07 The Long Game
28 March 3:55PM CET DWC 1-07 The Dark Side
ATV World
Sunday 6PM "Doctor Who - The Infinite Quest" 5 minutes, pt 5 of 13
21 March 6PM "Doctor Who - The Infinite Quest" 5 minutes, pt 6 of 13
UKTV Australia
All times 2 hours later on UKTV + 2. Times listed are Australian Eastern.
Tuesday 7:30PM S27, Ep 11 Boom Town
Tuesday 8:20PM DWC 1-11 Unsung Heroes and Violent Death

23 March 7:30PM S27, Ep 12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
23 March 8:20PM DWC 1-12 The World of Who
30 March 7:30PM S27, Ep 13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
30 March 8:20PM DWC 1-13 The Last Battle/span>
UKTV New Zealand
Series 1 repeats.
Saturday 7:30PM and 1:45AM, Saturday 20 March 3:30PM S27, Ep 08 "Father's
Saturday 8:15PM and 2:30AM, Saturday 20 March 4:15PM DWC 1-08 Time Trouble
Saturday 20 March 7:30PM and 1:45AM, 27 March 3:35PM S27, Ep 09 "The Empty
Child" pt 1 of 2
Saturday 20 March 8:15PM and 2:30AM, 27 March 4:20PM DWC 1-09 "FX"
27 March 7:30PM and 1:45AM S27, Ep 10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
27 March 8:15PM and 2:30AM DWC 1-10 Weird Science
Late Wednesday Midnight and 3AM EDT S30, Ep 09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of
Late 24 March Midnight and 3AM EDT S30, Ep 10 Midnight
BBC Kids
BBC Kids only seems to have the rights to the Peter Davison episodes at the
Late Saturday 3AM EST/Midnight PST, Late Sunday 2AM EDT/11PM PDT S21, Eps
13+14 Planet of Fire pts 1+2 of 4
Late Monday 1AM EDT/10PM PDT, Tuesday 5AM EDT/2AM PDT S20, Eps 21+22 "The
King's Demons" both pts
Late Tuesday 1AM EDT/10PM PDT, Wednesday 5AM EDT/2AM PDT S19, Eps 17+18
Black Orchid both pts (and out of sequence)
Late Wednesday 1AM EDT/10PM PDT, Thursday 5AM EDT/2AM PDT S21, Eps 1+2
Warriors of the Deep pts 1+2 of 4
Late Thursday 1AM EDT/10PM PDT, Friday 5AM EDT/2AM PDT S21, Eps 3+4
Warriors of the Deep pts 3+4 of 4
Late Friday 1AM EDT/10PM PDT, Saturday 20 March 5AM EDT/2AM PDT S21, Eps 5+6
The Awakening both pts
Late 20 March 3AM EDT/Midnight PDT, Late 21 March 2AM EDT/11PM PDT S21, Eps
15+16 Planet of Fire pts 3+4 of 4
Late 15 March 1AM EDT/10PM PDT, 16 March 5AM EDT/2AM PDT S21, Eps 7+8
Frontios pts 1+2 of 4
Late 16 March 1AM EDT/10PM PDT, 17 March 5AM EDT/2AM PDT S21, Eps 9+10
Frontios pts 3+4 of 4
Late 17 March 1AM EDT/10PM PDT, 18 March 5AM EDT/2AM PDT S21, Eps 13+14
Planet of Fire pts 1+2 of 4
Late 18 March 1AM EDT/10PM PDT, 19 March 5AM EDT/2AM PDT S21, Eps 15+16
Planet of Fire pts 3+4 of 4
BBC America On Demand
available on various digital cable systems and DirecTV
Online Now:
S29, Ep 00 The Runaway Bride (comes offline March 15)
S30, Ep 14 The Next Doctor
Coming Soon:
S30, Ep 15 Planet of the Dead (starting 15 March, first time available On
S30, Ep 16 The Waters of Mars (starting 29 March)
BBC Entertainment
Series 29 repeats
Sunday 8AM S29, Ep 11 Utopia pt 1 of 3
Sunday 9AM S29, Ep 12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3
Sunday 10AM S29, Ep 13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3
28 March 8AM S29, Ep 01 Smith and Jones
28 March 9AM S29, Ep 02 The Shakespeare Code
28 March 10AM S29, Ep 03 Gridlock
28 March 11AM S29, Ep 04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
28 March Noon S29, Ep 05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
28 March 1PM S29, Ep 06 The Lazarus Experiment
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care.
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2010.